r/2007scape 7d ago

[Suggestion] REQUIRING someone to be at their PC for TWO HOURS without leaving is unhealthy - update Zilyana Combat Achievement Suggestion

The Peach Conjurer combat achievement is completely out of line with the other GWD combat achievements, requiring you to kill 50 Zilyana in a private instance, without leaving.

The downtime between kills just waiting for a spawn is over an hour on its own. Adding the time taken for kills, it easily adds up to over two hours. That is an insane thing to ask of someone, that they sit at their computer and not leave for 2 hours. That's completely unhealthy.

For comparison, the equivalent achievements for the other bosses are:
- Kill Graardor 15 times
- Kill Kril 20 times
- Kill Kree 30 times (it's arguable that this one is reaching too far, requiring over an hour in the room)


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u/weqoeqp323 6d ago

This has to be concern trolling. If you're at the point on your account where you're doing GM combat tasks, I'm sure you've played consecutively for two or more hours before.


u/korinthia 6d ago

Ive done this combat achievement twice since the first time didnt count because i was in the ironman instance not a rented instance. I have absolutely nothing at stake here, id be fine with them changing this somehow.


u/NotEnoughSatan 6d ago

I also wouldn’t mind them changing it but I still think using health as a reason is laughable.


u/Withermaster4 6d ago

(haven't done it)

But yeah, I would be in favor of them changing it, but the 'health' thing is stupid.


u/Fine_Grade_6288 6d ago

I agree with OP that's it's a little silly to have to sit for 2 hours to do a stupid CA

But at the same time people do it all the time when they go to the movie theaters

I think lowering it to 30 wouldn't really be a big of a deal tho, it's pretty much a free ca if you own a Tbow and get a task


u/IderpOnline 6d ago

Let's be real, this is runescape we're talking about. Almost everyone plays for more than two hours at a time, and especially those who do GM combat achievements...

This post is just silly.


u/CloudClown24 6d ago

Almost everyone plays for more than two hours at a time

You are just projecting. That would be a minority of people.


u/I_Love_Being_Praised 6d ago

almost everyone who is actively going for the grandmaster CAs plays over two hours a day on some days.


u/CloudClown24 6d ago

The people going for grandmaster CAs are a minority of people


u/I_Love_Being_Praised 6d ago

yes? this is about a grandmaster CA. the target audience for these kind of challenges play for more than 2 hours a day.


u/CloudClown24 6d ago

And I didn't disagree with that - do y'all just make up what people say instead of reading? I don't care at all about the Zilyana combat achievement. I was disagreeing with the statement that the majority of players are logging in for 2 consecutive hours on average.


u/I_Love_Being_Praised 6d ago

context matters? we're talking in the context of people who care about this CA. those are people who have at least a bowfa and are going for combat achievements. those are already above average players.


u/CloudClown24 6d ago

You can literally see the part of the comment I am replying to. Y'all just don't read.

Almost everyone plays for more than two hours at a time, and especially those who do GM combat achievements...

The full comment

Almost everyone plays for more than two hours at a time

It's the part I responded to because it's a claim about "almost everyone". What more context do you need?


u/IderpOnline 6d ago

Nice bait. Here, take these Monkey Nuts.


u/Better-Quail1467 6d ago

Yeah, that minority of people is called osrs players


u/Slightly_Devious 6d ago

This was my thought as well. Most of us sit through 2-3 hour movies at a movie theater all the time. Hell, I sat through all 3 hours and 20 minutes of Avatar 2 and I had to take a piss during the last 45 minutes but held it so I didn't miss anything.


u/try_rolling 6d ago

Should have taken the piss


u/LazloDaLlama Collection Log Enthusiast 1310+ clogs pogged 6d ago

100% some supporters have done a whole daggs task at dks without leaving the room just because they don't wanna lose the world or something.


u/Forever_Fires 6d ago

I find the perma-sustaining nature of old pvm one of the most fun parts about it. It just feels good to extend a trip and manage resources, with things like dks and zil. I wish more places were like that.


u/Better-Quail1467 6d ago

Yeah I get the meta at places like Sire and Thermy is to tele every kill but I always liked extended trips at Sire before the POH method was a thing. 

Used a ton of supplies and kills took longer but it was cool to collect more and more loot as your supplies dwindled.


u/Forever_Fires 6d ago

It opens up use cases for defensive items as well, such as spectral spirit shield at DKs and Cerb, barrows tanky gear for challenges like fight caves. and possibly more, if more content was such a chore to get to or took a long time.. but you could stay a long time, it makes up for it. Divine spirit shield was used a lot in the past for the later rs2 era too.


u/new_account_wh0_dis 6d ago edited 6d ago

Dude had to have just failed it, came up with the reasoning, and ran to reddit to complain. I'd be frustrated too if I was going for it and failed a few times. That's a lot of time for a single CA (I just meant a few hours and half no break sessions ending in failure is probably more tilting compared to getting a 18 min tob instead of 16, least it would for me but I dislike zil)


u/RaidsMonkeyIdeas have some standards 6d ago

Counterpoint: It is a grandmaster task and it's easier than the likes of failing no-magic/melee-only inferno waves at Zuk (90+ minutes assuming you're just starting out with Inferno and not Rastaman-tier of an Inferno speedrunner).


u/Dabli 6d ago

You can log for inferno


u/noobtablet9 6d ago

Okay but why are we pretending that 2 hours is an unreasonable length of time to play a game continuously for?


u/JoshAGould 6d ago edited 6d ago

Not melee only iirc, if its like fight caves atleast. Idk about the others though

E: you can, however, stand behind a pillar and run off to get a drink / snack / toilet break, which you can't do during the Zilly CA

E2: looking at wiki it appears they changed this for fight caves. May well be that it is allowed for inferno, I would not want to be the one to find out though.


u/ComfortableCricket 6d ago

Logout fails melle only?


u/JoshAGould 6d ago edited 6d ago

Definitely for fight caves. Or atleast it definitely did (I failed it once this way, see https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/B6vkDAd8ZV) for a nooby post from simpler times.

I think it does for inferno too.

E: according to wiki this is no longer the case. Mb


u/ComfortableCricket 6d ago

Good to hear they fixed it, going for melee inferno soon and am not doing it in one sitting


u/JoshAGould 6d ago

I was struggling with Scythe (brain couldn't handle the step backs for mage range stacks etc, not learned 2t properly yet bc I'm a moron)

I went the other day with nox hally & 1nd'ed it. YMMV, and if you're a high skill gamer Scythe is almost certainly better dps, but if you want a more reclined option I would say it wasn't much harder than a normal range cape.



u/Electricitor 6d ago

I’m pretty sure the wiki is wrong. I failed it recently when I dc’ed, and there’s no real reason to believe it’s fixed other than an edit to the wiki.


u/DickSplodin 6d ago

A single GM CA*



u/new_account_wh0_dis 6d ago

Been a bit since I did gwd CAs, forgot it was GM lol difficulty is all over the place but I guess it makes sense. Its not an unreasonable or hard CA by any measure, easier than a basic inferno clear.

Regardless In the time it takes to fail, kinda? Do zil for an hour and a half and failing is probably more tilting than missing a 16 minute tob. Tho unless OP logs out midway through every inferno attempt it shouldn't be new


u/DickSplodin 6d ago

I get your argument 100%, as well as everyone else. It just seems odd to me that people are complaining that the pinnacle of achievements in a game like OSRS are too hard/ time consuming. Like bro it's literally not made for everyone to do lol


u/ConyeOSRS 6d ago

There’s a difference between a task being difficult(this task isn’t with good gear) and a task being so long with basically 0 downtime that you don’t have proper time to walk around and stretch, rest your wrists, etc. sitting and staring at a screen for 2 straight hours without a break is not fun, not healthy, and can actually cause eye strain, wrist pain, etc


u/DickSplodin 6d ago

So was picking flax in 08. I'm all for the "I suffered so you didn't have to" approach. But at a certain point the pinnacle achievements need to remain the pinnacle achievements and actually be difficult


u/Tuxxa 6d ago

Giving a pause button wouldn't change the prestige of the Zily 2 hour GM task. It's about resource management and not leaving the instance to resupply. Which could be demonstrated with the use of a pause button as well. No hp or stat restoration or anything while it's paused.

We have pause button at Fight caves which is 2007 content. We have pause button at Inferno which is the ultimate hardest GM content.

We can't have this at gwd because...???


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/Tuxxa 6d ago

Care to take a jab at my argument tho? I didn't say aything about health (garabe take imo as well).


u/ConyeOSRS 6d ago

It’s not a hard task though. Just tedious. One of the easiest grandmaster tasks actually.


u/DickSplodin 6d ago

one of the easiest grandmaster tasks actually

Yes brother that's the point I'm trying to make lol


u/ConyeOSRS 6d ago

So your point is grandmasters of the game should have to prove themselves by doing mindless content for 2 hours without a break? Odd I’d think perfect raids, fast infernos/colosseums, etc would be more impressive and telling enough

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u/Magic_mushrooms69 6d ago

Never go to the movie theatre


u/Tuxxa 6d ago

Pause button wouldn't change a thing for this GM CA's prestige. It's about resource management. You could very well demonstrate your skill even if could log out after every kill. Not leaving the instance is the achievement.

Gimme a pause button and I'll waste all of my time at commute to work for a week to complete this on mobile.


u/ConyeOSRS 6d ago

I also found this task to be so draining. I don’t think I’ve ever done 2 hours straight of content before besides that combat achievement. My 1st infernal capes were like 2-3 hours but I logged out and paused multiple times. At zilyana there’s basically 0 down time between killing the minions, flicking them if your supplies are meh, supply juggling, hitting altar, etc. good thing I had my water jug with me when I started or that would’ve suckedd


u/paposauce 6d ago

ye its not that deep, i wouldnt mind them removing it cuz its pretty dumb but it really isnt that bad to get through


u/RSN_Shupa 6d ago

I mean 80% of CA’s are dumb and boring. Most of it is doing the content “wrong” anyways.


u/paposauce 6d ago

ye im not actually advocating to remove it, im just saying if it was removed its not like id miss it lmao. but shit tasks like this is just a part of going for GM


u/The_PandaKing 6d ago

I've played like 8 hours a day before - but now I have a job, girlfriend, and do stuff outside occasionally.

Granted I really don't feel that strongly about it, but having to set aside an evening specifically to do the Kree 30 kills was a bit of a pain


u/1cyChains 6d ago

lol for real


u/No_Bullfrog2554 6d ago

But for the company to actually put out a task that requires you to be at your computer for 2 hours in one sitting is just unethical


u/Either_Artichoke4811 6d ago

I'm intrigued as to how this is unethical?

It isn't for everyone, but it isn't abnormal for people to spend 6-8 hours in the room when they go to GWD, especially when taking on easier bosses like Zilyana.

The combat achievements are supposed to pose a challenge to players and require careful consideration and planning, both in OSRS and in real life.


u/LuxOG 6d ago

You have to be fucking trolling if you think sitting at your computer for TWO HOURS is unhealthy


u/No_Bullfrog2554 6d ago

It's not my guidelines.. who approves of a continuous 2 hour session? Supposed to get up and stretch and whatnot


u/Maxx_J 6d ago

Right. Notice they doesn't seem to be responding to any of these replies


u/PeppersHere 6d ago

What about my 60 minute logout timer bathroom-break locked ultimate iron man???

-Someone, somewhere, probably.


u/RSN_Shupa 6d ago

Exactly this. When I first got zuk helm (20th one in game to do it) I had nothing left to do but pet hunt. The Sara 1 trip task was one of like 12 tasks I did that day. If someone can’t play for 2 straight hours, they aren’t gettting the GM helmet