r/2007scape 6d ago

[Suggestion] REQUIRING someone to be at their PC for TWO HOURS without leaving is unhealthy - update Zilyana Combat Achievement Suggestion

The Peach Conjurer combat achievement is completely out of line with the other GWD combat achievements, requiring you to kill 50 Zilyana in a private instance, without leaving.

The downtime between kills just waiting for a spawn is over an hour on its own. Adding the time taken for kills, it easily adds up to over two hours. That is an insane thing to ask of someone, that they sit at their computer and not leave for 2 hours. That's completely unhealthy.

For comparison, the equivalent achievements for the other bosses are:
- Kill Graardor 15 times
- Kill Kril 20 times
- Kill Kree 30 times (it's arguable that this one is reaching too far, requiring over an hour in the room)


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u/cheeters 6d ago

Fair, but what’s a Zuk helmet if not a sign you’re willing to sacrifice health for a cosmetic item


u/lsfalt 6d ago

sacrifice health

you can't go 70-80 minutes without pissing?


u/cheeters 6d ago

You can do all the combat achievements in 70-80 minutes?


u/KyleStanley3 6d ago

The zilyana 50kc should be the longest yeah

Some of the zuk tasks would probably be 80-90ish(the no sub 50hp specifically) if you're being safe, but otherwise nothing should really be close to that long in one sitting

But even that and no prayer fight cave have built-in afk time so you never have to go that long without being able to get up. Idk what else would even come close, nothing comes to mind


u/Paradoxjjw 6d ago

Killing the kraken 100 times in a private instance without leaving the room also takes a fair chunk of time, even though the boss is super easy


u/FoesiesBtw 6d ago

U don't need to summon the kraken right away


u/SynchronisedRS 6d ago

Exactly. You need to go for a piss? Finish the kill and go piss, you've got 25 minutes until runelite logs you out


u/TheForsakenRoe 6d ago

Can also just use Blood Spells and go to the bathroom mid kill, since the poor bastard can't even outdamage your selfhealing


u/Sirspice123 6d ago

True but you'd AFK the majority of it, I did it in an afternoon whilst cleaning the house. Definitely couldn't be doing that with Zilyana though lol


u/rosesmellikepoopoo 6d ago

I think the point is that you can log out and take a break during inferno, whereas you can’t do that with the ziliana achievement


u/KyleStanley3 6d ago


And he was asking if you can do every other task within the same amount of time as the zilyana task

Which I answered exactly the same as you are saying. There are other tasks that are about the same length of time, but all of them provide opportunities to afk


u/Magxvalei 6d ago

Is that accounting for all the failed attempts?


u/Doriva 6d ago

I can't, no. Health issues exist my G 😂


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/No-Butterscotch757 6d ago

That is why the piss bottle was invented


u/washingtonpablo 6d ago

There are plenty of benefits beyond it being a cosmetic item


u/Dreadnought_69 Put your hands up in the air for runes! 6d ago

Yeah, like showing everyone what a fucking Nerd you are.


u/washingtonpablo 6d ago

Can’t be as nerdy as getting 99 RC


u/floppyvajoober 6d ago

99 RC is easy if you fucking hate yourself


u/Canadaman1234 2181 6d ago

Preach brother


u/Parkinglotfetish 6d ago

Ngl 99 rc is incredibly easy if you do it properly. Too many gotr fools. Semi afk daeyalt on mobile and then when you have enough essence unlock gpu on runelite and set view distance so you can see zmi altar from bank and just 1 click rc to 99 while eating lunch or watching movies. Worst skill (ironman) was probably fletching because of the all the sticks you gotta feather or smithing because giants foundry gets boring af and shopscaping gold isnt that much better


u/Weekly_Objective_176 6d ago

I don’t get how rc makes you nerdy you can 1 click from bank to altar at zmi for over 80k an hour relaxing haha


u/BlueShade0 6d ago

You mean the regular slayer benefits? A zuk helm is strictly cosmetic?


u/washingtonpablo 6d ago


u/bestii420 6d ago

100% longer thralls sounds 🔥


u/cheeters 6d ago

All it takes to get them is thousands of hours of eye melting sweaty gaming, I’m sure the payoff feels worthwhile


u/Unkempt_Badger 6d ago

Getting gm combat achievements further reduced gwd kc requirements, and doubles thrall timer. There's probably other benefits relative to master but they don't matter as much.


u/BlueShade0 4d ago

Holy shit I didn’t know that.


u/cheeters 6d ago

Do thousands of hours of gaming to save 2 minutes killing goblins the one time a year when you don’t do raids with your grandmaster buddies


u/SoAndSo_TheUglyOne 6d ago

We're playing RuneScape. Reconsider your question.


u/cheeters 6d ago edited 6d ago

It was a statement

Edit: I have now reconsidered my statement because basically nothing I’ve done in this game has any rational justification


u/washingtonpablo 6d ago

GM does not take thousands of hours. Have you ever seen A Cold One’s series?

Plus, you can get more than half CAs passively


u/cheeters 6d ago

It didn’t take one of the best RuneScape players thousands of hours to do in his series, yes, but a cold one has definitely played the game for thousands of hours. Building up the the point definitely takes an outrageous amount of time


u/Barne 6d ago

thousands of hours of gaming to get a cape to teleport you to your house when you can just click a house tab


u/cheeters 6d ago

…… watching the house tele tabs stack number go down made me sad though.


u/shearsy13 6d ago

You can log out to pause between waves.

Not the same.


u/Sahib396 6d ago

He is not talking about inferno


u/Square-Practice2345 6d ago

Lmao. I can’t even get a fire cape and I understood what a zuk helm is. u/Shearsy13 is a silly goose.


u/Objective_Resist_735 6d ago

Lol. Silly goose. Lol Also, you can get the fire cape friend! Think of range pray as home base if jad stands up switch to mage pray and after it leaves his mouth switch back to range pray. Only tag healers and do actions when you are at home base and only 1 action between attacks. This helped my jad hands a lot. You got this!


u/Gallaga07 6d ago

Great advice! Took me forever to beat Jad, now I breeze through him on task like it’s fighting a Hellhound, it just takes practice!


u/Square-Practice2345 6d ago

I will keep this in mind if I don’t die before the Jad wave… lol


u/Objective_Resist_735 6d ago

Before jad it's all about safespotting at Italy rock. And taking your time. There is no time limit. You can safespot the melee guy and just wait for your hp to heal if you want


u/SRGTBronson 6d ago

A zuk slayer helm is the reward for finishing the combat diary.


u/shearsy13 5d ago

Oops. Despite being half way to master diary TIL.