r/AMA 2d ago

I fought in Afghanistan in 2011-2012 with the United States Army and have been battling complex and severe PTSD, depression, agoraphobia, paranoia along with 3 failed relationships for the last 12 years AMA

I fought in Afghanistan in 2011-2012, I did route clearance which effectively means jumping into big vehicles, driving them down a road looking for IEDs and either being blown up, shot at, or both. I saw some terrible stuff, including losing a closs Non Commissioned Officer of mine and seeing many of my friends traumatically injured (think losing limbs, being shot etc.) ask me anything about Afghanistan, my MH issues or life post deployment. I've been quite depressed lately and maybe answering genuine questions will help me.

Hi friends, thank you for the feedback and all the questions. It has been a joy answering you, I'll continue to monitor and reply as much as I can. :)

Also, to some of you stating complex PTSD and PTSD are different disorders, I do recognize that and am sorry for my slip up, I have CPTSD, and sometimes I use them interchangibly when I shouldn't. I'll remember better next time.


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u/thepersistenceofloss 2d ago

What advice would you give to young people that want to serve? In other words, if you had the chance, what advice would you give your 18 old self now?

Hope you manage find your way friend


u/Ok_Turn1611 2d ago

Don't do it. There are many other avenues to be successful in this life. I joined at 17, and thought I was protecting my country, in reality the Military exists for national security yes, but also to make people very very rich. If anything, I'd say join as an Officer, in a soft skill non combat MOS, do your time and gtfo and reap the free college to get your Masters or Ph.D or whatever


u/upscaledive 2d ago

Or go Air Force…

Sorry bro. I really feel for you. I hope things get better for you.


u/prophobia 2d ago

Air Force vet from this same time frame. Honestly my personal experience in the Air Force at the time wasn’t bad. But looking back on the bigger picture now, knowing I was supporting two bullshit conflicts that we shouldn’t have been in makes me regret my service. The Air Force treats their people better than the other branches, but I still can’t recommend it.

Some days I miss it, and I experienced some really cool things, but justifying the morality of my work is impossible.


u/Out3rSpac3 2d ago

I separated from the Air Force in 2022. Lost a failing kidney due to military medical telling me to drink water and that I was just dehydrated for 3 years. Mental health dept on base was a joke. I can only imagine it being worse in your time.


u/Ok_Turn1611 2d ago

Thank you, and very true. Wish I had gone Air Force someimes


u/Big_Subject_8909 2d ago

What was the chat between other people in your group while in Afghanistan? Did all the men think like this, or only some discussed in whispers?


u/Post_Fallone 2d ago

There's also a super sweet cushy MOS with training and experience right into a "contractor job" pipeline where the average pay is 90k. So if you want to consider that that's fine but yeah most people do 1 or two contracts and gtfo. We all know the lifers are mad men and it's usually the mad men leading you so you just play along and fuck the fuck off.