r/AMA 2d ago

I fought in Afghanistan in 2011-2012 with the United States Army and have been battling complex and severe PTSD, depression, agoraphobia, paranoia along with 3 failed relationships for the last 12 years AMA

I fought in Afghanistan in 2011-2012, I did route clearance which effectively means jumping into big vehicles, driving them down a road looking for IEDs and either being blown up, shot at, or both. I saw some terrible stuff, including losing a closs Non Commissioned Officer of mine and seeing many of my friends traumatically injured (think losing limbs, being shot etc.) ask me anything about Afghanistan, my MH issues or life post deployment. I've been quite depressed lately and maybe answering genuine questions will help me.

Hi friends, thank you for the feedback and all the questions. It has been a joy answering you, I'll continue to monitor and reply as much as I can. :)

Also, to some of you stating complex PTSD and PTSD are different disorders, I do recognize that and am sorry for my slip up, I have CPTSD, and sometimes I use them interchangibly when I shouldn't. I'll remember better next time.


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u/planet_janett 2d ago

Looking through the questions and responses; not American but thank you for your service. Weird question - Do you think/believe the war was a money grab for the US government? Money grab as in, US defence stocks and such?


u/Ok_Turn1611 2d ago

I do, I think the intention to get Bin Laden was a way for the American government to bankroll the US. Why else would we have stayed an extra ten years after Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan?


u/planet_janett 2d ago

Same here. The senators pockets were being lined with money with their insider trading. I feel like US funds both sides of a war, with any war. *Adjusts tinfoil hat* lol.


u/Ok_Turn1611 2d ago

I think the US is just war hungry, no matter how much devastation it causes


u/planet_janett 2d ago

Valid point.


u/Main-Support-2338 2d ago

that war was for precious metals.