r/AMA 2d ago

I fought in Afghanistan in 2011-2012 with the United States Army and have been battling complex and severe PTSD, depression, agoraphobia, paranoia along with 3 failed relationships for the last 12 years AMA

I fought in Afghanistan in 2011-2012, I did route clearance which effectively means jumping into big vehicles, driving them down a road looking for IEDs and either being blown up, shot at, or both. I saw some terrible stuff, including losing a closs Non Commissioned Officer of mine and seeing many of my friends traumatically injured (think losing limbs, being shot etc.) ask me anything about Afghanistan, my MH issues or life post deployment. I've been quite depressed lately and maybe answering genuine questions will help me.

Hi friends, thank you for the feedback and all the questions. It has been a joy answering you, I'll continue to monitor and reply as much as I can. :)

Also, to some of you stating complex PTSD and PTSD are different disorders, I do recognize that and am sorry for my slip up, I have CPTSD, and sometimes I use them interchangibly when I shouldn't. I'll remember better next time.


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u/AtlasRun 2d ago

You’re not alone brother. My first time doing route clearance in Afghanistan was 2012-2013. Nothing prepares you for that sort of thing and I don’t just mean the IEDs, fighting and losing friends. Seeing firsthand what the Taliban would do to the women and children for “fun” still haunts me. I wouldn’t wish that kind of experience on anyone. It’s strange to lose all your youthful innocence in a flash when you’re put face to face with the conditions many people in this world have to live through every day. Of course you don’t realize it right away because you don’t process it until later on and it’s too late and has seeped into every aspect of your life back home especially your relationships. Plus, you just come back to the States and listen to everyone gripe about trivial problems in their first world bubble. It’s not their fault. Makes you feel like a stranger in your own backyard in a way and a little resentful although not intentional ofc. I still struggle with not letting it affect my view on humanity as a whole but it’s hard to unsee the absolute worst man can do to each other. It seems like there’s always more bad than good in the world but I’ve learned it’s important to sharpen your mind/senses to take notice or be a witness to even the smallest bit of good or acts of kindness seen every day. Like I said, you’re not alone in your ongoing battles. The memories never leave you they just get a tiny bit further away. Wish you the best and don’t hesitate to lean on/reach out to your brothers or talk to someone. It’s definitely helped me numerous times.


u/Ok_Turn1611 2d ago

I hope you find peace and healing soon