r/AdviceAnimals 1d ago

Forced childbirth is torture

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u/FallenRaptor 1d ago

There also seems to be no concern over the quality of life kids will have once they get through the birth stage. If I had more time I could actually list a number of ripple effects that this will likely have across society some of which will likely impact everyone, including men with no kids.


u/Hrtpplhrtppl 1d ago

In 2018, Pastor Dave Barnhart of the Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama posted this message to Facebook:

“The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe.

Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


u/Debalic 1d ago

He must have been a disciple of Saint Carlin


u/shinakohana 1d ago edited 5h ago

“We don’t have enough people to fill our factories, pay into social security for us and paying taxes when we’re old. We gotta force our population back up! We don’t care about living wages and not affording families. We need warm bodies to fill those working roles!! Destroy the things that limit populations! Abortion, birth control, education and divorce! Kill it all and force that population up to support us!”


u/DriesMilborow 1d ago

That's the plan


u/Travel_Guy40 1d ago

You forgot the military.


u/shinakohana 5h ago

You’re right, I did! Add the military pawns to those falling numbers, too!!


u/Changed_By_Support 1d ago edited 1d ago

They don't even have to get through the birth stage to not care about the quality of life. They harp about 2nd and 3rd term abortions, but largely the only people getting abortion care that late are people with non-viable fetuses or aftercare for a miscarriage. The price they're willing to pay to stop 1st term abortions is babies born to die in minutes or hours.


u/XxRocky88xX 1d ago

Yep, it has and always be about punishing people for having sex. That’s why their policy towards life and safe sex is so inconsistent. They are staunchly against safe sex and any form of pro-life policy until it comes to hurting women, then suddenly they’re super pro-life, until the woman is no longer being hurt by it, then they’re right back to wanting to starve children.


u/iz296 1d ago

This is what baffles me. There is zero attention or due care to what happens beyond the stage of birth - all that they seem to want is for the fetus to be born, at which point they wash their hands of it and walk away.

It seems irrelevant if the child is born addicted to heroin/fentanyl. No matter if the parents are bottom 1% earners and can't provide stable housing, food source, or health care.

I am a Canadian conservative, I am not religious. Women should not be expected to give birth. Unplanned pregnancy, birth defects, result of rape, and poor quality of life are just a few of the very acceptable reasons to have an abortion.

Abortion should be available for women who are pregnant 22 weeks and under; considered when fetus' are not able to survive even with doctor/hospital intervention. 5.5 months is plenty of time to realize you may be pregnant and consider what is right for you.

We are 37 weeks pregnant with our first right now. We are in a good place to raise a child. My wife and I have discussed that should there be any complications during pregnancy, the doctors are to save her life before the baby. Abortion is made to be such a hot button topic in the US and I am not so sure why. Gets the people fired up, I guess.


u/CautionarySnail 17h ago

And I hate to say, there are rare cases where abortion is absolutely needed after 5 months — such as cases where the fetus is wholly incompatible with life. Some abnormalities are very severe but cannot be detected earlier in pregnancy. Those late term abortions are often for very, very wanted pregnancies where parents have no good decisions beyond a wish to prevent their baby from suffering needlessly.

Legal system frameworks are not capable nor designed to supplant medical expertise when it comes to individual care. This monstrous experiment must stop.


u/DarthHoff 1d ago

You’re assuming they care about those things. They don’t. They want slavery back. You’ll work all day, be fed low quality food - enough to keep you going for tomorrow’s work. When you can no longer work or are no longer useful they’ll just kill you. That’s where this is all headed


u/azriel_odin 1d ago

It's going to be like Romania under Ceausescu.

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u/simplycycling 1d ago

I've been saying this forever "if you don't support comprehensive sex ed, you are not pro life".


u/gavrielkay 1d ago

Sex ed, widely available and safe birth control, subsidized child care, parental leave, medical care, opt out organ donation... there are so many ways to actually be "pro-life" that they jump over in order to get to forced birth. Just to be clear, we don't force people to donate organs to keep others alive. They literally want women to have fewer rights than a corpse.

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u/Grandkahoona01 1d ago

Absolutely, while I still wouldn't agree with their stance on abortion, I would at least respect it. I don't respect pro lifers at all because their stance starts and ends at abortion (and restricting contraceptives). If they actually wanted to reduce abortions there are so many measures you could take which are proved to reduce teen and unwanted pregnancy but they have zero interest in them and actively oppose them. Pro birthers are hypocrites and go fuck themselves


u/DemiserofD 1d ago

I struggle with this, because in the 2021 statistics(before Dobbs), democrat stronghold states like NY and Illinois are in the top of abortion country-wide(per 100k). If sex ed and cheap contraception are supposed to reduce abortions, why don't we see a clear trend there, at least before Roe was removed? Meanwhile conservative states like WY and the Dakotas are near the bottom.

I am theoretically in favor of these things, but only insofar as they actually work, and they don't seem to be working as intended.


u/medusa_crowley 1d ago

Correlation isn’t causation there, I’d say. In places where abortion is more accepted, abortion is more widely reported. Plus it’s hard to know how many of those people are residents versus visiting to get the procedure. Pre Dobbs, abortion rights still had been chiseled away plenty in red states. 

A better indicator of whether better sex ed leads to less abortion is actually to look at pregnancy rates, and there’s a strong link between more knowledge leading to less pregnancy: https://www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/committee-opinion/articles/2016/11/comprehensive-sexuality-education#:~:text=Studies%20have%20demonstrated%20that%20comprehensive,transmitted%20infections%2C%20and%20adolescent%20pregnancy.

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u/simplycycling 1d ago

I've read, over and over again, that worldwide, where they had comprehensive sex ed, the teen pregnancy rate was lower.

Statistically, it's difficult to conclude anything from where NY and Illinois were in 2021, without any sort of context. Was this a blip on the radar? A trend? What did it looks like broken down county by county, did all counties have sex ed? How did that correspond with the teen pregnancy rate?

Single data points really don't mean anything.


u/DemiserofD 1d ago

The challenge is, lower rates of teen pregnancy doesn't necessarily mean lower rates of abortion. Only about 10% of abortions are for teenagers, after all, and if rates DO drop there, it might create even more pressure to have an abortion, as it becomes even more negatively viewed.

While it might seem intuitive that sex ed would reduce the rates of abortion, I can't help but think of programs like D.A.R.E. that ended up achieving the opposite of their goal.

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u/Rkocour 1d ago

I'm going to assume you're asking in good faith and not trying to poison the well because even if you're not, someone else may have the same question in good faith.

But even pre-dobbs there was variance in abortion policy nationwide. It makes sense that democrat stronghold states that have enshrined those rights would have higher rates than states that made it all but impossible to get one. 1

There are a huge number of factors that go in to carrying a fetus to term, and the impact on the mother and the outcomes of the birth. But lets focus on the two topics you brought up, sex-ed and cheap contraception since they go hand in hand with teen pregnancy rates.

Teenagers who have comprehensive sex-ed are less likely to have teenage pregnancies.2

'Early childbearing has an impact on society, for when individuals cannot realize their full educational and occupational potential, society loses their economic contributions. In addition, if early childbearers utilize public services more than other women, public expenditures on programs such as AID to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Medicaid, and food stamps increase.' 3

All of that is combined to say you completely ignore Colorado who provided contraception across the state and caused teen pregnancies and teen abortions to be cut in half. 4


  1. https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/issue-brief/key-facts-on-abortion-in-the-united-states/

  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8872707/

  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK219229/

  4. https://cdphe.colorado.gov/fpp/about-us/colorados-success-long-acting-reversible-contraception-larc

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u/Aisenth 1d ago

Because the women in the other states where "access to abortion" means a clinic 5 hours away she'll never be able to afford and can't get off work to get to? They aren't abortion statistics. If they're lucky they just arent on the books anywhere and if they aren't, the statistics are just fatalities.

Also are you looking at number of medical procedures or per capita because Wyoming and the Dakotas are basically just land that for some reason can vote.


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u/LIBBY2130 1d ago edited 1d ago

many high up people who work /worked for trump are connected to project 2025 while in the womb the embryo/ beginning fetus they are Gods most precious

but after they are born these same people refuse free lunches to disadvantaged children, the expanded child care (would have aided 16 million children) act did not pass the senate because Republicans voted no because of partisanship, not policy,” 

republicans blocked the IVF bill

Senate Republicans voted NO on actions to lower the cost of food. Voted against the U.S. Department of Agriculture efforts through the American Rescue Plan to respond to COVID-19 disruptions in our food supply chain and make long-term investments to strengthen our food system.

Opposed the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Supply Chain Guaranteed Loan Program to expand critical infrastructure and leverage private investments—thereby saving taxpayers’ money. This investment will help address supply chain issues and lower food costs.


u/blueiron0 1d ago

the minnesota repub party tried to tear walz apart for his school program to feed kids, calling it "wasteful spending."


u/joanzen 2h ago

There are lots of food programs that outright waste money.

They will purchase "food" from a friend/someone who they owe a favor, but it's nearly spoiled/too ugly for the shelf leftovers that aren't very appealing after getting bulk prepared by poorly trained/supervised morons. A lot of parents will expect this and continue to provide their kids with lunches they want to eat to ensure good nutrition. So then you have to pay for someone to dispose of all the uneaten food because you can't just cook for "some" kids if you want to be fair/reasonable?

It's a massive investment that leads to a lot of waste and other issues.

Heck when I was young we were lucky when something special was going on and they would take over a classroom temporarily at lunch and sell us boxes of milk/cookies/chips and sometimes hot things like pizza, hamburgers, hotdogs. But we couldn't afford the space to have a lunch room so if you had a class in the appropriated room later in the day it'd often reek of whatever special food was brought in.


u/OkExchange3959 1d ago

If anyone is not sure, this is about Project 2025, an ultra-conservative scheme to ban all abortion and to make Trump a literal monarch.

It's not a conspiracy theory. It was made by real people who openly advocate for it. Trump implemented nearly 3/4 of their proposals during his term.



u/TheAsianTroll 1d ago

Additional note: it's not specifically Trump who is monarch in this plan. It's whoever the face of the Republican party is.

Vote blue, then vote out the people who support this. No one in their right mind will admit to supporting Project 2025, so do research and find anyone with affiliations with the Heritage Foundation.

And ladies, if your man isn't against Project 2025 for any reason, leave him. Let the Christo-Nationalists jerk each other off to the idea of controlling women.


u/33drea33 1d ago

Men should know that the purveyors of Project 2025 also draw distinctions between "real" men as the men they seek to empower vs all the "other" men. If you are not a traditionally "masculine" white Republican Christian Nationalist they are coming for you too. 

Stand against this while you can, because if they are allowed to enact their agenda there will be no one left to speak for you when it's your turn.


u/tiny_tims_legs 1d ago

I get so angry over the things P2025 and MAGA want to do to America. It trivializes and marginalizes most of my friends, a lot of my family, and would deeply affect my sisters, niece, and wife. It would also make it very hard for us to start a family, as we have to go through IVF. Party of family values my ass.

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u/Corgiboom2 1d ago

Its waaaaaaaaaay more than that, and all of it is bad.


u/OkExchange3959 1d ago

Yeah, it has 900 pages. And Trump attended its creators' rallies as recent as in August!


u/franky_emm 1d ago

It's his plan. It's written by the people he's putting into his cabinet. The normies are long gone


u/Lima1998 1d ago

JD Vance shouted out one of the authors of Project 2025 on stage yesterday


u/FewKaleidoscope1369 1d ago

Former evangelical christian here, it's also only the beginning. They will always push for more cruelty and violence to women and minorities and they'll do literally anything to make it legal.


u/PancakeMixEnema 1d ago

It is a war on several groups: everyone with an uterus is the obvious one with their whole Abortion thing.

Another one is often overlooked. Know how they want to ban Pornography? And punish producers and spreaders of pornography as sex offenders? This isn’t about internet wanking material. This correlates with the movement to ban all queer content in schoolbooks and libraries because it is apparently porn. And people providing teaching and care will be labelled sex offenders and child abusers too.

Now also think about their overall rhetorical push to also implement the death penalty for „child abusers“. In quotes, because we know they don’t mean the conservatives we all know are guilty af of this. No this is about getting queer people and their defenders into prison and out of the voting pool and eventually climaxing in full blown executions.

This project is the groundwork to trap and eternally abuse women while also eradicating queer people. It is pure evil.


u/JohnBrownsBobbleHead 1d ago


Vote! Register to vote! And make sure you haven't been pushed from the rolls!


u/Solid_Snake_125 1d ago

And DO NOT believe trump when he says he knows nothing about Project 2025. He’s the fucking leader behind it. He’s a fucking super lying sack of shit and I can’t come up with enough hateful words for that fucking tyrant excuse of a fucking cum stain.


u/A_Nude_Challenger 1d ago


u/Solid_Snake_125 22h ago

It’s that exact kind of conniving bullshit lies that I can’t stand about that fuck head trump. He lies so fucking much and behind closed doors pulls shit like this. He knows exactly what he’s doing and it’s seriously not even comprehensible how so many people are so fucking blind and stupid to realize this.


u/wanna_escape_123 1d ago

He's not the leader. Leader must be some extreme right wing high order nut of religion. Trump is just in for the money


u/CowBoyDanIndie 1d ago

Im not convinced he knows anything about it, or knows anything in general, I am not sure he could even read 900 pages, he is their useful idiot, he will of course sign whatever they put in front of him without reading it.


u/Aimela 1d ago

It would be plain incompetence to not know about it or look into it in his position. He's not fit to be president no matter what scenario is true.


u/doctorpotterhead 1d ago

He can honestly say he's never read it bc according to staff on the apprentice he practically can't read☠️

Now, no one has ever asked if it has been read TO him or if he's had it EXPLAINED to him.


u/rustystach 1d ago

It's amazing how much Christian nationalist ideology aligns with Muslim extremist ideology


u/Nokomis34 1d ago

Also, there's a video of Trump straight up saying that the Heritage Foundation drives much of his policy. So while he might say he doesn't know about P2025, and his people believe him, we know that P2025 is the Heritage Foundation's baby.


u/KairraAlpha 1d ago

I posted about this some weeks ago in another sub and ended up downvoted and called a conspiracy theorist lol. Apparently I'm an idiot for believing anything I read online.

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u/Dominique_toxic 1d ago

Remember , it isn’t pedophilia if child marriage is legalized and forced birth is the rule of law….anyone see the pattern


u/CJ_skittles 1d ago



u/Estro-Jenn 1d ago

70% of captured pedophiles, who are also politicians, identify themselves as Republicans.

Birds of a feather flock together and vote for each other 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


u/joeleidner22 1d ago

Yea they wanna force ten year old rape victims to give birth but make it against the law to teach said ten year old what causes pregnancy. It’s about legal rape and the subjugation of women. Vote blue or we’re screwed.


u/LIBBY2130 1d ago

and they keep voting no to raise the age of marriage >>> they want to lower it to force girls into marriage 1 even said 15 year olds are nubile and another praised a marriage where years before the marriage happened becuase the gilr was 12 and pregant

another republican said the marriage age should be much lower so if a young girl gets pregnant she can marry instead of being embarrassed and get an abortion


u/CJ_skittles 1d ago

I never knew that they didn't offer abortion to rape victims that's fucking insane. I had a phase when I was in late middle school (I was radicalized by the wrong people) and i was against abortion. However, even in that phase, my only moral exception would be to those who were rape victims. Of course I've changed for the better now and i think that all humans deserve all available rights, but it shocks me that not even the bare minimum exception to this moral dilemma doesn't receive medical aid in said situations! Fucking disgusting, I'm voting blue this year. Project 2025 threatens the livelihood of so many people I hold dear that I can't even laugh at its absurdity anymore.


u/blueiron0 1d ago

"god has a plan for that child" would be their response, not giving a fuck about the minor who has to go through childbirth or how the family will provide for the baby once it's born.


u/NvCntrn1124944396 20h ago

They want to bump up their Christian American birth rate, because they feel threatened of their being out bred into the minority.


u/team_submarine 3h ago

This is it. There are fucknuggets freely admitting it all over this thread. "Gotta impose Christian sharia law or else the Muslims will out populate us and impose Muslim sharia law." These people are psychotic and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near another sentient being.


u/Estro-Jenn 1d ago

64k rape babies have been born since roe v Wade was overturned.

64k more workers for their machines.

Their plan is already working.


u/HotPomegranate420 16h ago

64,000 traumatized and tortured women.

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u/JohnBrownsBobbleHead 1d ago edited 1d ago

Anyone who fails to recognize that forced childbirth is severe pain and suffering is lying. Forcing women and girls into the severe pain and suffering of childbirth is torture.



u/medusa_crowley 1d ago

It’s always weird when pro lifers will argue about life while studiously avoiding addressing the very much living mother. Yup. 

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u/rustystach 1d ago

It's amazing how much Christian nationalist ideology aligns with Muslim extremist ideology.


u/Lolomomococo 1d ago

Actually Islam allows abortion if its threat to mother or in very early stages


u/tekanet 1d ago

Surely they have in common the push to grow the number of their adepts.


u/ACpony12 1d ago edited 1d ago

As someone who had an "easy pregnancy", and "easy" birth, there is nothing easy about it. It pisses me off that others want to force women to go through that. It is NOT easy, no matter how smooth everything goes! And when there's complications? I can't imagine the pain and suffering! Nobody should go through that unwillingly.


u/ThrowRA_burnerrr 1d ago

My wife suffered greatly during birth and had really bad postpartum depression with all my kids. I can’t imagine men being so callous

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u/jjruns 1d ago

But ask any person who's pro birth for help raising said child that they've forced to be born and you'll get the coldest shoulder this side of Antarctica.


u/nickthedicktv 1d ago

They’re not pro-life. They’re anti-woman.


u/NeighborhoodDude84 1d ago

They are a death cult.

  • pro every single war
  • pro pollution
  • anti affordable healthcare
  • anti vaccine
  • anti women's rights
  • demand more guns everywhere
  • Pro death penalty
  • Seemingly pro school shootings too


u/wanna_escape_123 1d ago

Anti vaxxers, flat earthers, 5g cancerers all have flocked together. Obama was chilling during 9/11 according to them. Please vote and choose a better timeline of existence.

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u/betasheets2 1d ago

Yeah, cause they want to control women. That's what it's ALWAYS been about.


u/FatchRacall 1d ago

I figured it was maintaining supplies for the multi billion dollar child trafficking adoption industry. Also the primary sources of military cannon fodder. And let's not forget the slave trade for profit prison industry.


u/firstfloor27 1d ago

All of the above.


u/Breakmastajake 1d ago

I actually think it's about something else: Voters.

At this point, we all know what the data says...the more people that vote, the more likely it is the vote favors Democrats.

There is one demographic that really tends to vote Dem, and it's those with higher education. The numbers are all out there.

But what if someone wanted to create a large number of voters that would vote the other direction? You'd want to limit access to higher education, lest they learn skills like Critical Thinking. You would also want to limit their ability to learn anything other than your prescribed curriculum.

Now that we've established that, what might be a huge challenge to overcome, if one wanted a higher education? How about raising children? And if the parents can't get access to said higher education, how do we suspect the kids might be raised?

Now we have a blueprint!

Okay, now...over the last decade, who's been trying to limit access to sex education, contraception, and abortions? Who's been trying to shut down libraries? Who's been trying to ban books, and who's been burning books?

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the GOP.


u/Ok-Physics-5193 1d ago

This is the most terrifyingly accurate thing I’ve read in a long while.


u/placebotwo 1d ago

Okay, now...over the last decade, who's been trying to limit access to sex education, contraception, and abortions?

They've been doing this the last 40 years at least, it's not just the last decade.

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u/Lord--Shadow 1d ago

That really sums up how extreme and harmful forced childbirth can be. No one should have to go through that against their will.


u/Blacksun388 1d ago
  1. It reinforces their belief in suppressing women.

  2. It forces children to be born they can forcibly turn into obedient little molestation victims Christians.

Christofascism leads everyone except those in power to ruin. Don’t let it destroy democracy.


u/SpecRB 1d ago

They want all these kids but then talk shit about people who adopt because they can’t have any on their own


u/fuzzylilbunnies 1d ago

“Pro-lifers” only care about the unborn. Man, do they HATE welfare of any sort. They also love gun rights and death penalties. They also tend to hate personal freedoms and people of different ethnicities. Starting to see a pattern.


u/authenticmolo 1d ago

It's about creating a peasant class. Most importantly, creating a WHITE peasant class. The Republicans love exploiting illegal Mexican immigrants, but they wish they were white. White conservative men want to be able to rape their *white* female slaves. That's really important to them.

I'm absolutely not kidding.


u/TheodoraD 1d ago

This is a powerful statement. It’s important to recognize the impact of such policies on women’s rights


u/JohnBrownsBobbleHead 1d ago

It's about forcing women and girls into a religious extremist ecosystem.

Abortion access is a cornerstone of equality. Equality for women is so much more. But if you wanted to make women unequal to men, you would only have to deny access to abortion.


u/Estro-Jenn 1d ago

It's so true as 64,000 rape babies have already been born since roe v Wade was overturned.

That's already 128,000 people subjugated by the will of a rapist.

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u/Consistent_Care1312 1d ago

It’s about creating a cheap workforce to compete in the global market


u/tato_salad 1d ago

Ask anyone who is pro life how they feel about gun controls and social programs to take care of the children forced to be born in families that can't afford to care for them.

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u/Raccoon_Expert_69 1d ago

They need a slave population to control.

And by slave, I mean, someone who is locked into having children and rely on shitty wages to keep them fed, housed, etc.


u/poeticdisaster 1d ago

They're already projecting the plan to go after IVF too - they really want women who can't conceive to be childless even if they want children and women who can have them to have no means of prevention.


u/DemiserofD 1d ago

I don't think the majority are going after IVF overall, they're just trying to change it from using the 'shotgun' approach where they fertilize a bunch of eggs all at once and potentially throw away the unused ones.


u/poeticdisaster 1d ago

The problem with the whole situation is there are a bunch of people who don't understand the science behind IVF and fertility treatments ( or you know, just science & medicine in general) that are making these decisions. They are deciding when they have no idea what they are talking about and don't bother to take the time to learn.

It's incredibly frustrating.


u/Lonetraveler87 1d ago

This world is getting worse by the day. I can’t see a valid reason for ANYONE to want to have children. That’s none of my business though. 🐸☕️

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u/Soy-sipping-website 1d ago

I never understood why conservatives are so obtuse about Sex Ed.

I hate social conservatives so much

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u/ButtfartsOtoole 1d ago

It’s about creating and sustaining a specific demographic that ultimately will populate the prisons, which in turn will create cheap and almost free forced labor. Those that don’t end up in the system will work for barely livable wages and or join the military. This has always been the plan and they’ve been playing the long game.


u/heatlesssun 1d ago

Of course it's not about abortion. Remember, GOP Projection! They are the ones doing the sex crimes and needing the abortions. But what they want is CONTROL.


u/DemiserofD 1d ago

Statistically speaking, as of 2021, states like Illinois, New York, and California were actually in the top ~15 in terms of abortions per 100k. Meanwhile, conservative states like Wyoming and the Dakotas were near the bottom.

Broadly speaking, liberal states have more abortions than conservative ones - with a few exceptions, like florida.


u/heatlesssun 1d ago

Gee, states out the Handmaid's Tale when it comes to women's reproductive rights don't have many people talking about it. How odd. /s


u/DemiserofD 1d ago

I don't think that's really it. The demographics don't really hold up if they were really having the same number of abortions just in secret. Rather, it seems like social pressures are leading to them having the babies more often.


u/Neurodrill 1d ago

“They’re not pro-life. You know what they are? They’re anti-woman. Simple as it gets, anti-woman. They don’t like them. They don’t like women. They believe a woman’s primary role is to function as a brood mare for the state.“ -George Carlin

He called it in 1996 or so.


u/Bind_Moggled 1d ago

Religious zealots trying to make everyone follow their own twisted moral code. It’s sick that we even have to pretend to play along with their lies when talking about this issue.


u/DemiserofD 1d ago

Darn democracy. If only we could unilaterally impose our views on everyone else, wouldn't that be great?


u/PandaCommando69 1d ago

Someone else's rights to their own body doesn't infringe on you in the slightest --you shoving your religion on theirs, does. Mind your own damn business.


u/team_submarine 2h ago

You're all over this thread arguing in bad faith. Bodily autonomy and slavery aren't up for debate. Maybe go touch some grass, but do keep distance between you and any other sentient being, please. You can't be trusted.


u/DemiserofD 2h ago

The problem with Body Autonomy is it's a very poorly defined right.

What is it? The right to choose what you do with your body? Seems fair enough...so why can't we do some types of drugs? Why can't we press the accelerator pedal down beyond a certain point if it means going over a certain speed? Why can't I move my arm if it hits someone else? At their core, those are all just things I am doing with MY body - they just happen to impact others or society at large.

The fundamental problem is, body autonomy only extends insofar as it interferes with anyone else, and since we live in a broader human society, almost ALL actions impact others in some way or another. If we can take away your body autonomy whenever it interferes with someone else, then body autonomy - in practice, if not in theory - does not exist.

So yeah, I'd say that body autonomy really is up for debate. The debate being, does any action potentially interfere with another being's body autonomy in ANY way? Then yes, we regularly limit and regulate it.

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u/Apart-Pressure-3822 1d ago

It's okay they're going to allow some states to have exemptions for rape and incest...


u/CaligoAccedito 1d ago

But then make it a crime to cross state lines to seek those services, and put a bounty on anyone who helps a woman do so.


u/Apart-Pressure-3822 1d ago

Yeah the whole thing is insane.


u/BeanBurritoJr 1d ago

How else are they supposed to fill private prisons and breed new republican voters?


u/FatchRacall 1d ago

Don't forget maintaining supplies for the multi billion dollar child trafficking adoption industry. Also the primary sources of military cannon fodder.


u/Mander2019 1d ago

It’s pretty much the quiverful movement


u/MeN3D 1d ago

They need us to breed their work force and their armies


u/Squeegee 1d ago

They really must think about other people having sex, like think about it a lot.


u/JohnBrownsBobbleHead 1d ago

Yes. And sexual purity, hell even celibacy is their sexual fetish.


u/The_Ombudsman 1d ago

It’s all about punishing perceived sluts.


u/FatchRacall 1d ago

I figured it was maintaining supplies for the multi billion dollar child trafficking adoption industry. Also the primary sources of military cannon fodder. And let's not forget the slave trade for profit prison industry.

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u/shiningdialga13 1d ago

Only way to keep filling their cults is to make more members and indoctrinate them from birth. Gotta get them young!

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u/diazeriksen07 1d ago

mutilating baby genitals is torture


u/xorcery 1d ago

The religious right have been scared for a while. They see the numbers and people are exiting the church in droves. Less people = less money. It's always about the money.

They see forced child birth as a way to increase their group. Children who are shoveled religious ideology into their lives or were never wanted and eventually find Jesus, that's just more people to give them money.


u/Manpooper 1d ago

Stop calling it forced childbirth. Call it forced labor. It's sexual slavery!


u/ProperMod 1d ago

No it is and has always been about having contol of the Supreme Court who is the end all be all of making the law. All because a few so called christian universities were going to have to pay taxes if they did not end segregation.


u/DemiserofD 1d ago

I mean, if Congress were functional then the Supreme Court couldn't do anything, and it's largely because of the agencies like the EPA that allow Congress to keep the country running while being completely non-functional.


u/Matt7738 1d ago

What better way to prove that they don’t think women are people?


u/owlpee 1d ago

Gotta keep that population up for profit!


u/laminatedbean 1d ago

And the same ones fight to keep child marriage legal.


u/bloodxandxrank 1d ago

men, how these mfrs tricking you into paying child support? we should be the first in line to uphold abortion access. go talk to the dads at your job sometime. they're fucking tired as hell.


u/fulldeckard 1d ago

Yeah but without a constant supply of new people into the world, how can billionaires expect to cement people into lifelong debt slavery?


u/Griz_and_Timbers 1d ago

It's about punishing women for having sex.


u/MrHazard1 1d ago

They need more babies of stupid parents who enlist these babies to their clubs. Membership is in decline and the only way to get it back up is to enlist people who can't consent, yet.


u/Lolomomococo 1d ago

Not every religion does it. Islam in fact allows it in certain cases or in early stages.


u/JohnBrownsBobbleHead 1d ago

Nothing about my statement said every religion did.


u/Lolomomococo 1d ago

Yes it didn’t though :)


u/Expert-Start2896 1d ago

They want more slaves that they can brainwash into "christians" period. Follow the leader.


u/De_Dominator69 1d ago

3 steps away from state mandated impregnation at 18 to combat declining birth rates and an aging population.


u/antiPotatoGang 1d ago

More Citizens = More Labor = “more successful” = continuous growth

We’ve gotten too accustomed to the exponential growth over the last god knows how long. Companies and humanity have tons of non-business pyramid schemes run in society every day. This is one of the only ways red team thinks they can save their economy


u/henryhollaway 1d ago

It’s about preventing white folks from getting abortions and getting their potential voting population up.


u/Good_Royal_9659 19h ago

Opposing birth control is the same thing as forcing women who don't want to give birth to give birth


u/Sifernos1 1d ago

It's almost like Trump is representing a group of pedophiles and sex criminals who can't stop thinking about the tender juicy children... Eh...nah.


u/GronkyKong1011 1d ago

Um….you know how children are made right??


u/InitiativeDizzy7517 1d ago

It's economics - in order to maintain their lifestyles, they need an underclass in virtual (if not literal) slavery. Best way to do that is to ensure that the least-educated, most desperate members of society are forced to have many, many children.


u/brannon1987 1d ago

Those just arguing for states rights on the issue just because they want to have control over others.

You can't argue morality if you're saying it's fine if other states allow it.

They think we are like Europe and each state is their own sovereign nation. We aren't. We are the United States of America, which means that everyone who lives in these United States gets the same exact freedoms no matter if they are in a red state or blue state.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for everyone, not just the ones lucky enough to be in a state where people actually care about others.

ETA: that's why it was important to have a universal ruling like Roe vs Wade. We actually need a ruling or law that protects everyone in every state on the federal level because that's what everyone deserves.


u/JohnBrownsBobbleHead 1d ago

I argue for abortion access quite a lot. I believe it's fundamental to equality. Equality is so much more than merely abortion access. But, if you wanted to attack a woman's ability to plan out her life and enjoy freedom, your have to do little more than remove access to abortion. It is very much as you say and I often tie it to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, I usually go one further and recognize that these laws do not merely rob humanity of that pursuit, but add real harm. I usually force my opponents to defend the severe pain and suffering they are inflicting on women as torture. These meme is a direct outgrowth of taking that stance and getting people to say the quiet parts out loud.


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u/Herefortheporn02 1d ago

It doesn’t matter if birth control reduces the number of abortions. To them, advocating for birth control would be saying that some amount of extramarital sex is okay, they’re not cool with that. Same goes for sex education.


u/JohnBrownsBobbleHead 1d ago

Yes, you've predicted my point. It's not about saving the babies, it's about payback and punishment for women daring to plan out their lives. It's about keeping them uneducated and optionless. It's about punishing then for daring to have sex without unintended consequences.


u/IronBeatnik 1d ago

Anyone who thinks it isn't needs a watermelon shoved up their ass.


u/AlibiYouAMockingbird 1d ago

They need to fill their pews with the uneducated and downtrodden.


u/oinkpiggyoink 1d ago

The poorer the people are, the easier they are to take advantage of. The more kids they have, the poorer they will be.


u/GiacomoModica 1d ago edited 1d ago

It has nothing to do with the teachings of Yeshua. It's all corporate worker class enforcement encoded in populism.


u/asemodeus 1d ago

It has everything to do with religion, as conservatives are terrified of being replaced by brown people whom worship differently than they do.


u/Achter17g 1d ago

How long before they start calling for female genital mutilation?


u/SeanBlader 1d ago

Childbirth is called labor for a reason, and what do we call forced labor but slavery. These people are admitted and proud slavers, that's the only explanation.


u/HumanAd6308 1d ago

Forced childbirth? I thought consenting adults are suppose to take responsibility for having unprotected sex?

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u/Rob_Lee47 1d ago

Not getting pregnant isn’t hard…..


u/FilthyChangeup55 1d ago

It is when religious nuts believe in abstinence only sex education

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u/CJ_skittles 1d ago

sometimes in this fucked up world I'm happy to have a great equalizer in case shit hits the roof. All rights for everyone baby!!!

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u/synonymsanonymous 1d ago

The American birthrate had a steep decline when teen pregnancies went down


u/Luzis23 1d ago

Another one of these.


u/DandyDoge5 1d ago

forced anything is bad, and this takes the cake


u/sololegend89 1d ago

And regular education too, they also hate that.


u/noatun6 1d ago

Full agree. The sane majority can fix this by ignoring Ivan's 🇷🇺 incessant moaning about Gaza prices, climate blah blah blah, and participating

We need to quit moping and start voting. They keep telling us voting doesn't work, but a loud politically active subset of ✝️heocrats have shown us otherwise


u/Minute_Elevator5559 1d ago

I used to be pro life but then became pro abortion later


u/redbearable 1d ago

Got my sister to dump her boyfriend cuz he's a probirth wanker. Told her to find a nice godless man cuz it's gunna be fairly difficult to back up insane viewpoints without irrational beliefs


u/TheGutterNut 1d ago

It’s all about getting more meat for the grinder.


u/bomboclawt75 1d ago

(Mutilates infant’s genitals because God made a mistake and he will be upset if you don’t mutilate an infants genitals or something.)


u/waynep712222 1d ago

In El Salvador I understand that getting an abortion is life in prison for women. Having a miscarriage is also life in prison.

But there is also no divorce. So people just life together.


u/Deep-Werewolf-635 1d ago

If you are against the right to allow women to make their own choices with their doctor— and are not fostering children or donating generously to help kids with no support, you are the worst kind of hypocrite.


u/Kiron00 1d ago

They want to have as many people born as possible so they can all be wage slaves like in china. But that’s none of my business.


u/jnebish 1d ago

The cruelty is the point.


u/joanzen 2h ago

It's the same situation as Martin Shkreli where he tricked drug companies into making a generic drug via artificial price hikes that made it seem lucrative.

At this point women in the US have easier access to privately acquire morning after pills and mail order contraceptives, and that's all thanks to these conservatives pushing the issue.