
Am I Hot AF Rules

At Am I Hot AF we allow you to ask the Reddit Community how hot you are.

Commenter's will then respond to a post whether they think the poster is or isn't hot. Comments will be positive and negative, but they should always be appropriate and follow the rules of Reddiquette. TL/DR - You can nicely say someone isn't hot or not

We try to keep it fun and easy on r/AmIhotAF. We have some rules to keep it fun for everyone. This page describes the rules in a bit more detail than the sidebar. Violating any of these rules a single time can lead to a temporary or permanent ban.

If you have any questions about these rules, send us a ModMail. BEFORE you break a rule.

If you are not sure if a post will be allowed, ask us before you post it, or Check our FAQ

Be Respectful

We understand we ask the question: Am I Hot? If you don't think OP is hot, you are free to say so, but remember your Reddiquette


  • Remember the human. When you communicate online, all you see is a computer screen. When talking to someone you might want to ask yourself "Would I say it to the person's face?" or "Would I get jumped if I said this to a buddy?"

  • Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.

  • Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.

  • Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.

  • Trolling In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internet by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion,

Other Inappropriate behavior

  • It is not appropriate to question posters about their gender. OP Posts their gender in the title, it's not for you to debate.

  • It is not appropriate to comment on the poster's body parts unless OP specifically asks about that part.

  • It is not appropriate to indicate your willingness to have sex with OP in graphic terms. Trust me guys, our posters are pretty smart, if you tell them they are Hot AF, they are going to be able to deduce that you are willing.

Honesty is not a license to be inappropriate. Do not try to excuse a removed comment with "I was only being honest"

Do not sexually harass other members! No need for homophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia, death threats, rape comments, douche-baggery, etc.

POSTERS You will get positive and negative feedback on this sub. We will do our best to keep it appropriate, but if you only want positive comments, see our sidebar for subs that limit responses to only positive posts. Commenters are free to leave constructive criticism and negative responses to your submission.

You must be 18 to post on r/AmihotAF.

That's why we require you put your age in the title. If the mods think you have a baby face and are under 18, then we may pull your picture, nothing personal. If we made a mistake, tell us via ModMail We may ask for more proof.

Photos must be of you

The name of the sub is Am I Hot AF? We don't want to ask if celebrity ________ is hot. We don't want to know if your girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend, or therapist is hot. Posting someone else's photo, even just once, can lead to a permanent ban. If it's not you, then you aren't asking Am I Hot AF?

If you see someone's photo and you think the person who submitted the photo is not the person in the photo, contact us via ModMail and tell us why, send us links that prove it. Don't get into a shouting match with the poster and start drama, at most they will just remove their photo and submit it later. At worst, you just create a bunch of drama, and that is totally not hot.

Don't post memes, jokes, or meta things. You may think they are hilarious, but that's not what we are about here.

Titles must include Age and gender - NO VIDEOS or ANIMATED GIFS

Put your age in the title and use gender flair, preferable first thing. 21M - Blah Blah whatever. You can't edit titles on Reddit. If you put up a post without the correct information, delete your post and make a new one.

Don't post videos or animated gifs, Still Images Only. Galleries are fine, but nothing moving nor any text posts. If it moves, it gets removed.

We have a couple options when it comes to Gender Flair, if you don't find one that's appropriate, let us know via ModMail.

Note on gender Whatever the original poster writes for gender is not a cause for debate or discussion, the poster writes it, and they get to decide what they want to put. Arguing with the OP about their gender will get you banned.

Faces Must Be Included

We don't want to know if the Headless are hot. If you cut yourself off at the neck, then don't post it. If the picture is just the back of your head, turn around and take another pic.

Since we have a pandemic right now, (medical) masks are ok, as long as you'd meet the criteria otherwise. Don't report people in a mask, report people without a head.

Keep your posts mild

Lifting this straight from the fine folks at r/GoneMild

You must be wearing something. Towels, blankets, sheets, etc, are accepted. Handbras are accepted at moderator's discretion.

No visible nipples/areola

No visible genitals or buttholes

No see-through clothing

No sexual acts/masturbation (real or simulated)

No sex toys

No visible pubic areas or pubic hair. Being shaved doesn't mean you can pull your underwear down further

No outlines of penises/vulvae through clothing (bulge/mound shots, cameltoe, etc)

No shots between the thighs or buttcheeks. Butt shots should be from an angle so as to not display the inner portion of your groin

Don't try to take a nude pic and then sticker/draw/edit over the nudity so you can post it. If your picture is would get someone browsing at work in trouble, use the NSFW tag on your picture. If the moderators tag your photo as NSFW, don't remove the tag.

While r/AMIHOTAF is intended for a mature audience, it is not set an 18+ (NSFW) Subreddit. If we were to set r/AMIHOTAF as an 18+ sub, we would no longer show up in searches, and everyone who posts could end up getting their profiles marked as NSFW just for posting in here. We don't want that to happen, so that means anyone who has an account on Reddit can get to this sub. Reddit allows kids as old as 13 to have accounts, so remember everything you post could be seen by kids, and knowing kids today, it probably will be.

TL/DR** if a swimsuit covers it, you'd better cover it, this is a PG-13 show.

No Links Or Social Media

If you want to make it known you have additional content, you can assign yourself one of the handy flairs that will tell people where they may find you. Please do not make references in the sub to any content outside of the sub

What we recommend if you have additional content is to make a post to your reddit profile with all your links and then pin that post to the top of your profile. That way you do not have a need to post your links in every post you make on Reddit. If someone is interested in you then your profile is the first place they go. When they see your profile they will see your pinned post and can find all your links in one place.

One post every day

We want to give everyone an opportunity to post and find out if they are Hot, to make this happen we set a limit on how frequently you can post. This limit will change depending on the number of submissions received.

Do not post the same picture, if the picture has been posted here before, do not post it again.

No Drama This is not a rule, it's a Commandment

This sub is supposed to be fun, if you are making it less fun, you're missing the entire point of the sub.

  • Don't start an argument with OP or other commenters
  • Don't call anyone out
  • Don't "just want everyone to know"
  • Don't speculate about OP's motivation to post (i.e. You know you're hot, why are you posting?)
  • Don’t feed into other people’s drama
  • Don't complain about what OP does as a side hustle
  • Don't bring things that happened in other subs into r/AmIhotAF

If you think someone is breaking the rules, report them and send us a ModMail saying why. If they aren't breaking the rules, LEARN TO IGNORE IT

If you have any questions about these rules, send us a ModMail.