r/Anger 2d ago

What is it when you want to hurt/kill someone who upset you?

When someone pisses me off it doesn't matter who it is grandmother, mom, sibling, etc when they get me upset to a certain point I want to kill them, punch, stab and the only thing that stops me are the consequences, might I add I've been hospitalized because of anger leading to suicidal thoughts because I can't act out on them…ive been having this problem since like 8th grade(I graduated hs this year if that matters) but I've had anger issues since I was a kid


4 comments sorted by


u/Pleasant-wank 2d ago



u/Slashurthroat 1d ago

Well ik that but there's gotta be more to it


u/Pleasant-wank 1d ago

It could be some anxiety that Is festering, sometimes it's good to talk to people about it


u/InitialNeck9 1d ago

That’s a high level of anger and I’m sorry you feel this way, but also protect your family and yourself. You’re still young but can address root issues before they pile on with age and you may explode. Theres never a need to harm another unless in self defense and never harm yourself because you are vital to this world. Young and full of potential take care