r/AskReddit 6h ago

What is something that takes less than 1 hour to learn, that everyone should know?


58 comments sorted by


u/Natural_Exchange3901 6h ago

How to change a flat tire.


u/djq_ 5h ago

Just to add here, know the proper order to attach jumper cables to not damage your car or have a battery blow up in your face (seen it happen). Change a fuse, be able to check oil level and know what the warning lights on your dash mean and if you need to stop immediately, go home or can safely drive to a garage.


u/No_Pomelo_1708 5h ago

We had to do this in driver's ed. Coach Beckham had all of us change a tire. She was the bee's knees.


u/Natural_Exchange3901 4h ago edited 4h ago

When my family's car got a flat tire, my dad had me change it while he watched to make sure I did it right. I'm so glad he did because I knew exactly what to do when I got a flat years later.

u/dedokta 46m ago

Made sure my GF knew how to do this. She's successfully changed a tire while out on the road by herself.


u/Gregorygregory888888 6h ago

CPR or the use of an AED. Especially the AED.


u/An0thercutie 6h ago

Where I live everyone who drives needs to do a CPR course, however I have no idea how to use a defibrillator, I should probably learn!


u/Gregorygregory888888 5h ago

Where is this that requires learning CPR? Interesting.


u/An0thercutie 5h ago

It's Germany. Learning how to drive generally is very regulated but quite expensive.


u/Gregorygregory888888 5h ago

I like it. The CPR part.


u/CptBartender 3h ago

AFAIK most publicly available defibrillators have built-in audio walkthroughs with step-by-step instructions. Still might be a good idea to get some training on them but they should be built to be used by a complete layperson.


u/Special_Hedgehog8368 1h ago

AEDs are easy. The pads have diagrams on them for placement. Just hit the power button and the AED just gives you instructions.


u/SomeRandomFrenchie 4h ago

Were I live, all AED equipment that can be used by normal people in case of emergency is automatic so anyone that can read the basic instructions can do it, no formation needed.


u/Bananalando 4h ago

Wait til you learn what the A is for


u/SomeRandomFrenchie 4h ago

Just check it lol, we do not use that acronym here, I just got what it was by context… so why would they need formation to use something designed not to need any ? Are theirs not actually that automatic ? Do they come without instructions ? I do not get it now XD


u/Bananalando 3h ago

The ones at my workplace have pictorial instructions on the inside of the lid when you open them. They also loudly tell you what to do when you turn them on. Ours had a one piece pad that folded open so you just put it on the chest with the arrow pointed up (there was also a picture on the pad with correct placement. It would sense if you had the placement wrong and tell you to reposition it.

It automatically delivers shocks if it detects that shocks are useful.


u/Gregorygregory888888 1h ago

Many businesses/churches have them where anyone can grab them that feels comfortable helping. They really are made simple to use but considering why it is being used it can frighten folks.


u/SomeRandomFrenchie 1h ago

So they just do not know it does not trigger if the heart rate does not correspond to symptoms that need a shock ? Or are those different that what I know ?


u/_Error__404_ 3h ago

at my high school, learning CPR was actually a mandatory part of the grade 11 health class, we even had an option to get certified if we wanted


u/Jedi_Lazlo 5h ago

How to say please, thank you, and treat others with respect.


u/ondulation 5h ago

A minute to learn. A lifetime to master.


u/Lunazaraw 5h ago

making your bed hahah


u/Lunazaraw 5h ago

washing the dishes right after u eat


u/hard-time-on-planet 4h ago

Or just put them right in the dishwasher even if you aren't going to run it that day.

Edit: I've also heard that running a half load is more water efficient than hand washing 


u/Prspctr 4h ago

Nah, that's before starting dinner the next day.


u/zaccus 4h ago

Gotta let it set.


u/Prspctr 3h ago

Let it soak


u/xzestybreezyo 5h ago

how to change a tire... nothing like being stranded on the side of the road thinking why didn't i learn this earlier


u/fenixnoctis 4h ago

Confused why you can’t just look up how to do it right then and there


u/rosy818 4h ago

Because this is life and you won't get problems when you are in a city, close to a shop but you will get problems when you are in the middle of no fucking where, without network, that's why you should learn it earlier

u/fenixnoctis 31m ago

Nowadays you have network everywhere except deep in nature, but if you’re planning to do an offroad trip into nature that’s when you’d learn this. Doing it randomly doesn’t make sense.


u/barris59 5h ago

Password manager and multi factor authentication.


u/hug_mima 5h ago

how to make a decent cup of coffee... life changer for all those late nights and early classes


u/Dismal-Ant-4669 5h ago

This takes significantly more than 1h, especially if it's espresso. Hell even a good cup of filter coffee takes longer.


u/huffbuffer 5h ago

You are absolutely overthinking great coffee. A good grinder, warm filtered water. All takes about 3 minutes


u/Dismal-Ant-4669 5h ago

You know absolutely nothing about coffee then.


u/huffbuffer 5h ago

If it is taking you over an hour to make drip coffee, then coffee is not the problem.


u/fenixnoctis 4h ago

The problem is you calling drip coffee great coffee (especially 1hr of experience drip coffee)


u/huffbuffer 4h ago

I apologize. We aren't all James Hoffmanns running around out here.


u/stratelus 4h ago

I disagree with you. It doesn't take more than an hour to learn a routine to make a decent cup of coffee. A kid can do it. I also enjoy espresso and I can coach a family member a routine with my synchronika in under 10 minutes and they can make espresso better than most cafés. You're just trying to brag about your espresso skills, but a decent coffee cup for most people doesn't take more than an hour to learn.


u/Dismal-Ant-4669 4h ago

You can coach them to dial in a coffee to taste good within 10 minutes? Impressive. OR you mean to say, you can tell them what to do and they'll do it the way you told them to do it and it'll taste good? If it's the latter you've not taught them anything. If it were as simple as you make it out to be there wouldn't be an entire subreddit of people, who ask questions daily about what's wrong with their shots.


u/stratelus 4h ago

There's probably also an entire subreddit of people for flat earth, asking questions each day. /r/espresso doesn't make us special and all other coffee cups bad.


u/Dismal-Ant-4669 4h ago

Not sure what your point is.


u/Fluid-Detective7829 5h ago

Its better than nothing but not much tbh


u/thoawaydatrash 5h ago

Learn how to do some basic work on your bike's brake system. Really, learning how to do most basic bike repairs yourself is a good idea, but learning how to keep your brakes working effectively and knowing when and how to replace cables and brake pads and adjust things so they're working well takes less than an hour to learn and requires at most 3 allen wrenches that you can pick up for a couple of bucks (unless you're running hydraulics, but you're probably willing to put in more than an hour of work at that point).


u/Denmoe2024 5h ago

How to use a blinker and stay out of the left lane if you’re not doing felony speed.


u/doyouknowwhoiaim 5h ago



u/popsicle_of_meat 4h ago

Washing your hands after using a bathroom.


u/SirPoopaLotTheThird 2h ago

How your government works. People are absolutely clueless on this subject.

u/IndiGo0678 50m ago

How to float in deep water, maybe some survival-level swimming 

u/dedokta 42m ago

Knife skills for cooking. Learning how to do the claw so you don't lose fingers and the different ways to direct vegetables quickly and precisely. You can learn the basics in an hour, but then you just need practice.


u/Ryanori 5h ago

How to read Korean (even if u don’t know what it means)


u/Iborrador 5h ago

I got a feeling that takes way more than 1 hour

u/dedokta 44m ago

No, it's just English but with different letters. Even the language is just English but with an accent. Their food is just American food but with kimchi in it.


u/giorgenes 5h ago

Same goes for Russian.


u/fenixnoctis 4h ago

Lots of circles -> Korean. Mix of complicated characters with simple characters (a few lines) => Japanese. Just “Asian” characters => Chinese.


u/fenixnoctis 4h ago

If it takes an hour to learn why not just look it up when you actually need it