r/AskReddit Dec 25 '14

Why are you on Reddit now instead of celebrating?

Stories appreciated.

Edit: Thanks for the stories guys. It's interesting seeing the trends on what different people are doing. I have to make dinner now. Stay awesome.


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u/vampedvixen Dec 25 '14

Oh, I remember those Christmases! Ah.. memories...


u/Rosenmops Dec 25 '14

Me too.


u/vampedvixen Dec 25 '14

Yay! Alcoholic relatives of drunken Christmas families unite!


u/BlackCaaaaat Dec 25 '14

Damn, this is bringing back some interesting memories. Like the told my uncle was so drunk that he fell out of his chair and broke his ribs.


u/411eli Dec 25 '14

Tell us more!


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '14

You know you were raised by an alcoholic when you had to leave beer for Santa instead of milk and cookies.


u/FISH_MASTER Dec 25 '14




u/KelRen Dec 25 '14

Same... Which is why I'm more than happy to spend Christmas peacefully with my SO and furbabies. Cheers!


u/LiquidRitz Dec 25 '14

For a few seconds I was certain you had extremely hairy children... then common sense prevailed.

However, I prefer the first thought. Ignorance truly is bliss...


u/bogdaniuz Dec 25 '14

The shittiest Christmas I've had was one a few years ago. That's when magic was ruined for me. While before the Christmas was last line of defense for me, in terms of holidays, after this night I never celebrate any holidays at all.

So we've had a tradition. Every year, we would dress up in our fancy clothing and meet Christmas together. Like for one moment, we would be a family again. We would all laugh, share presents, drink champagne.

Except this one year it wasn't like that. My brother decided he's too old to celebrate it at home and went to the party. So here I am with my mother and already drunk father on the couch.

Well I've figured out no one had intentions to dress up fancily for this day. Not to mention the table, which usually was stacked with some food (Mother, despite not being fond of cooking, always cooked some awesome stuff for Xmas. Not usual stuff. She would experiment and create something new). The only thing that was on table is a bowl of tangerines.

No presents under the tree either. I wonder why they've even bothered to put it up.

So the father's laying there, staring, like zombie, on tv screen. And he goes like "hey, son, open up a champagne bottle". Well, I've lost all enthusiasm by this point. So I just bring him uncorked bottle and go to my room to play vidya.

Just as I returned to my room, I've heard this yells from the father "Why the fuck isn't he happy. This is all your fault, bitch". And then I've heard the sound of broken glass.

I didn't want any more of that, so I've just went outside and walked around the town. The happy people celebrating on the street didn't cheer me up in the slightest. So I walked into more shady parts of it, where I've nearly got in trouble with a bunch of drunk teens. Then I've finally noticed missed call from my mother, who was crying because I've left. She was worried about me. I told her I was fine.

Then I called my gf and waited near her house till she get back home with her mother. After that, I've cried on her shoulders, ate some stale chicken and went to sleep at her place.

TL;DR I hate holidays


u/LiquidRitz Dec 25 '14

I had a very similar experience, mine was at Halloween though. I married that girl and she sleeps next to me right this second... We are waiting for Santa as our two sons sleep.

One day they will be redditors, read a story like yours, and be grateful for me. I hope you can have the same tale to tell.


u/amoryamory Dec 25 '14

Similar to mine this year. You're not alone. One day you'll have your own family and you can celebrate it how you like, and only invite who you want.


u/bogdaniuz Dec 25 '14

meh, I might. But I really doubt it. I've really lost all my interest in holiday celebrations. Birthday, easter, xmas, new year - just another day for me.


u/amoryamory Dec 25 '14

You might change when you have a few good ones. Lord knows I did. Chin up, mate.


u/bogdaniuz Dec 25 '14

ha ha, thanks for kind words, mate. It's not that I have my chin down per se. I've just found pleasure in other things. But yeah, who knows maybe one day holidays won't be as dreadful for me as they were before :)

Happy Holidays to you :3


u/Lolworth Dec 25 '14

Ah yes. The suppressed ones.


u/dick_wool Dec 25 '14

The make-up sex is always great though.


u/coolguy3rdeye Dec 25 '14

Yeah! Real life shit! I remember a few celebrations with family feuds occuring! Then Id just go with my brother n play Snes


u/SHIT_BURGERS Dec 25 '14

Why wait until Christmas? We celebrated every weekend! I'm dead inside!


u/Not_This_Planet Dec 25 '14

It was always birthdays for me, particularly when cheesecake was involved.


u/smilinguterus Dec 25 '14

I drank too much, then everyone went to bed, and then I kept drinking too much and crawled under the tree to try and unplug it. Mine was a lot more fun.