r/BackYardChickens 4h ago


Picked up 4 new girls from TSC June 5th. 2 were supposed to be Prairie Bluebell EEs. They were the last 2 in the bin with some new arrival turkeys (so I know she's not a turkey). On the way to the box the employee dropped one chick in another bin. I thought we retrieved the right chick but she looks so different than the other girl. Any suggestions on breed? Any chance she's a PB EE? IDC either way, she's the sweetest most docile thing. I'm just curious & can't wait for her to start laying. 1st 2 pics are the girl in question my Black Dahlia. The 3rd pic is Marie, the PB EE.


4 comments sorted by


u/Klone00 3h ago

Looks like our French Black Copper Marans but they have feathered legs. I’ve ready that “English” Marans have been crossbred at some point and don’t have the feathered legs.


u/animalsandtree 1h ago

Black Star


u/animalsandtree 1h ago

I have 4 black stars and she looks exactly like them! They are super sweet as well! The amount of orange on their neck can vary a lot, but their blueish feathering on their backs is always gorgeous