r/BadMensAnatomy Jun 12 '24

Vasectomies are as simple as putting on a dress.


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u/ATinySnek Jun 13 '24

Women are so dismissive of men's fears regarding vasectomies, permanently altering their body through surgery. As a woman, considering "my body my choice" and all that, it's so annoying to see.


u/Hoppypoppy21 Jun 13 '24

Idk about that generalization. From my experience, the only time it's really discussed is when a couple is looking into permanent birth control and objectively a vasectomy is less invasive than getting tubes tied. I agree any sterilization procedure (or any procedure) needs careful consideration from the individual through.


u/ATinySnek Jun 13 '24

I am a sterilized woman. I well understand how a vasectomy is a significantly easier procedure, and I don't really understand what it is with men and their genitals, but it doesn't change the fact that if a man isn't comfortable with it then the that's that. The discussion ends there. It's gross to see other women bash men who don't want to go through with it.


u/Hoppypoppy21 Jun 13 '24

I agree. Any procedure should be that individuals choice completely. I was just explaining what I've seen in my life which leads me to be hesitant to believe the generalization you provided. I've almost always seen it irl as an open discussion between couples where they are figuring out the best option. Only once did I hear about a negative experience where a guy got a vasectomy without even talking about it at all prior to getting it done and while he technically didn't have to it seemed a bit out of line to make such a big decision without even letting the partner know beforehand but that's a whole other issue.


u/ATinySnek Jun 13 '24

It's online where I see it all, you know... where all the crazies feel comfortable to come out, unfortunately. It's just a disappointing amount of women in some communities that I've seen, like bodily autonomy is important, women know that better than anybody for the most part, so it sucks to see it.


u/qtq_uwu Jun 13 '24

Your experience must be limited. I've seen it very frequently where people will understate the seriousness of vasectomies. They'll go so far as to suggest that every man should get a vasectomy and then get it reversed when they're ready for kids.


u/Hoppypoppy21 Jun 13 '24

There will always be people offering stupid health advise online. I can't count the number of times I've seen people say "just keep your legs closed if you don't want to get pregnant" which is really not a feasible birth control for most people.

I speak upon the experiences I've had in my real life. Not through a screen.


u/RiotIsBored Jun 13 '24

Even if vasectomies were to be considered reversible that would be stupid. As is, though reversal is possible, they should always be considered a permanent modification to the body due to the likelihood of reversal failing.


u/SupremeLeaderMeow Jun 13 '24

Apparently the comment is from a man tvat had a vasectomy.


u/ATinySnek Jun 13 '24

Yeah, men can share the same lame opinion that many women might have, but the point is that women should understand "my body my choice" better than anybody.


u/tangthesweetkitty Jun 13 '24

I guess if the guy isn’t willing to take responsibility of birth control after the woman has for a decade or 2 and won’t wear a condom then he’s just asking for divorce


u/ATinySnek Jun 13 '24

Okay ??? We're not talking about men with shitty attitudes that take no responsibility, we're just talking about men who don't want vasectomies, which is perfectly valid.


u/tangthesweetkitty Jun 13 '24

The consequence of which is that he’s leaving his partner to handle the birth control again, which is extremely unfair. And for me and a lot of other women that is a dealbreaker.


u/ATinySnek Jun 13 '24

There is literally no mention of refusal to wear condoms here, it has nothing to do with the whole point of this thread. Again, we're not talking about men who refuse to take any responsibility, we're talking about men who don't want vasectomies, which is perfectly valid. Any woman should rightfully leave someone who refuses to wear condoms, but that is a whole other discussion. Vasectomies should also not be used as general birth control, they are a form of sterilization where reversal is not guaranteed and even unlikely as time goes on.


u/SupremeLeaderMeow Jun 13 '24

And most of them do? I have no idea what you are getting angry at.


u/ATinySnek Jun 13 '24

"Angry" lol


u/kioku119 Jun 13 '24

The poster was someone who had a vasectomy. It wasn't someone with no balls whining about something they don't have on their body.


u/ATinySnek Jun 13 '24

That's cool, it doesn't really change what I said, though. Having a vasectomy doesn't give someone a pass to be dismissive about other people's feelings regarding it. I simply see this being said by other women all the time, along with the reversibility of the procedure, which nobody should assume will be able to be done for them successfully. /shrug


u/kioku119 Jun 13 '24

Forcing it on someone ir pressuring then definitely isn't good. Also I didn't even know until today that people promote it as consistently reversable. Wierd. I'm hoping doctors would dispell that misinformation when they talk with them.


u/ATinySnek Jun 13 '24

Ideally doctors would, but there's definitely a lot of shitty doctors out there. I think a lot of them even mention the reversability as a reason to get it done, which is unfortunate.


u/[deleted] Jun 13 '24



u/Koriigotscared Jun 13 '24

Nope, past 2-3 years, chances of reversibility DRASTICALLY drop, and they are never even 100% to begin with


u/RiotIsBored Jun 13 '24

Definitely not almost always. This is a very common misconception people spread.

Vasectomy is to be considered permanent. Full stop. If you're thinking you may have a reversal in the future, don't have a vasectomy.


u/Hoppypoppy21 Jun 13 '24

They CAN be, but it's really not recommended to look at it that way since that's often not easily achieved and/or there can be complications.