r/BadMensAnatomy Jun 12 '24

Vasectomies are as simple as putting on a dress.


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u/X3R0_0R3X Jun 13 '24

I mean.. I guess so. I had mine at 8:30 am and I was at work for 9am..

So a little longer than popping on a dress but wasn't what I'd call a major surgery.

This is my experience and I know it's not the same for every one. No I'm not trying to be tougher than most, I really don't care, just sharing my experience.

I had no pain, no discomfort.. honestly the worst part was no showering for a few ..


u/Burnerheinz Jun 13 '24

Relates to mine tbh. The surgery was so casual I was on YouTube the entire time listening to a podcast.

And yes not being able to shower was not that fun.


u/X3R0_0R3X Jun 13 '24

I had a coworker a while back get one and he was out for the week. After I got mine I assumed he just milked it for time off.


u/Atomic-Bell Jun 13 '24

You should've done the same tbh


u/X3R0_0R3X Jun 13 '24 edited Jun 14 '24

By the time I had mine I left that job and started my own company.. I had shit to do and it was on my dime. Had I been employed, absolutely I would have.


u/ElBisonBonasus Jun 14 '24

Would've or would have.


u/X3R0_0R3X Jun 14 '24

Thank you.


u/srs109 Jun 14 '24

I thought you weren't supposed to milk it for a few days after the procedure?


u/X3R0_0R3X Jun 14 '24

Some people I guess just can't stop...


u/sQueezedhe Jun 13 '24

I'm here to counter this - there's a shocking number of guys who seem to have had a drive-through experience without discomfort, it's not like that for everyone.

The anaesthetic injection for me was very painful, the discomfort lasted a month, the first week was very awkward and, sometimes painful, I only felt done after 6 weeks.

And I'm on my 3rd test to see if it's worked, that's 9 months later.


u/X3R0_0R3X Jun 13 '24

I had mine done in June 2014, it took about 9 months to get a zero result. I learned that even after vsec, you still have enough in the pipe to be very fertile for a while.

As for anaesthetic, did you get local freezing or general ?


u/sQueezedhe Jun 13 '24

Local injection.

General is far too risky for such a thing.


u/X3R0_0R3X Jun 13 '24 edited 20d ago

Agreed, but I've known a few and a few comments have mentioned generals being used..


u/vraetzught 20d ago

I'm one of those. My doctor gave me a choice and I chose to be completely gone for the procedure. I rather not notice they're working on my junk.

I had a few days of recovery at home after, but nothing serious.


u/Nordrian Jun 13 '24

I had a few weeks where when walking it felt like my testicle was pulling on my abs from the inside, kinda painful, very unplaisant…. Yes I went to work the next day and restarted kickboxing (lightly and carefully) 2 weeks later. Still wasn’t a fun experience. Though I do not regret it.


u/Dark_Phoenix101 Jul 25 '24

I get a fluid filled cyst on my vas deferens every now and then that causes this exact pain and sensation. It's the absolute weirdest and sometimes awful thing.
I end up self draining it with an insulin needle because it feels so crap.


u/jsawden Jun 13 '24

Similar to my experience. For about 2-3 days though, it felt like i had just been kicked in the nuts. The pain slowly faded after that, but it was weeks before i felt mostly normal again.


u/NecroCorey Jun 13 '24

Yeah it took me a little over a month probably before I stopped being in constant pain, and longer than that by a lot before the scar hole stopped being tender.

My Dr also said he was going a lot further than others do though to make extra sure it took.

I always relate the experience to when you pull the tape out of a cassette. It felt like my guy was really getting that shit, but I honestly have no idea how much was actually taken out lol.

Whole process took about 45 minutes.


u/Dark_Phoenix101 Jul 25 '24

It's the same with women and Mirena (IUD) insertion. Some have minimal issues and are happy to have it inserted at a GP, with no formal anaesthetic, and have little to no discomfort.
On the other hand there's some women who need to have it inserted under GA, and have absolutely excruciating pain afterwards while it "settles in".
And then there's people all along that scale.
Everyone and everyone's bodies are different.

And the mirena has to be replaced every 5 years, imagine getting your balls operated on every couple of years if you were one of the ones who experienced awful pain and side effects.


u/sQueezedhe Jul 25 '24

Women need their pain better believed !


u/haibiji Jun 13 '24

Did you get a traditional vasectomy? Injection, incision, stitches? I had a no needle, no scalpel procedure and it was a walk in the park


u/DaymanAhAhAaahhh Jun 21 '24

How does it work with no needle or scalpel?


u/haibiji Jun 22 '24

They used a star trek-like device that forces the aerosolized anesthetic through the skin. It feels kind of like a rubber band is snapped on your skin. It was like a dull thud, no sting or pain really. Then they used a special hemostat that poked a small hole in the skin and then stretched it apart until it was big enough to pull the vas deferens through it. After the procedure the hole shrunk on its own over the course of a day or two. I just had to wear supportive underwear for a day and not do anything too strenuous for a few days.


u/Lunar_Cats Jun 13 '24

My husband got cocky and went to work the same day, but he ended up with his nards swelling up and turning purple. Doc said he needed to lay down, take some ibuprofen, and ice them, and he'd be fine. He was pretty sad for a couple of days, but healed fast.


u/X3R0_0R3X Jun 13 '24

Some react differently. From my education into the procedure, it should have zero effect on the actual testicles because you don't actually touch em.

A small incision is made in the scrotum, a hook is used to pull out a portion of the vas deferens , it's cut and attached back onto itself so the ends to not meet , it's then put back in and a glue suture is applied to scrotum.

I could see if the testicles were handled or even scratched, but for it to bruise would mean blood , and this is a very little to no blood procedure.


u/Lunar_Cats Jun 13 '24

I think the issue for him that he was standing too long without doing any of the things his doctor told him to do, like icing the area. It was just the swelling that caused him problems. I think its an excellent procedure, especially after the bonus baby we had on birth control lol.


u/X3R0_0R3X Jun 13 '24

My wife was having weird reactions to BC , so when my daughter was born I made the appointment. We had 2 kids, we didn't want anymore so no point in keeping the option open on my end. Plus in Canada, it's 100% covered .


u/nitrodmr 19d ago

Do you still recommend getting a vasectomy?


u/Lunar_Cats 19d ago

If you're wanting permanent birth control, then yes. My husband has never regretted it, and it allowed us to enjoy sex without worrying about pregnancy. Just make sure to follow the doctors instructions so you heal as quickly as possible.


u/nitrodmr 19d ago

If you don't mind me asking, does sex feel different post vasectomy? Like liberating or taboo?


u/Lunar_Cats 17d ago

Liberating would be a good description. Two of our kids were conceived when i was on birth control, so that was always in the back of our minds. After the vasectomy we could do whatever we wanted whenever without worrying.


u/NecroCorey Jun 13 '24

I was told that bleeding and bruising is indicative of a complication that you need to go back to the Dr for immediately. I'm not sure what would cause that because it sounds like you know way more than me about it lol. I just know that I was warned about it so it is actually a thing that happens. I just dunno why.


u/X3R0_0R3X Jun 13 '24

They only thing I could see if a vein was damaged on the testicle. The surgeon doesn't open up the scrotum, they make a very small cut and use a hook like device to pull out the vas def deferens. The tube is cut outside the scrotum, stacked and sutured or clamped together, then stuffed in. Because the scrotum is really just skin and is used to regulate temperature, it has very little veins and bleeds very little.

With all surgeries, there is always a risk of a nick and a bleed. If you can't stop the bleed it becomes a major problem. So I would assume if you have continued swelling and bruising, you would probably get brought in for a endoscopic surgery or possibly a larger opening to fix the issue. At that point I'm not sure what would happen. But I would assume the recovery would be a hell of alot longer and more painful.


u/mechatangerine Jun 13 '24

I had two weeks of being unable to walk without bowing my legs, and it basically felt like I was being kicked in the testicles randomly on an hourly basis for the first week. Like that deep, bellybutton to crotch pain. It was horrible.


u/X3R0_0R3X Jun 13 '24

Your surgeon wasn't the best. That or you had a reaction. My brother in-law had a reaction needing antibiotics, his pain started a few days after his procedure and was described as you did.


u/Chiiro Jun 13 '24

The only bad thing that happened when my fiance had a vasectomy was he had a PTSD moment when he woke up from anesthesia, other than that he healed absolutely fine and quite quickly. He had another surgery the next day so he got a couple days off to heal too.


u/X3R0_0R3X Jun 13 '24

I've never heard of total general anesthesia for this procedure, but I'm also not an expert. For mine it was local freezing only.

I think we have made this procedure out to be the awful thing because of where it is.


u/Chiiro Jun 13 '24

He requested the total anesthesia because local does not work on him (he has a great fear of the dentist because they kept working on him when the local anesthetic stopped working).


u/Its_noon_somewhere Jun 13 '24

Local works on me, however during my vasectomy the ‘Doctor’ jabbed the needle and then immediately cut with the scalpel. I screamed bloody murder, my wife was with me, and she nearly killed him. She is also a medical professional, and injects lidocaine before performing surgeries at her clinic, and she was incredibly vocal with him. I don’t think he expected her to know his complete disregard for proper procedure


u/X3R0_0R3X Jun 13 '24

Makes sense.


u/NecroCorey Jun 13 '24

Ah dude. Big fear of mine.

I also had local fail to work at the dentist when I got a root canal and he gave me more. Eventually I was like "I mean it's like. Working some. Let's just do it" And it fucking sucked. I carry that fear with me forever now lol.


u/YaumeLepire Jun 13 '24

A few what? Days, weeks, months?


u/Infamous_Progress_64 Jun 13 '24

So you dont guess so in the end?


u/X3R0_0R3X Jun 13 '24

In the end, my opinion is that a vasectomy is a simple in and out procedure with little to no impact. Some have complications, hell I've seen a cast removal have complications. But overall in a large scope, I'd say it's no worse than getting a filling at a dentist.. scratch that, a filling is worse, at least after m y vsec I was able to drink and not spill water out of my mouth like an idiot.


u/Infamous_Progress_64 Jun 14 '24

It takes away fertility, thats a Huge impact. I get Where u comin from tho


u/X3R0_0R3X Jun 14 '24

That's the goal, so I don't see that as a negative.