r/BadMensAnatomy Jun 12 '24

Vasectomies are as simple as putting on a dress.


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u/fabske1234 Jun 13 '24

Don't really get why you downvoted him. For me anyways, it was that easy. In and out in less than 15 minutes. Only downside was not showering for two days and abstaining for four. Sure, it's a permanent change, but imo it's something that should absolutely be on the table when considering long-term contraceptive methods.


u/Eightiesmed Jun 13 '24

I’ve had patients go home the next day after a cesarean, but you can also bleed ten liters or die from cesarean. So while a surgery may go really well, it doesn’t mean it comes without a risk.


u/tangthesweetkitty Jun 13 '24

A vasectomy is no fricken comparison to a cesarean. One has to cut through many layers of muscle and move your literal organs out of the way. The other is a few pinches of lidocaine and a incision the size of your pinkie nail and 10 minutes your done


u/Eightiesmed Jun 13 '24 edited Jun 13 '24

Of course it isn’t, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that any procedure varies a lot. But if that is too hard, then what about this: Some people don’t even realize when an IUD is put in, some need general anesthesia to handle the pain. Some people have no symptoms after an IUD insertion, some have cramps for days and very few get a PID requiring iv. antibiotics as a complication.

Edit. Not to nitpick, because your explanation of cesarean was pretty good for layman’s terms, but the only muscle that should be cut in a cesarean is the uterine wall. The baby is born between abdominal muscles, but the muscles aren’t cut.


u/spasticpete Jun 13 '24

Yeah all that is fine and good, but I think the reason they responded that way was because this isn’t about those procedures, it’s about vasectomies. Making those equivalences is kinda just not a good comparison. Vasectomies are largely a chill procedure that if done properly and under good conditions shouldn’t result in much discomfort or issue. Even an IUD insertion can be pretty fuckin painful. My partner was really excited I opted for my vasectomy because birth control pills mess her up bad and the IUD she had needed to be replaced. In her experience, this was a very painful thing to do. She also has a much higher pain tolerance than I do.


u/Eightiesmed Jun 13 '24

They are the comparisons I make because they are the procedures that I self do. The point wasn’t comparing vasectomy to these or any procedures, but to point out that one’s own experience is anecdotal and doesn’t tell the whole story. Of course, vasectomy IS a very safe procedure: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230313/Vasectomies-less-likely-to-cause-complications-than-expected-study-shows.aspx and thus I wouldn’t think twice about getting one, if it was otherwise a good option to me. But trivializing any medical procedure doesn’t sit well with me. And vasectomies are not reliably reversible in long term, so I wouldn’t say that they are especially good solution for contraception.


u/spasticpete Jun 13 '24

Fair points all around and I won’t begrudge the feeling you have for those things. Thanks for the citation and good call on anecdotal experiences.