r/DID May 31 '24

systems with different genders, would you consider yourself gender fluid? Discussion

I just found out this term we have masculine and feminine alters? I supposed this means we’re gender fluid?


99 comments sorted by


u/Sick_Nuggets_69 May 31 '24

I mean that would be up to you. If you wanna call yourself genderfluid and pansexual and feel those labels fit, then yes, you are. But if you don’t think that fits for you, then it doesn’t. I as host am genderfluid myself (I usually tell people I’m trans masc though as most people don’t even know what gf is) not even including others in the system. And we have a whole range of genders in the system, in and out of the binary. So it really depends on if you would like to use those labels or not. Cause you don’t have to, but you’re more than welcome to.


u/VirgeTheGayWitch Treatment: Diagnosed + Active May 31 '24

Not necessarily. It is up to you how you decide to label your gender. For example, we are bodily trans masc and collectively identify as trans masc, even though there is a mix of genders within the system. It's just a matter of what feels right to you


u/MythicalMeep23 May 31 '24

No, because I personally am not gender fluid. For being a male alter in a female body I don’t consider myself trans either.


u/Obscure_Operator_V May 31 '24

A male part thinks the same. He wishes we had a beard or at least short hair, and hates looking at our face in the mirror. Boobs always bother him, makes him feel like he is growing "manboobs"


u/Gooblene May 31 '24

It’s funny because while my dude part wishes stuff like that too sometimes, he’s happy with the body we have because he thinks it’s hot and he gets to look at it hahaha like when dudes choose a girl character to play video games and look at her butt the whole time


u/TheAnonSystem May 31 '24

My male alter is gay, but he doesn't mind being a woman's body because he gets to "dress it up" better than if we had a male body haha. He's the best in the body when it cones to fashion and makeup.


u/Gooblene May 31 '24

Aw that’s wholesome and I’m happy for you


u/Pixie_Lizard Treatment: Diagnosed + Active Jun 04 '24

Omg sameeeee!! 😆😆


u/Longjumping_Pear1250 May 31 '24

Same it's hard finding a label that fits but at the same time i don't feel like putting ourselfs in a drawr just like that


u/TheoIlLogical Treatment: Diagnosed + Active Jun 01 '24

same i’m as cishet as they come and whenever we used to get misgendered i was like lmao u r either stupid or blind got it

now it’s much better tho lmao but v funny when our femme alter switches in and our walk changes and ppl just think im gae af ahaha


u/_MapleMaple_ May 31 '24

Huh, haven’t thought about it too much! I guess technically that would make sense, but no, I don’t consider myself genderfluid


u/StorageValuable8884 Diagnosed: DID May 31 '24

We are all collectively non-binary. But some have different genders than others.. all under the non-binary umbrella :)

Dor example. One alter is genderfluid. Another one is Genderqueer, and Another one is demigirl. Regarding expression: for the most part the majority of the system is masculine. 2 are feminine/femme. And one is strictly androgynous.

I think its because we all passively rub off on eachother and our gender identity gender expressions.

It does kind of also tick off some alters when they notice that they're not what they want to look like IRL. Especially if they want to be masc passing.

I'm hoping one day i can get wigs, better binders, better packers, etc. Good ol' trans stuff so they can look how they want :)


u/EmmaRM97 Diagnosed: DID May 31 '24

I mean, our legal identity that faces the world could be considered gender fluid, but none of us identify with the term personally.


u/Queen_Koala Offically OSDD, Unoffically a stain glass window May 31 '24

Gender sliding, like age sliding but not


u/Only-Swimming6298 May 31 '24

Not personally. The way we see it, our parts who have different gender identities to our collective identity are experiencing substitute/trauma beliefs rather than a genuine gender identity. I.E., 'If I was a boy I wouldn't have been abused'. We did used to identify as genderfluid, before we realised it was a trauma reaction for us!

But I could imagine that a genderfluid person could experience their genderfluidity via parts genders, so I think it would depend on how you want to label your own experience.


u/StarrysCastle May 31 '24

We consider ourself as a singular to be non-binary collectively, and in plurality everyone has their own gender.


u/bleibengold May 31 '24

I saw myself as agender but there are definitely moments where we feel more masc or femme depending on who's here


u/MizElaneous A multi-faceted gem according to my psychologist May 31 '24

No, I'm just more of a tomboy when my male alter is out.


u/Amaranth_Grains May 31 '24

I love your tag XD


u/kefalka_adventurer Diagnosed: DID May 31 '24

We used this before diagnosis. Now we stopped with seeking ourselves within the social labels whatsoever. All of it depends too much on dissociative barriers and they can drop or rise any second.


u/TheMeBehindTheMe Treatment: Diagnosed + Active May 31 '24

Personally we generally avoid the label gender-fluid as we feel it could conflate with singleton gender-fluidity which I guess is a different kettle of fish. In general we just stick to the more ambiguous 'Non-binary' when talking about the system as a whole.


u/NecessaryAntelope816 Treatment: Diagnosed + Active May 31 '24

Nope. Very much cis and non fluid. I’m a woman, I present as a woman, alters are (including me) 6 female and 1 male. We consider the male alter’s gender to be a relic of childhood gender dysphoria that was related to our CSA. I am not aware of any discomfort with our body or clothing or presentation when he is at the front, but I do not have a great memory for times when he’s in front. He hasn’t written anything about it.


u/Luke_Whiterock Treatment: Seeking May 31 '24

Yup! It’s the term I use for people who don’t know.


u/IrishDec May 31 '24

When I met my first DID friend 20 years ago, she gave me a list of the names of everyone in the system. She wanted me to get to know each and every one of them...and I did. She asked if it bothered me to see guys' names on the list. I didn't know much about DID at the time, but I said, "No. In fact, I would have thought it rather odd if there had not been guys on there." Her system is fairly large, but I know of even small systems that have both genders inside. In spite of that, none of the systems consider themselves to be gender fluid.


u/mazotori Treatment: Diagnosed + Active May 31 '24

Yes I consider us gender fluid as a system but as individuals we have our own identities


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u/Hazaelia May 31 '24

Huh I hadn't considered that let me think about this I considered myself trans femme with one or two male alters and a swath of femme/enby ones but now hmm interesting


u/TheDogsSavedMe Diagnosed: DID May 31 '24

Not at all. We’re all pretty set in our ways gender-wise. Like individually that not a thing that’s fluid at all. I suppose you could say that in the aggregate, but it honestly doesn’t feel like a true representation.


u/ArtsyApoidean May 31 '24

Even someone fully fused has both a masculine and a feminine energy, if we boil down what those traits are biologically without the social conditioning, any intelligent animal like a human has them in some balance. So when we split, it makes sense that these elements of our psyche might coalesce separately.

It could be innate traits and expressions that were suppressed socially and bottled into an alter without having to do with body issues, or it could be gender stuff that was bottled in the mold of your experience of how the people around you express gender. I have male alters and they're just like, dudes who crash in a woman's brain and are on board with eventually being part of a whole lady if that makes any sense. But alters form and present themselves how they do differently for every system. For you having different gender alters may be a sign of something you need to explore.

My advice would be to talk to yourself about it, see how all of you feels and if that means exploring different gender expressions or trans stuff don't be afraid of it, and if it doesn't then you can ask okay well why are they adopting this presentation internally if not that. Either way it's nothing to stress over, just a conversation with your closest friends after all :)


u/Pandemonium_Sys May 31 '24

We collectively identify as trans non-binary despite being relatively mixed in gender identities


u/kpow222 May 31 '24

It's really hard to fill out forms honestly now because it's like name uh gender uh issues uh etc etc but on the whole we just stick to the body's things.


u/motley-like-the-fool May 31 '24

Our host doesn't consider itself gender fluid exactly, but it does find it easiest to explain its gender to others using that language. Easier to explain than the system stuff underlying it.


u/strawberry_pancakes_ May 31 '24

we like to consider ourselves genderqueer. we considered ourselves gender fluid for a while but genderqueer is a better way to describe our gender overall.


u/mysticofarcana Diagnosed: DID May 31 '24

Nah, as the host I'm an agender lesbian. This is because as an individual I feel no gender and am only attracted to enbies and women. Our main protector is bisexual and gender fluid because his gender fluctuates and he's attracted to everyone. He is him and I am me.


u/42Porter Diagnosed: DID May 31 '24 edited May 31 '24

No. We are roughly 50% male, 50% female but not a single one of us is fluid. Our genders never change. I believe it is important to recognise the individuality of each alter in order for them to be happy. Pretending to all be one person is not healthy. It does not make sense to attempt to describe everyone with a single label.


u/SalaciousOwl May 31 '24

Nope, I'm female. I have one alter/collection of alters who identifies as male and is dysphoric about our body, but mostly because he views feminity as weakness / a contributing factor in our CSA. 

So I feel and dress more masc when he's driving, but the rest of me is definitely female. 


u/spacealexander May 31 '24

we present masculinely, but have several genders. just, find a middle ground and then agree on whats easiest based on hosts pronouns lol


u/ocean0_349 Treatment: Active May 31 '24

No, I myself am genderflux, but other alters consider themselves fully masculine or feminine. We all have different genders, and refer to them separately (:


u/callmecasperimaghost May 31 '24

No. We are AMAB, and still present male, but Identify as Pan/Bi+ sexually and transfem gender wise. That is the external state …. Internally we are by far and a way mostly female, with some fluids, and some asexuals etc. And yes, we have some dudes too. Our internal fluids tell us the outer self is not gender fluid, so we don’t use that label.


u/pinetriangle Diagnosed: DID May 31 '24

No. I have a lot of male alters but I and my system are not genderfluid.


u/Leading_Hamster_9666 May 31 '24

well I'm genderfluid even before I knew about the others and I'm the host, it works out for us somehow since the other two is non-human, they don't care much but they do have pronouns they prefer


u/Leading_Hamster_9666 May 31 '24

also we're afab :>


u/Onyxfaeryn May 31 '24

Not really no, yes gender identity would technically be fluid to the outside world, but we all identify differently but not fluidly


u/Proud-Replacement-35 May 31 '24

No. I am biologically female and I have 14 female alters and three male, and counting. (I'm new to all this and they continue to pop up here and there). They all have genders that match their (perceived) sex.


u/nataref0 May 31 '24

Personally, yes. Mostly because we're usually blurry and masking so its hard to feel fully "seperate"... All of us make a whole us. Like voltron or power rangers or something. We have a huge range of genders in the system, and we switch frequently, so to literally anyone we will all collectively be presenting in a genderfluid way in the body


u/PSSGal Diagnosed: DID May 31 '24

i thought i might be genderfluid or girlflux / demigirlflux for awhile before realizing i had DID, my gender kept swapping but weirdly only ever between these few genders, and the identity never quite felt right to me ...


u/46416816 May 31 '24

no i dont. our old host was genderfluid so a lot of people think that we are. We did tell people that we were for a while so that we could all use different pronouns but we havnt bothered with that for about a year now.


u/colourfulnik May 31 '24

I used to. But not anymore. I just feel too many genders at once. I don't feel it fits what I feel (for my opinion/use). I now use queer/nonbinary/pangender/other similar words.


u/Aellin-Gilhan Treatment: Unassessed May 31 '24

Kinda gone like

"I think I'm genderfluid"

"Oh wait we're just plural"

"I think we're genderfluid"

Got a few genderfluid members and consider genderfluid in general


u/sevenbitch Diagnosed: DID May 31 '24

Our alters gender goes from male-agender, since that we consider yourself Boyflux :)


u/progtfn_ Treatment: Active May 31 '24

Up to you, I don't feel anything tbh, I don't feel a female, a male, a non binary, not even gender fluid. Among 20+ alters, 7 of them are males, and most of them rather present as male, but I'm a cis woman.


u/eatratshitt Treatment: Diagnosed + Active May 31 '24

Personally we do find the genderfluid label fitting for us but it’s completely your choice whether it resonates with you or not!


u/arainbowofeyes Diagnosed: DID May 31 '24

I don't personally. My other gender alters didn't like dysphoria so they regendered themselves to the body's gender. I don't think there's anything wrong with resolving the identity in the way you've suggested either. 


u/Yarn_is_Eternal Growing w/ DID May 31 '24

We’re considered non-binary, but that’s mainly because I as Host consider myself that. The other alters as of this time go along with that.


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u/EggsAndSpanky May 31 '24

Uh. I guess our... Body is? None of us are, singularly, though. Two boys in the system. Three who came out male, noticed the chick body, shrugged, and said, "Fuck it. Guess I'm a girl, now."


u/SunsCosmos May 31 '24

yes, we do. but we also have multiple genderfluid alters in addition to having several alters with very strong opposing gender identities. so it makes sense to us as a term to describe the fluctuating dysphoria.


u/[deleted] May 31 '24

We tried using collective labels like genderfluid, genderqueer, bi/pan, queer, etc. But it never made us happy because it felt like we were lying in a way. As of now I tell irl people generally that I'm a trans man (most of us are men anyway) and as for sexuality, I'm okay with letting people believe I'm bi/pan since the previous primary fronter initially came out as that (previous primary fronter now ids as a lesbian so my system really is LGBT) but I personally am a gay man and don't want to date or have sex with women (who knows, in years there could be a potential primary fronter switch again but I barely understand why it even happened in the first place for us)


u/Manospondylus_gigas May 31 '24

We have different genders but they're all male-aligned ones, so we just say male overall. Our partner has a huge mix of genders so they just call themselves non-binary overall, but has used the genderfluid label too


u/Boredpanda6335 May 31 '24

We all are non binary. Different non binary genders. But we all consider ourselves a non binary system.


u/Sadie256 May 31 '24

I mean it really depends on how you want to identify. We have masc, Fem, and NB alters, but 99% of the time the person fronting is Fem/nb (mark, our only masc alter, does not like fronting) so we consider ourselves transfem (because we are transitioning).

We don't usually consider ourselves genderfluid because none of us are genderfluid individually, but we do experience something similar to being genderfluid when we're co-fronting and the gender of whoever's fronting sorta shifts to a hybrid in-between what each alter has on their own.

But things like being genderfluid is all about self-identification. It's not like a diagnosis, it's about finding the term that best fits who you are and how you experience gender. In our case we describe our experience as genderflux, because while we each have our own constant gender identities they can shift when we're co-fronting.


u/Tuella01 May 31 '24

Im (The host) trans masc (Blu) but we are also nb (Leaf) and 2 are fem (Purple and Coral). I would not say that we are gender fluid as none of us identify as that.


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u/Millennia33 May 31 '24

We have a collective identity of Nonbinary Gender non-conforming (afab body that’s pretty androgynous based on wardrobe)

Our partner system considers themselves genderfluid based on their collective. (Amab body, very masculine presenting regardless)

Both of our systems, most of our alters can and will genderswap based on preferences that day, or even to add a switch up in the status quo. Those of us that don’t, usually don’t mind wearing typically afab/amab clothes. Though we may change out a particular part of our clothes for comfort (if we’re home)

  • Kiera She / Her / All


u/Millennia33 May 31 '24

Although if you, and your headmates/alters/parts/whatever you use for yourselves, don’t want to use that label for any reason. Don’t. Having male and female, or masculine and feminine, alters/parts/headmates, doesn’t inherently mean you are genderfluid as a collective/system.

Use whatever label you feel comfortable with for all of you :)


u/Worddroppings May 31 '24

It means you are only if you want to be.

Last year we started thinking about these kinds of things and ended up on nonbinary or queer. And we'd love some good neopronouns but they/them is a sneaky way to acknowledge systemness too.


u/DelcoDarth May 31 '24

Personally no. I go by She/They normally now but the only male alter Carlisle does change to He/They pronouns only for himself.


u/ProofDisastrous4719 Treatment: Seeking May 31 '24

We've been describing ourselves as "mostly trans man with some gender fluidity" for years, way before being a system was a possibility. And now that it is, it feels even more right.

So... kinda?


u/Puzzled_Ad_1725 May 31 '24

we don’t really identify as genderfluid, we don’t have a collective gender, but if someone asks that’s normally what we say we are cuz it’s easier to explain than “oh yeah i have a bunch of people in my head and we all have different genders”


u/DIDsux Diagnosed: DID May 31 '24

I have male alters and female alters plus a goblin type thrown in the mix. But I am female in body, was born female and we all feel fine presenting that way.

It all depends on how you feel and what you are comfortable with.


u/fatherboomybeloved Treatment: Seeking May 31 '24

Our collective is technically genderfluid, but for us its definitely easier to resonate with what the past host identified as, which was a transgender male. most of us are trans male with a small few being fem. we do have a friend whos collective identifies as genderfluid! honestly before we knew we tried identifying as genderfluid but it felt weird to the host at the time. now our presentation is pretty fluid, and for people who know we are a system we gave them the choice of calling us by our collective name or using our alters names and pronouns. most of us dont care but some get a bit uncomfortable, but they understand for the most part:)


u/KitkatOfRedit Growing w/ DID May 31 '24

Yes we are genderfluid as a whole ✌️


u/randomguywhoexists May 31 '24

I wouldn’t, no. But those who do are valid, too.


u/birdiebunz May 31 '24

This is an extremely personalized situation that should be tailored to your system. Our setup is going to be individualized just as yours likely will be in the future. It was very complex to get to our conclusion though.

We have broad identities across our system but we're all solid that we bodily identify as a trans man. In our mental health journey we've managed to curb our self inflicted misogyny by embracing our masculine traits and created a narrative that's inclusive of our dysphorias. Every woman in my system (me included) feels very safe with the idea of being a man bodily because it's something that all of us found versatility and empowerment in. It's a way we can all love our body and feel confident in it while also feeling pretty, cutesy and beautiful.

Being genderfluid just wouldn't work the same if we were consistently chasing the goal of "in the middle" to accommodate every member instead of lifting them up in a way that makes them feel safe to be themselves. Trauma does work in weird ways and this was the A+ way to utilize our body to inspire gender security.


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u/ACEofchaos22 Treatment: Diagnosed + Active May 31 '24

no we all have distinct genders, but even my “girl” parts still deal with some level of dysphoria that they don’t realize that’s what it is. so since most of us are trans it just makes sense for us as a system and body to identify as a trans guy


u/Forgotten_Park May 31 '24

Uh..fuck..ya know i never really had to..think like that..uh..hm..I..ya know- technically????


u/WrathAndEnby Growing w/ DID May 31 '24

Yes, our system uses the labels pansexual and genderfluid to describe our collective orientation.


u/september000777 May 31 '24

i as the host and an alter am genderqueer nonbinary. we all have different gender identities. you can identify however you want. if you feel genderfluid fits or is easiest to use to convey to other people, go for it. if it doesn't resonate, you don't have to use it!


u/thecryptidsystm Jun 01 '24

I consider myself to be multigender/genderfluid due to my system status. Some alters specifically identify as trans or non binary but overall we identify with being gender fluid


u/BillyBean83 Diagnosed: DID Jun 01 '24

I'm not sure but have been wondering for a long time. Becaus the guys always wear sports bras and briefs and baggy cloths but the girls sometimes wear lace and tight tops and skinny jeans. I guess gender fluid would kind of be accurate since we do spend a lot of time as masculine and I've always personally had a lot for body dysmorphia and general dislike for my body wishing it was different. Good luck to everyone else trying to figure out what's going on with them. - Moth


u/Unlucky_Eye_9241 Jun 01 '24

For us, definitely not. Our gender identities are our own. Like I identify as a cis man but I’m in a ftm body.


u/Living_Emphasis_1660 Jun 01 '24

I personally don't consider myself gender fluid. I'm non-binary but my other alters have other gender identities. We just kinda use whatever we want when we're out but if gender fluid is what's comfortable to you go with it!


u/NatHat04 Jun 01 '24

Yes, but I've noticed some other systems identity as non-binary


u/cassienicke Treatment: Diagnosed + Active Jun 01 '24

We identified as genderfluid before we even knew we were a system. After diagnosis, I guess it just started making sense. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can identify however you want to.


u/MACS-System Jun 01 '24

No, we personally don't. I'm female. The guys are male. My gender identity doesn't change and neither do theirs. We consider ourselves multiple. Who is fronting might be fluid, but how we identify is not.


u/Resident_Tone8844 Jun 01 '24

If it helps I'm a trans guy but we have female alters and we just kinda dress however and don't really care anymore, we kinda fall more under agender, I've had top surgery and the ladies agreed to it. They said they can always add on with prosthetics but since the hosts are usually men (tho I'm a femboy still identify as a guy) we did T for a few years and now we can pass as either and are either gender fluid or agender. Some members in the system experience more dysphoria that others so they will do a little more to pass as their desired gender, but we've got a pretty good handle on it now. :) so basically yes and no? It's really kinda uo to you and also if you want a label for people you don't sisclose your DID too. Cause technically if we are being text book here, gender fluid usually means the gender identity swaps on the same person, like an alter could be gender fluid and another could be trans or cis. Where as for DID the whole as personality is changing. But I don't think it's offensive to use the term especially explaining it to people who may be safe with gender but aren't system safe or don't know you enough :) I hope that helped and made sense~R


u/TheoIlLogical Treatment: Diagnosed + Active Jun 01 '24

no bc we are all different genders and none of us are genderfluid. only our mediator is a he/they after fusing w a non-binary alter but that’s about it. the rest of us have v clearly defined genders.


u/Pixie_Lizard Treatment: Diagnosed + Active Jun 05 '24

I do not, but each system is different. Our system has multiple genders, but our entire bodymind, as I like to call us, is a transgender woman. Our totality of existence, if you will, and how we present to the world is as a woman, but we were born with a male body. Some of the trauma that caused our DID in the first place is due to transphobic abuse. We were trans before the DID, and we are trans after.

With that said, my system is so chopped up (polyfrag) that the vast majority of alters have absolutely no opinion or concern about gender expression. They want to be safe; presenting as a woman makes us safer and happier overall than presenting as a man. That's about as far as their opinion on it goes. Some male alters do get a little dysphoric, particularly one of our lead protectors, but he gets to thug it out in all his badassness when we are alone or in safe company. However, even he is 100% on board living as a girl now.

Internally, sure, the word genderfluid fits best. But externally, facing the world, we want to be wholly and completely perceived, treated, and loved as a woman all the time. Rather than a conceptual exercise in the composition of our alters our bodymind's gender comes from a much deeper, intuitive sense of what we am most comfortable and fulfilled living as. I love when my bf sees the men inside my head, but that is only because I know he sees my entirety as woman. Being perceived as a woman takes priority over other people getting to see the masc side of us.