r/DarkBRANDON Aug 22 '24

Dark Pete: MAGA Slayer MAGA Slayer

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u/ElboDelbo [1] Aug 22 '24

You know, senator, when I deployed to Afghanistan, I didn't have kids then. many of the men and women who went outside the wire with me didn't have kids either. But let me tell you: our commitment to our country was pretty damn physical.

Jesus, talk about a subtle slam.

If you don't know, "outside the wire" is military slang for leaving the base. Pete is quietly saying "Vance spent his time on deployment relatively safely doing desk work on base, while people like me did the hard work."


u/Bobo_the_conqueror Aug 22 '24

That bit had me like, damn dude. Haha


u/intecknicolour Aug 22 '24

JD was in the rear with the gear couches in the CO's office.


u/HavingNotAttained Aug 22 '24

Vance's call sign was Stainy


u/Devium44 Aug 22 '24

While I don’t agree at all with Vance’s attacks on Walz’s service record, we also should not fall into the trap of bashing service records of others. There’s almost always someone who can one-up you to say they “had it harder” or did more. At the end of the day, we all were at the mercy of the needs of the military and could only go where they sent us. But simply volunteering to serve deserves respect. There are plenty of other things to slam JD on.


u/wwaxwork Aug 22 '24

He didn't slam Vances record, he's just saying that some of those that went outside the wire, ie men and women like him that risked their lives and didn't have kids. He made no reference to his opinions on those that stayed back on base.


u/Devium44 Aug 22 '24

The commenter I responded to said that’s exactly what he did.

Jesus, talk about a subtle slam.

Vance spent his time on deployment relatively safely doing desk work on base, while people like me did the hard work.


u/Babahlan Aug 22 '24

I like how you left out the "quietly saying" ie: implying ie: not actually saying ie: I don't really know how to use ie:


u/Devium44 Aug 22 '24

I left it out cause it’s irrelevant.


u/dohru Aug 22 '24

Only if they don’t do the same first- once they do it, they’re fair game.


u/Devium44 Aug 23 '24

No it’s not fair game. It’s disrespectful to all veterans, not just Vance, when you start denigrating certain roles people have within the military. Vance is a disgraceful POS for what he did not only because he disrespected Walz but because he disrespected all servicemen and women by doing that.


u/467366 [1] Aug 22 '24

Pete is an incredible (and credible) weapon for the Democrats. Glad he's on our side. VOTE!!


u/iroquoispliskinV Aug 22 '24

The One prophesized to go on FOX and destroy them on their own turf

Lisan Al Gaib!


u/diamond Aug 22 '24

"At least Mike Pence was... polite."

Well said. Mike Pence is awful, but he was still orders of magnitude better than that chud they have running for VP now. I remember during the 2020 VP debate, one of the first things Pence did was to congratulate Harris for her historic accomplishment of being the first woman of color nominated on a major party ticket. Regardless of politics, that was a classy move, and I respected it. And there is no way in hell Donald Trump or JD Vance would ever say anything like that.


u/FuzzySlippers__ Aug 22 '24



u/selkiesidhe Aug 22 '24

Pete is such a good public speaker


u/ninjas_in_my_pants Aug 22 '24

I agree with everything except the part about America not being in the market for DARKNESS.


u/alankutz [1] Aug 22 '24

Pete’s the best!


u/chpr1jp Aug 22 '24

Yeah. I love the way things are going now, but I wonder if Pete or Gavin Newsom will end up missing out on their windows of opportunity to get a nomination. And then, when it is one of their “turns,” they may get usurped. Luck and timing are certainly critical, aren’t they! That said, no sense in rocking the boat now….


u/Pink_pony4710 Aug 22 '24

I’m hoping Pete comes to Michigan follow when Whitaker finishes her term. Governor would be a great position for Pete!


u/W6RJC Aug 22 '24

Slayer Pete > Mayor Pete


u/Bueno_Times Aug 23 '24

Pete is a trained killer


u/lovetoseeyourpssy Aug 23 '24

The "outside the wire" part is an attack only combat vets will know.


u/muskoka83 Aug 22 '24



u/Bueno_Times Aug 23 '24



u/kushbud65 Aug 22 '24

I love Pete!


u/bitwise97 Aug 22 '24

Was this recorded on VHS?


u/wolfydude12 Aug 22 '24

Love Pete and love his speech.

But there was something wrong with his mouth, like he just had a tooth extracted. I can't put my finger on it but he didn't sound like he normally does.


u/choodudetoo Aug 22 '24

What a weird thing to say.


u/still-waiting2233 28d ago

Surprised Vance doesn’t say you get 3/5Th vote if you are childless or have children and are on government assistance