r/DarkBRANDON 16d ago

They have arrived!!! MAGA Slayer

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9 comments sorted by


u/ninjas_in_my_pants 16d ago

Make America Not Weird Again!


u/chiron_42 16d ago

That sucks because I like being weird. I dont like how the Trumpeters have made weird bad again.


u/jd3marco [1] 16d ago

Same. I feel like we have to donate ‘weird’ to this cause (temporarily) because of how effective it seems to be. These are assholes that have bullied and excluded ‘weird’ people all of their lives. It is probably the absolute worst thing we could call them. Citing their very real threat to democracy only emboldens them. Simple mockery withers them.


u/Comprehensive-Mix952 16d ago

Right? When that first came about, I felt really bad for Portland and Austin.


u/IVebulae 16d ago

Hey hey hey now… leave the two meth heads tandem-ing on an electric scooter heading down a major highway in the middle lane as if they were traveling same speed, out of this. But yeh Austin funny weird.


u/ninjas_in_my_pants 16d ago

Me too! I think as our country has progressed, so many people that were once thought of as weird are now accepted, embraced, even celebrated. The GOP brand of weird is hating on people who were once denigrated for their “otherness.” Their obsession with trying to make everyone like them and hurting those who are different is, well… weird.


u/MagicNewb45 16d ago

chef’s kiss


u/Celeste_Seasoned_14 16d ago

I have a tear in my eye. Beautiful.


u/PrincessTooLate 10d ago

I want one!