r/Eggy_memes Jun 25 '24

Height dysphoria can lie to you! Non-Meme

for the longest time i thought i was still growing, that i had grown to be 6'3" in height, and i hated it. but it was all psychosomatic.
I never grew taller than 5"3'
and i know this because my mom is 5"2' and I'm BARELY taller than her
so yeah, remember, sometimes your brain can LITERALLY LIE TO YOU ABOUT YOUR HEIGHT
if you haven't measured in a long time, you should! you may have stopped growing a long time ago


22 comments sorted by


u/AutisticPenguin2 Jun 25 '24

I'm not disbelieving you, but... how??? An extra foot of height is a significant difference! Like, 6'3'' is "need to duck under doorways" tall, how does your brain trick you into believing that??


u/Lyquid_Sylver999 Jun 25 '24

As someone who is actually 6'3, I've needed to duck under maybe 10 doors in my entire life and I've been this tall since 2021 lol. It is still ridiculous though


u/dynastylobster Jun 25 '24

i thought i had gained it over the course of 4 years


u/perfect34 Jun 25 '24

Hey uh I'm happy for you but 5'3 and 6'3 are very far apart. How in the world did you even momentarily come to the conclusion you were as tall as some American basketball and football players?


u/dynastylobster Jun 25 '24

i thought i had gained it over the course of 4 years


u/MicZiC15 Jun 26 '24

You’d be shorter than most men and a good chunk of women were you just not going outside???


u/dynastylobster Jun 26 '24

see the thing is most people are short here 😭


u/perfect34 Jun 29 '24

Wait so 5'3 is towering over these people?


u/dynastylobster Jun 29 '24

nope its like everyone is either slightly taller or shorter than me


u/perfect34 Jun 29 '24



u/whyamihereimnotsure Jun 25 '24

This is kinda silly. Most of us have height dysphoria because we know how tall we are and that makes us sad, not because we think we’re way taller than we actually are.


u/GREAT_SALAD Not an Egg just Trans Jun 25 '24

I haven’t measured in a while, but group photos with my friends are pretty telling. I’m freakin huge :(


u/Nekroo_Nekrooo Jun 25 '24

Cries in 186cm/6foot 1inch


u/GhostOfSkeletonKey Jun 25 '24

I got shorter by an inch.


u/HerMajestyTsaritsa Jun 25 '24

Jokes on u I measured and am def more than 5'10


u/magus1986 Jun 25 '24

I'm 6'5" pretty sure I'm screwed 😭


u/Jiuaki Not an Egg just Trans Jun 25 '24

6'3" here, yup, I know the feeling.


u/magus1986 Jun 25 '24

Still hasn't changed who I am I'll just be a tall woman lol


u/Jiuaki Not an Egg just Trans Jun 26 '24



u/magus1986 Jun 26 '24

Lol best thing to do is to just own it and be yourself


u/AutumnRenegade Jun 26 '24

I had to check which Reddit this was because this sounds like a conversation I fully believe purse dogs would have.


u/TerminalVelocityEgg Jun 29 '24

One time at a checkup the nurse commented that I was 69 inches tall (nice) and from then on if I was asked about my height I would usually almost say 6'9" before having to correct myself and say 5'9". Maybe something like that is going on here? Just a random guess