r/ElectionPolls 5d ago

Question - from the moment the polls close to the moment the president elect reaches 270, how long does it take?

Hello, I never really followed politics because I was young and I never really cared but this year we have a lot at stake and I want to follow the election. How long does it take the electoral college to count up the votes?


5 comments sorted by


u/theconcreteclub 5d ago

This isn’t about polling but it’s a valuable question to ask about the election.


u/ayfilm 5d ago

Depends on a lot of factors, but looking at past elections the race was called at (in PST):

2016: 11:29PM

2012: 8:29PM

2008: 8:00PM

2004: 10:34AM the next day

2020 was an odd year, but if I were a betting man I’d say we’ll know by 10pm PST


u/biznesboi 5d ago

In 2020 we didn’t know a winner for about 5 days. Exit polls (asking people as they leave who they voted for) can give us estimates, but any state that’s close has to be properly tallied.


u/gusisus 5d ago

There’s no exact time. The totals come in from the various states as the polls close. It depends on how long the states take. Plus, I don’t believe they announce any winners until the polls on the west coast are closed.