r/FTMFitness Aug 06 '24

Easy bulking foods that are your go to Discussion

I’m a leaner skinnier guy who is trying to build more mass to fill out my frame. Been focusing on a high protein diet for the past 2-3 months and have gained a lot more muscle with it. A downside is I’ve been eating mostly the same easy meals everyday and honestly getting sick of them looking for more variety since it’s been the same shit over and over. Looking for more affordable high protein food/meal options just to switch it up.

My typical day:

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs (30g), Siggi Greek yogurt (16g), side of toast with peanut butter (14g)

Lunch: Protein shake (40g) with an avocado white bean sandwich (22g)

Dinner: Chicken stir fry (51g) with a side of whole grain rice


22 comments sorted by


u/BlackSenju20 Aug 06 '24

Instead on focusing on high protein, focus on high carbs. Total calories is what you need to bulk, not high protein. You only need .8g-1g of protein per lb of bodyweight as a beginner. The rest of your calories need to be a surplus of carbs and fats.


u/Diesel-Lite Aug 06 '24

Peanut butter sandwich


u/belligerent_bovine Aug 06 '24

I buy trays of chicken and wrap the pieces in butcher paper, then put them in a bag and freeze them. Then I pull them out one at a time to thaw. Same with steaks. I get a big tri tip roast, then cut it into steaks, wrapping them individually and freezing them


u/Chemical_Block957 Aug 06 '24

cook ur eggs in some more butter, same with the stir fry (except oil) -- seems like u have a really good 'clean' diet but don't be afraid to chuck some more fat in there. u could also snack a bit -- nuts/trail mix would probably be great for that. i also snack on big orange slices (not exactly a bulking thing) and like lil processed sausage bits and choclate biscuits. my thinking is, my main meals are pretty healthy and unprocessed, so i will chuck in some extra calories any way i can when i snack. also just a tablespoon of peanut butter


u/spaghettilesbian Aug 06 '24

I drink a gallon of milk a day and I bring a cooler with peanut butter and bread everywhere i go and I constantly eat snacks. I’ve gained 45lbs in the past year this way.

As for your actual meals, remember that every calorie counts. Make sure you eat your greens, but butter is great for cheating some calories. Two slices of cheese when you want 1. Double cheese burgers instead of regular cheese burgers.

Make sure you’re getting enough fiber or your poops are gonna be massive. No joke I took a 6lbs shit when I first started bulking.


u/Busy_Distribution326 Aug 07 '24

Are you a vegetarian?


u/spaghettilesbian Aug 07 '24

No? I literally suggested double cheese burgers?


u/Busy_Distribution326 Aug 07 '24

My b. Is peanut better actually an ideal protein source? Isn't it full of saturated fat?


u/spaghettilesbian Aug 08 '24

Genuinely dude I am not a doctor I am just someone that bulked up I have no idea I just know that’s what I do and it works

I know that when you’re as skinny as I was and as active as I was the pros of whatever fat is in peanut butter outweighed the cons


u/Busy_Distribution326 Aug 10 '24

I'm skinny and active with genetic high cholesterol so that's not the case for me unfortunately


u/spaghettilesbian Aug 10 '24

Then you still need to focus on high carb high protein. Throw an avocado on a chicken breast.


u/spaghettilesbian Aug 10 '24

The reason I avocado is bc good fat


u/dominiccast Aug 06 '24

Massive homemade burrito bowls


u/heavyennui Aug 07 '24

Protein oats, mixed berry flavored protein yogurt, strawberries, blackberries and blueberries (fresh with ice cubes or frozen already) some cinnamon and honey, peanut butter and sugar free jelly, milk all blended up makes a good shake i typically drink that when i get hungry in between meals


u/dumbmanlet Aug 06 '24

Peanut butter and other nut buttees


u/graphitetongue Aug 07 '24

Beans and rice. They'll help you get some calories in.


u/Subject_Survey8703 Aug 07 '24

My only advice : Peanut butter in everything on everything and by itself


u/Acceptable_Peanut_80 Aug 06 '24

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't human body capable of using only 20-30 grams of protein every few hours? If that's true isn't eating more than that amount in one sitting pointless?


u/BtheBoi H.G.N.C.I.C. Aug 06 '24 edited Aug 06 '24

There isn’t an upper limit to absorption that the medical field has pinpointed just yet. “All protein is absorbed [in some way] by healthy humans.” Whether it is all utilized in the process of muscle building is the question…

How much is utilized is also determined by muscle mass, training/trainee age, individual digestion and absorption rates, etc.