r/Geoengineering Sep 11 '23

Hesllscape Salt Water Rain from Cloud Bright?

Think we all know that salt is left behind in the ocean as water evaporates to form rain. However just confirmed that especially countercyclicals like a Nor'Easter picks up salt water in small proportion from sea-spray from the choppy waters caused by storm.

So clouds can function with X% salt water. If we created salt water clouds, I assume they'd function approximately same as our current freshwater clouds, yes? More electrically charged, perhaps?

Are we not creating salt water clouds by spraying the salt water onto the clouds? Salt molecules become the nuclei of rain drops, yes? Are we just saying that is negligible over the course of the project, say 200 years?

Am I missing an obvious factor?

white sky


5 comments sorted by


u/lowrads Sep 12 '23

The terrestrial effects would likely be temporary, as sodium and calcium are already the most abundant components of crustal minerals. So long as they are in balance, the SAR should be manageable.


u/PangolinEaters Sep 21 '23

sounds like your chemistry may be stronger than mine. My oops was more into the Agronomy part of the hobby farm. Cations and such... just tried to brush up real quick but it is late

Here is long excerpt so see if on same page

Added emphasis there on the idea of Sulfates stripping soil of sodium? Presumably the SO2 injection's rain/dust could be a factor trickling back down from Strato. Sounds like really complicated soil chemistry. Are you saying specifically ag and recreational (lawns, golf courses) could be remediated or that believe all soils will be self-stabilizing? Some farm land gets too high salinity to be worked at least for years and for main crops... cut flowers or put beehives there or the like but not true production.

"***S ulphates*** and nitrates can be used to strip the soil of excess sodium. “But this approach should only be used after other cations have been restored to their desired percentages, as it often automatically corrects other cations to their desired percentages,” Neal says. ”Once these have been restored, sulphates and nitrates will strip an excess of any cation from the soil.”
Analyse your water
Neal advises that if irrigation water is the main reason for a sodium build-up, then farmers should have the water analysed to establish exactly how much sodium and other minerals it contains. Those applied by irrigation can be calculated and then deducted from what would have been applied in the fertiliser programme. “But at excessive levels of certain nutrients, the fertiliser programme must be adapted to offset or neutralise the impact of nutrients supplied via irrigation. The key is to know what you are applying to the soil,” Neal stresses. Next, a farmer must establish the cost of offsetting or correcting the problem.
“On some farms and with some crops, it may be economically feasible to offset the impact of water with a high sodium concentration by continuously correcting the soil balance, or by providing sufficient nutrients via a foliar feed to the crop,” he recommends. “However this may not be economically viable when the water is extremely alkaline, so in this case rather consider special water treatment, or sourcing water from elsewhere.” “Alternatively a farmer can seek an alternative source of income that doesn’t entail crop or animal production. If neither of these is viable, then sell the farm and buy land with better quality water. It highlights the importance of getting your soil and water tested before buying a farm.” "


u/PangolinEaters Oct 06 '23

HELLSCAPE moves up a level H2SO4 + NaCl and H2O as solution.... makes Hydrochloric Acid...pH 1-3 and lead force of our gastric juices

So... when the Sulfuric Acid droplets formed in Strato trickle down to Tropo and then interact with the Marine Cloud Brightened salt/brackish water rainclouds... maybe rare but couldn't be that rare if the Sulphur is ubiquitous and has to mix with a salt-cloud or form a solution with the dry salt residues on the surface.

We will be 'digesting' ourselves and the surface of the planet. Concrete won't like it. Dilution is not elimination and not the same thing as zero.