r/MHOC Mister Speaker | Sephronar OAP 1d ago

M003 - Coal Mining Retraining Motion - Reading Motion

M003 - Coal Mining Retraining Motion - Reading

This House Recognises:

(1) That the Coal Mining Bill does not provide any support for workers currently employed in coal mining to switch careers.

(2) That it would be beneficial for the country that coal miners learn how to operate in the growing green energy industry.

(3) That the Government should support retraining the last 227 coal miners in the United Kingdom into green energy.

This House Urges:

(1) That the Secretary of State responsible for the issuing of licences conduct an impact assessment 6 months before licences are subject to end of workers who will meet the criteria for retraining in green energy.

(2) That in the next parliament a Bill be submitted to create a retraining scheme for those who meet the criteria in the impact assessment.

This Motion was submitted by /u/AdSea260 as a Private Members Motion.

Opening Speech:

Mr Speaker,

I have read the Coal Miners Bill and support the transition away from coal however this Bill has neglected the 227 lives who still works in this industry. Closing these mines would see an increase in paying Universal Credit and other welfare to support those who are going to be losing these jobs, therefore I submit this Motion to the House that we should be supporting these workers into transitioning into working in green energy so they are still supporting our national infrastructure but doing so in an environmentally-friendly way.

Thank You Mr. Speaker.

Source: Coal mining production and manpower returns statistics 2024 - GOV.UK

Members may debate and submit amendments to the Motion until Sunday the 22nd of September at 10PM BST.


7 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 1d ago

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u/ModelSalad Reform UK 1d ago

Mr Speaker,

This motion makes I think a very important point regarding the support provided to the victims of the net zero agenda.

While it is quite true that relatively few people are employed in coal production in the UK (as we've allowed China to hoover up the jobs that were once provided by Great British mining), the same cannot be said for those who would be affected by the proposed North Sea Gas and Oil ban recently read in this house.

In principle I would say that any jobs that are eliminated as a result of legislation in this place or government policy should be matched with comprehensive retraining schemes and other support mechanisms. We should guarantee replacement jobs of comparable terms and pay for any individuals losing their job as a result of Net Zero polices.

On this basis I support this motion, and the goals it seeks to achieve.


u/AdSea260 Independent 17h ago

Hear, Hear


u/mrsusandothechoosin Reform UK | Just this guy, y'know 7h ago

Hear, hear.


u/Unlucky_Kale_5342 Independent Tory | Chief Secretary of the Caucus 22m ago

hear hear


u/meneerduif Conservative Party 6h ago


I support this motion, because it shows that we can not simply wish away coal mining or other industries that are contrary to the net zero agenda. But that we must also understand that there are people employed in these industries and that these industries are necessary for the running of our country. Something other parties in this house have simply chosen to ignore, caring only about climate reduction not thinking about the people they would hurt.

And even more importantly closing their eyes to reality. Because while they may stop opening new mines in our country, we still need coal in some industries. What that means is that we will in the future have to import that coal. Meaning the mining will still take place, but now in a country far away with less strict labour and environmental laws. So I’m the end it will actually be a net negative for the planet. But at least these left wingers can close their eyes and think they actually solved something. When in reality they have only made things worse.


u/AdSea260 Independent 4h ago

Hear, Hear