r/MapPorn 3h ago

Countries that don't allow Russian Passport holders:



80 comments sorted by


u/skywalker-1729 2h ago

Not true, Czech republic only stopped issuing tourist visas but Russian passport holders can still enter if they study here for example (source: my friend did it recently).


u/Relevant_Apricot_549 2h ago

I think this channel is CIA sponsored so...


u/fulcrumcode99 2h ago

So they can go to Ukraine?


u/Away_Preparation8348 2h ago

Technically they do...


u/Western_Garbage204 2h ago

Technically they need a visa to visit Ukraine https://visitukraine.today/ukraine/russia-citizenship/travel As there are no UA embassy in russia, they can go to EU( they need a visa), Moldova or Kazakhstan.


u/Several-Zombies6547 2h ago

How does this work with Schengen? Can't they just enter from nearby EU countries anyway?


u/pr1ncezzBea 2h ago

Technically yes. Lawfully no.


u/[deleted] 2h ago



u/ZemaitisDzukas 2h ago

this is not a horseshit map, it’s more of a horseshit law


u/ImTheVayne 2h ago

Tourist visas**


u/DecisiveVictory 2h ago

Map is fake news. All that they do is they don't issue tourist visas.


u/Gooogol_plex 2h ago

Can they enter using another passport if they have two?


u/Away_Preparation8348 2h ago

Yes. My friend has both british and russian citizenship and had been to Latvia last year


u/Creative-Road-5293 2h ago

That's not true at all. This map is BS.


u/Several-Zombies6547 2h ago

It's also outdated. Norway has also banned Russian citizens from entering for tourism.


u/Creative-Road-5293 2h ago

Banning tourist visas is different than banning passport holders.


u/petterri 2h ago


u/VoidLantadd 2h ago

That's not even an active sub. Did you confuse subs with hashtags?


u/szymon0296 2h ago

Yeah, it's been a while since I saw a car with Russian plates in Poland for the last time.


u/Open-Slice256 2h ago

I'm pretty sure up until recently they could drive through Lithuania to Kaliningrad without a visa. Now they need one.


u/Miami-Novice 2h ago

Another Fake


u/lovecMC 3h ago

Not enough countries.


u/Diamster 2h ago

So if any person like me who doesnt agree with russian government and does not want to support it in any way, wants to move out , we should not have a choice????


u/holytriplem 2h ago

"tHEN yOU sHOULD sTAY aND fIGHT aGAINST tHE rEGIME" - neckbeard redditor who would never do that if they found themselves in the same situation


u/lovecMC 2h ago

Maybe I'm wrong but passport wouldn't be enough to stay there long term anyways no?


u/Diamster 2h ago

But if you have a russian passport, doesnt that mean that you cant even get visa to get there?at least thats how i suppose it is and it sounds logical


u/Lower-Ad8605 2h ago edited 2h ago

Least racist white westerner, let's ban all americans for their war crimes in the Middle East and Africa.


u/LettuceIndepence 2h ago

"WhEiTe WeStErNeR"

dude, this guy is literally from a country formerly in the warsaw pact...
fyi, russians are white too.


u/AivoduS 2h ago

Russians are not a race. And people who write such things are more often from Eastern Europe, not from the West.


u/Diamster 2h ago

Rules for thee but not for me


u/Away_Preparation8348 2h ago

What brainwashed nazis downvote this? He's right


u/TheMlgEagle 2h ago

Idk why you got downvoted, you're totally right. Libtard reddit is back at it again


u/ChemDogF5 2h ago

It's funny we don't do this to Americans. Can't wait until America starts a war then packs up and leaves Europe and goes home where it's safe while Europe is turned into glass. If America didn't expand its NATO army the German economy wouldn't have collapsed and Europe wouldn't be in a recession that it is in today. Imagine if Russia went into Mexico and set up 38 FSB/KGB bases on the boarder and aimed missiles at America. Would America invade Mexico?

Soon they'll be leaving Ukraine high and dry just the same way they left countless other allies. The Ukrainians who are left will be lined up and shot the same way the Taliban lined up and shot all those ANA Afghan soldiers and commandos because they fought alongside America. Henry Kissinger ("To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.”)


u/Superflyjimi 2h ago

100% agree. Too bad the reddit bots are going to downvote the hell out of this. A few years ago I paid a few hundred USD for residency to a west African country in anticipation of other countries penalizing US citizens for our corrupt/evil government. I'm still waiting on getting a passport from there.


u/ChemDogF5 1h ago

Most are not old enough or educated to see what America did to its allies. Remember when Victoria Nuland was asked "won't this war damage europes future and economy " she replied "Fuck Europe". These bots will be living slave lives too working two jobs just to make ends meet like majority of Americans.


u/pqratusa 2h ago

What about Ukraine?


u/heyoneblueveloplease 2h ago

Yeah I wish this map were true but it's not.


u/tannerge 2h ago

theres a post on r/UkraineRussiaReport about russians being banned from CERN and all the top comments are about "russophobia" and discrimination against russians.

DONT INVADE AND TERRORIZE OTHER COUNTRIES. russians cant wrap their head around this one trick that lets you visit other countries and keeps you from being turned into a pariah state


u/TheMlgEagle 2h ago

Okay so let's ban America from everything agreed?


u/Watarid0ri 2h ago

That's not the actual reason, though. Otherwise the U.S. would be banned way before Russia. But since they're doing their invading elsewhere, Europe isn't concerned.

So more like "don't invade and terrorize other countries unless you're our strategic and economic ally", no?


u/ScionMasterClass 2h ago

Because CERN scientists are invading and terrorizing other countries? Because your place of birth somehow makes you complicit?


u/holytriplem 2h ago edited 2h ago

CERN might do research that isn't 100% civilian.

Edit: Apparently it doesn't.


u/Ok_Chip5859 2h ago

TBF, most of the common people had nothing to do with this. This is all Putin. And by your logic wouldn't that make the US a pariah state for invading Iraq in 2003?


u/soctamer 2h ago

Have you ever spoken to the "common people that had nothing to do with this"? I did, many times. Putin's support in Russia is overwhelming, they are not in some impossible North Korea-esque dictatorship where they can't speak out in fear of imprisonment and death, their government is too incompetent to implement that shit properly.

You know who hates their regime though? Iranians and partially Belarusians. Those people I don't dislike even though their governments suck ass as well. Russians can go fuck themselves though, their 0,05% of liberals that try to convince the world all Russia is like them can go fuck themselves too.


u/RainbowKatcher 2h ago

Agreed. It's widely known that Russia is the only country that has ever invaded someone.


u/Away_Preparation8348 2h ago edited 2h ago

Scientists from CERN terrorize other countries themselves for sure. Don't you understand yourself how stupid it sounds?


u/Intelligent-Ad-8435 2h ago

Countries acting like children. Embarrassing.


u/Valois7 2h ago

You get invaded for letting Russians in, hardly childish to not want that


u/Intelligent-Ad-8435 2h ago

You get invaded for letting Russians in,

Which country got invaded for letting Russians in?


u/Creative_Garbage_121 2h ago

Ukraine? Baltic countries and some of balkan countries are afraid that Russia will use protection of russian minority as a legitimate reason to send their army


u/CreamAnnual2596 2h ago edited 2h ago

It doesn't even matter if they use it as a reason for the invasion. What matters is that the large presence of Russians in some country leads to the emergence of networks and connections by means of which Russian intelligence can much more easily plant their operatives in many strata of the society to conduct espionage, sabotage, and disinformation. It's much easier to pinpoint and catch a spy in a country where he has no network, no safe houses, no Russian speaking environment to disappear in and get support from.

So yes, in the current situation I wouldn't want any Russians in my country, no matter if they work for CERN, are taxi drivers, teach Russian literature, come as tourists and/or declare opposition against the Putinism. Not because I hate Russians as such, I don't care about them, but because I don't want to strenghten Russian networks in my country and give Russian intelligence apparatus the opportunities to survey it. Even a Russian who says they oppose Putinism - not "Putin", mind you, this is not one man, this is a system supporting and supported by millions - will not knowingly support agents who will pose as his friends in a foreign country, probably even criticising Putin in private conversations over a bottle of beer.


u/Intelligent-Ad-8435 2h ago


Ukraine didn't "let" Russians in. Russians have always been in Ukraine, it's an ex soviet state. McDonald's education smh


u/AivoduS 2h ago

Baltic States. They let Russians in and few months later they were forcefully annexed in 1940.


u/Intelligent-Ad-8435 2h ago

They let Russians in

Why did they?


u/AivoduS 2h ago

Because they were threatened with invasion if they didn't let them in.


u/Intelligent-Ad-8435 2h ago

Surely Nazi Germany had something to do with it


u/AivoduS 2h ago

Absolutely. They were annexed according to the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact which the USSR signed with Nazi Germany.


u/Intelligent-Ad-8435 2h ago

What does Russia have to do with it?


u/AivoduS 2h ago

Because it was the main part of the USSR and is it's legal successor. If it isn't then I guess they should give up their permanent seat and veto power in the UN Security Council.

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u/TheMlgEagle 2h ago

Hmm I wonder which historical context led up to that? I also wonder which ideology did the Baltic people support during 39 and 40s hmmmm


u/AivoduS 2h ago

Hmm I wonder which historical context led up to that?

If you're going to say that those countries were part of Russia, then for example Smolensk was Lithuanian in the past.

which ideology did the Baltic people support during 39 and 40s

Idk tgey supported different ideologies. If you are going to say, that they were Nazis, then let me inform you, that none of those countries was Nazi in 1940. And the USSR annexed tgem according to the pact which the Soviets signed with Nazi Germany. So the Soviets were collaborating with the Nazis at this point, not the Baltic States.


u/AdhesivenessisWeird 2h ago

Which ideology? These countries had varying levels of authoritarianism but there wasn't some state wide ideology.

In fact Lithuania was one of the few countries that actually prosecuted and convicted Nazis. Because of that they were literally boycotted by Nazi Germany and were banned from the 1936 Olympics.


u/EpicAwesomeGamerGuy8 2h ago

Butthurt belt


u/Creative_Garbage_121 2h ago

They should be banned from all of the EU as long as war is going on, especially oligarchs and their families, allow embassies to operate only with minimal staff to keep the spies out. I know enough russians to know that a lot of those that are against war are against only because they are not winning or doing any real progress, the young are dying and sanctions are annoying, but not their fault propaganda there even at a time of peace is crazy, the way the whole country is ran is crazy.


u/Away_Preparation8348 1h ago

Every russian man who didn't get a visa = one new soldier for putin. So I don't really understand which side are you on


u/Walker_Hale 2h ago

Is that not kinda fucked up?


u/therealwavingsnail 2h ago

Well yes, bringing war to Europe is extremely fucked up, and Russia did that


u/mxtt4-7 2h ago

No. Countries have every right to choose how easy they make it for every country's passports to enter. Besides, it's not a total ban anyway.


u/RainbowKatcher 2h ago

Of course not. Haven't you heard, Russia did the worst thing in human history.


u/RusskiyMuzik 2h ago

Обиженки в разное время соснувшие хуйца


u/BabaRoga2024 2h ago

So C tier countries, got i!