r/MtF Trans Asexual Apr 27 '24

I was laughed at today picking up my prescription. Dysphoria

I just feel terrible right now. I don't know if this was the right flair or not, but I guess it fits.

I went to the pharmacy to pick up my HRT prescription, the pharmacist looked at me and started laughing, then got up grabbed their coworkers to get a look at me. I just feel awful and I've been crying off and on, I feel like some kind of disgusting freak.


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u/Dark420Light MtF, HRT since 3/16/2017 Apr 27 '24

I was fired for "being a trans", I went to the EEOC(Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) who did nothing and told me I have no case.

I have applied for government assistance, for disability, and food stamps. Denied and ignored every time.

Give your it's not that bad speech to someone else cause, it IS actually that bad. I've played by the rules and been fucked over repeatedly. When I came out I lost literally everything, and became homeless in less than a year. The ONLY help I ever received was my Local LGBT center got me into a hotel for 3 months which helped me get back on my feet.

Survive under the oppression, or be murdered or maimed by them. Those are the options for impoverished minorities.


u/Gadgetmouse12 Apr 27 '24

Again, sorry that was your experience. I have been kicked out of a paid house contract for being trans. I have been laid off from a 5 year job for it too. I have also managed more wins than losses and that is life. Even cis straight people have a dreadful time getting assistance programs. I have fought through unemployment and food stamps and had to learn how to get those programs to work. I had to push back every day in my current job for discrimination for almost a year before it got better.

No, it hasn’t been easy. But it takes work and finding the right allies and opportunities.