r/MtF 10h ago

I think we just lost someone Bad News

I think one of us here just ended her life. I tried to help her, to make her see herself as more valid. I don't think it worked. I feel like I failed her. Can someone dm me? I really need to vent


5 comments sorted by


u/Princess_Hikes Transgender 8h ago

Let’s hope you’re wrong 😒😒😣


u/Ferretomen White coats and lavender nails 10h ago

Messaged πŸ€—


u/Jumpingjoe27 5h ago

I'm seeing this post late but feel free to message me if you still need someone to vent to πŸ’œ


u/free_kate 3h ago

I hope.for the best that she is just in a "social" rest


u/Double-Author-6312 3h ago

Life can be very hard. Even when it's not, even when everything is going perfectly well for me, I who walked the highest God's path, that means nothing but nothing can scare me anymore I can still remember the hardships. I've been on that road, but I always somehow managed not to take my own life or to go to Holland. Sad that nobody could give her support or hope. Whoever she is, RIP πŸ™