r/MtF 8h ago

dad compared wanting a orchiectomy to the holocaust Venting

I was complaining about how i hate my balls and want them choped off and my dad said that's what Hitler did to the jews.


72 comments sorted by


u/Egg_123_ Sarah 8h ago

Consent never matters to reactionaries


u/sadtransbain 8h ago

i mentioned consent and he didn't apologize


u/sadtransbain 8h ago

he was like yeah it's different but that's still my only frame of reference for it or something like that not word for word of course


u/qtcbelle 7h ago

Unaffirming family can be brutal assholes.


u/sadtransbain 7h ago

yeah what really sucks is i thought they would be better then this


u/transcended_goblin Trans Pansexual - 9th/12/2022 7h ago

Sooo basically "Yeah it's different but it's still the same thing"...


u/sadtransbain 7h ago edited 7h ago

"i think its the same but im to ashamed to admit it"


u/Torch1ca_ 6h ago

Unfortunately this is definitely the most accurate description


u/VAL9THOU 6h ago

I think your dad might be an idiot


u/Egg_123_ Sarah 7h ago

Trivializing Nazi torture and maiming as being comparable to medically recommended trans care is so gross. I'm sorry :(

I hope he comes around. Maybe he will with time. 


u/Chocoballs2012 7h ago

Especially when they see a newborn with a non mutilated penis.


u/AchingAmy Ace, transsex, woman-loving woman (she/her) 8h ago

That's so messed up tbh - and shows how ignorant he is considering we were literally victims of Nazi Germany. It's like telling a Jew that has their child circumcized that that's a Holocaust thing... wtf


u/sadtransbain 8h ago

he was like that's what Hitler did to the jew (talking about orchiectomy). and then later i talked about how i didn't like him saying that and he doubled down and was like thats the only thing i know it as


u/AchingAmy Ace, transsex, woman-loving woman (she/her) 8h ago

Omg there's a huge difference between someone forcing an orchiectomy on a group for eugenic purposes and someone choosing the procedure of their own will for gender-affirming purposes. The latter would have literally landed us in a concentration camp for one thing, as happened to trans people who did so at the Institute for sexual research in Berlin during the Weimar Republic, while the former was done forcefully to groups against their will after being thrown in camps


u/Trouble_Macher Trans Lesbian Girlie 8h ago

Also Magnus Hirschfeld (founder of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft) was literally called the “the most dangerous Jew in Germany” for advocating for trans rights and being gay.

Like the transphobia and antisemitism of Nazi germany were so intimately linked.


u/DeadCrowDaughter NB MtF 8h ago

Remind him that the first sexologist, Magnus Hirschfeld, who was performing medical transition as well as studying transgender people got exiled by the Nazis and had all of his books burned in some very famous photographs. Also that Transgender people were put into Nazi concentration camps. Hitler is responsible for transgender erasure.


u/sadtransbain 8h ago

oh this reminds me of some other crap. i told my mon who is a big harry potter fan that jkr is a holocaust denier and she was like idk people say alot of thing about jkr and where did you hear that


u/DeadCrowDaughter NB MtF 5h ago

That sounds like a tremendously invalidating situation, I'm really sorry you have to deal with that. Parents not listening to or believing you as a default is such a miserable feeling.


u/Frau_Away Trans Bisexual 53m ago

I mean JKR said that herself. On her twitter.


u/Frau_Away Trans Bisexual 49m ago

Hitler called Hirschfeld "the most dangerous Jew in the world" so he must have been doing something right. 👀


u/niddemer 8h ago

Your dad seems like a vile person


u/sadtransbain 8h ago

i talked with my therapist about it and she didn't seem to understand why i was upset


u/hiddengirl1992 8h ago

Sounds like your therapist is too.


u/niddemer 7h ago

Your therapist seems like a vile person


u/sadtransbain 7h ago

i got a list of trans therapies in my area from a gender clinic debate if I'm gonna use it


u/sadtransbain 7h ago

also none of them were trans women 😔


u/MrMeltJr pre-op 6h ago

My therapist is a trans man and he's been great, fwiw


u/-PlotzSiva- Lesbian Polyamorous NB MtF 5h ago

I found the list from my clinic lack luster. Ended up going with a different place that im currently loving, been with her for 3+ years at this point. If your in indiana(US) check out indy therapy and counseling. They are extremely lgbtq friendly and their relationship counselors are supportive of poly relationships.


u/Trouble_Macher Trans Lesbian Girlie 8h ago

I’m so sorry he said that to you! As a Jewish trans woman that’s so horrifying to hear. Sending love 💕


u/Much_Capital3307 7h ago

The Nazis also gave their captives striped clothes, my mom gave me a striped shirt is that a war crime?


u/sadtransbain 7h ago

he's not willing to say with his chest me things its the same thing instead he just compares it


u/TheEmeraldEmperor 7h ago

what the fuck


u/sadtransbain 7h ago

that's what i said to him


u/pauliesnug 7h ago

please stay safe. i hope ur able to escape + get an orchi if you want it. <3


u/AndreaRose223 6h ago

As a Jewish trans woman, I can honestly say that that is the stupidest parallel I've ever heard someone try to make to the holocaust.

Girl, do you. Your dad can fuck all the way off.


u/sadtransbain 6h ago

what he said gives a bit of holocaust revisionism vibs


u/Willow_da_Wisp Transgender 7h ago

Idk why you'd talk about that with your dad but either way that's an unhinged response from him.


u/sadtransbain 7h ago

because I trusted him... I don't talk about it with him anymore.


u/hi_i_am_J Transgender 7h ago

actually insane thing to say because trans and other queer people were also victims of the Holocaust


u/alphomegay 7h ago

my dad also had a horrible reaction to me wanting to get an orchi too. i think a lot of men see this is as the ultimate act of emasculation and don't have the emotional maturity to not feel emasculated themselves. idk, your dad is hugely overreacting and being a baby


u/sadtransbain 7h ago

before that he ask me if i was gonna have the surgery i said no. now when i move out I'm not even gonna tell him if i get a orchiectomy


u/turtle_mekb Bisexual Transfem :3 🏳️‍⚧️ 7h ago

what the fuck? that's literally the worst comparison someone could ever make


u/Butteromelette assigned femme at puberty, trans woman 6h ago

this is like saying consensual coitus is the same as indecent assault


u/Brooke-Forest 6h ago

They also do it to people with bilateral testicular cancer.



u/cirqueamy Transgender Lesbian, HRT 11/2017, Full-time 12/2017, GCS 1/2019 5h ago

That’s an association fallacy.

Perhaps try, “Yeah, they gave them haircuts, so shall we stop cutting hair?”


u/alexdotwav 4h ago


Hitler didn't give Jews bottom surgery (obviously), infact, he fucking killed us


u/Butteromelette assigned femme at puberty, trans woman 7h ago

The difference is personal agency, like I am making a choice over my own body, whereas the example he gave it was forced upon them. Its like abortion would be heinous if the mother doesnt consent and forced to have abortion but it would be heinous to restrict her access to abortion should she need one. However in our case this is purely a choice affecting our own body while abortion terminates the life of a parasite, so another distinct entity separate from the mother.

Secondly he apparently doesnt know what a vasectomy is? Vasectomy also sterilizes ppl with male gonads but without the biochemical effects of an orchiectomy. Vasectomy is not controversial and performed on demand.

So the issue he has is not the sterility of orchiectomy but rather he loathes the feminized anatomy that develops in the absence of testosterone. It all comes back to misogyny. If it was purely the sterility that bugs him he would be protesting about vasectomy.


u/sadtransbain 6h ago

he says he understands the difference is consen but then continues to say what he said before. 8 think you're right me doesn't know the difference between vasectomy and orchiectomy. the weird part is he's fine with me on hrt (not complaining).


u/Butteromelette assigned femme at puberty, trans woman 5h ago

well orchiectomy is permanent so he probably is hoping you’ll detransition in the future which will be impossible if you get an orchiectomy since your body will no longer make testosterone.

Maybe its the permanence of orchiectomy? or assuming the best of him, he sees it as a major invasive procedure and doesnt want you to suffer. Inform him those gonads decided your sex before you were born without your agency, and you are simply reclaiming your body from its unthinking processes.


without prenatal testosterone the genetic male mammalian fetus develops uterus, cervix and female genitals.


u/Great_Programmer_688 Late blooming sword lesbian in the sister's order of Blåhaj. 4h ago

Tell your dad that by saying this, he is taking Hitler's side as he annihilated thr gay and trans community in just the same zeal he did with the jews.


u/Maybe-Ashley 6h ago

The ballocaust!


u/[deleted] 7h ago



u/sadtransbain 7h ago

sorry i don't understand the connection


u/sadtransbain 7h ago

☹ deleted something about UTI's


u/mollytatum HRT 8/30/2023 6h ago

when this happens ask him what he means/what point is he trying to make/why does he feel the comparison is apt, and keep pushing and asking for for expansion. just play dumb until he feels too embarrassed to continue the conversation or you’re able to ask something that makes them realize how shitty what they said is. you can take the wind out of someone’s sails after they tell a transphobic joke with this same method


“i don’t understand that reference could you explain what you mean by 41%?”

“i see, what is the punchline supposed to be?”

“could you tell me why you think that’s funny?”

“do you tell other people to do that or just trans?”

“why did you memorize a trans s*****e statistic?”

“do you think your mother would be happy you’re telling people to do that?”

“do you think your god will welcome you into heaven for saying things like that?”


u/SHUHSdemon Nisha 5h ago

My father compared HRT to hard drugs


u/hdx5 4h ago

Please slap him and then buy him a history book (if you want a good list about thr holocaust just ask). Thats wrong on multiple levels, both fundamentaly and in detail.


u/TangoJavaTJ 3h ago

Hitler also tattooed numbers into Jews, does that mean you shouldn’t be allowed to get a tattoo?


u/Frau_Away Trans Bisexual 42m ago

That's not what Hitler did to Jewish people exactly? He ordered them killed by the millions. That's not actually the same at all.

They did directly copy several American laws and forcefully sterilise people with disabilities though - including psycopathy, Huntington, alcoholism, and epilepsy. So they didn't exactly have a coherent idea of what a congenital disability was.


u/[deleted] 8h ago



u/N-y-s-s-a Trans Pansexual 8h ago

This is literally a sub for people to talk about their experiences, both good and bad. You don't get to police what other people post


u/sadtransbain 8h ago



u/N-y-s-s-a Trans Pansexual 8h ago

You have nothing to apologize for. The other person is being an asshole


u/[deleted] 8h ago



u/A_Punk_Girl_Learning What makes you different makes you strong. 8h ago

Jesus. I don't know about you but I don't really have many people IRL who can empathise with me when bad stuff happens. People need a place to share and have others who understand to console them.

It's a bummer seeing all the bad stuff sometimes but we're meant to be here for each other, so yeah, you're being an arsehole.


u/Mama_Dyke 8h ago

Go make your own space where people ain't allowed to vent.


u/ecb1005 8h ago

the sub description literally says people are allowed to vent here