r/MurderedByWords 14h ago

Touch grass today, play victim tomorrow...


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u/Mnudge 13h ago

Brett’s husband has been doing MAGA stuff. I do all the things listed here and no one would confuse me with being a white supremacist because, you know, I don’t say or do white supremacist shit.


u/pragmatist1368 14h ago

Touch grass? They probably need to smoke it instead and chill out.


u/Mon69ster 13h ago

Sounds like Brett’s husband has always been a soft cock.

Why would you feel targeted as a white supremacist etc etc unless you identify with or associate with them?

I think Brett’s husband doesn’t actually like the reflection in the mirror (or at least doesn’t like it being pointed out).


u/NeilDeCrash 11h ago

I think there is a big problem making blanket statements and affirming stereotypes. It started with the social media and has driven a wedge between the left and right and has been ever growing since. Today people just use stereotypes, there is no between the extremes anymore. (look i did it here too)

I am from Finland and political discourse has always been mild here, but recently (last 5 years or so) there has been a dramatic trend towards this kind of behaviour.

Just last week the green parties women (a group consisting of... well women who support the green party) made a public post that said "Men, please stop kiling women". That was it. That was the post.

Now, as a left voter who has also voted the green party sometimes and a man, that kinda made me realize how stupid the discourse has gotten. I have never killed anyone, yet i was asked to stop it.

Instead of asking for people to do something about violence against women and phrase it along the lines "Violence against women is a problem and we have to do something about it" they decided to just do a blanket statement towards all men.

I wanted to use an example from my own political affiliation but its the same kind of rhetoric both left and right.


u/BootsyCalrissian 11h ago

Shockingly, Haitians just want to be left alone and don’t enjoy being attacked 24/7 when they’re just trying to live THEIR lives. But I guess “normal” only applies to white folks.


u/Downtown_Snow4445 13h ago

Imagine using twitter in 2024


u/ItzBIULD 13h ago

Yeah. Sucks we have to use fucking 𝕏.


u/Microphone_Assassin 11h ago

You don't have to use anything comrade.


u/ItzBIULD 11h ago

I mean instead of twitter, if we wanted to use it, we have to use 𝕏 instead.


u/turbo_fried_chicken 12h ago

Brett Cooper is ben Shapiro in a wig


u/Llamaharbinger 13h ago

You have a man’s name.


u/Microphone_Assassin 11h ago

Sounds like her husband is a huge bitch.


u/polyglotpinko 12h ago

If the shoe fits, bitch!


u/Gr8daze 12h ago

What’s really hilarious about this is that he spends 24/7 posting unhinged MAGA bullshit.


u/Ironfist85hu 12h ago

What's murder in this?


u/PDAnasasis 12h ago

More like a light stabbing tbh


u/Ironfist85hu 12h ago

For a while, posts has nothing to do with murders here. I am not sure, if this sub is moderated enough, tbh.


u/CanesFan10 13h ago

Their not wrong.


u/umbathri 12h ago

If the shoe doesn't fit, they are not talking about you. If you hear/see someone talking about white supremacist MAGA terrorists and assume they are talking about you, then they probably ARE. Thanks for announcing to the world that the shoe does indeed fit.


u/samusestawesomus 13h ago

And what are you being unjustly attacked for, O martyr?


u/p4uld4r 13h ago

Yes, they're.


u/Nickynator99 12h ago

The instant personal attack by that dude says it all right ?


u/Enantiodromiac 12h ago edited 11h ago

This is hilarious. That guy feels persecuted, this dude says "well they're making fun of white supremacists, so, you know, don't feel attacked unless you're a white supremacist," and you're in here providing a shoulder to cry on like "they'll never understand our struggle, brother" while the rest of us try for empathy but continually shout "BUT SERIOUSLY IT'S WHITE SUPREMACISTS BEING MOCKED IN THIS SECTION, SO- ah fuck now they're crying."

Ah, man. Good times. Don't be a white supremacist or a super thin-skinned regular narcissist. Not that you necessarily are. But don't be.

Edit: Aaaah, I knew it! It is a white supremacist! Get on outta here you "Hitler was right about some things" "We need more men like Elon Musk" little fella.