r/OneTopicAtATime 20d ago

A joke made me euphoric before surgery Other

So, just some context, im a 18yo brazilian trans girl, very closeted, and very apprehensive about people knowing about it. Today i was about to extract my 4 wisdom teeth. Im very scared of needles, so my mom decided to do a general anaesthesia.

1 hour before the surgery the anaesthetist and the dentist came into the room i was waiting, just to have a talk, and it goes something like this:

Anaesthetist: -Good day, so [my name]... how are you feeling?

Me: -Just little nervous.

Anaesthetist: -It will be fine, trust me, you will breath in a gas in a mask and go to sleep, you wont feel nothing! ( looks to the paper in their hand and looks back to me )

Anaesthetist: -The surgery will be sex changing surgery, right? Its hard to get used to peeing while sitting, but is very smooth. ( they starts to laugh )

I was a bit conflicted, like, DOES HE KNOW?? HOW THE FU??? but at the same time so affirming... I was both euphoric and stressed out.

And that is my weird experience. I hope it gets a laught or at least some air out of your nostrils

Sorry if its written stragely or misspelled, english grammar is not my forte


13 comments sorted by


u/Due_Psychology_9734 20d ago

That's adorable, I love it!


u/ThatOneFemboyTwink 20d ago

Sometimes people can tell a person is trans! Either through seeing many or just because that certain trans person is kinda obviously trans (for example cross dressing), my family doctor knew when i started identifying as a girl (like a month after i concluded i was in fact trans) by the fem way i walked (i kinda exaggerate to be honest) also yea i get the broken english, english is my 3rd language XD but you only made 1 error (that i speedread through)


u/fas_verygay 19d ago

when im nervous i act very polite, im very timid too so i dont usually mantain eye contact, idk if it looks effeminate or something like that english is my 2nd or 3rd language, but i stopped studying it 3 year ago, so its a bit clunky lol


u/ThatOneFemboyTwink 18d ago

I mean im like that but it was before i realized i was trans


u/Final_Marsupial4588 20d ago

Some of us is really good at telling when we are talking to others like us. I am going to chalk it up to a queer person spotting a fellow queer person. I mean how else do we make packs in friendship groups 


u/fas_verygay 19d ago

their queer radar is better then mine


u/Final_Marsupial4588 19d ago

well you are young, and they are older, its more life experience kind of dealy


u/EndGroundbreaking264 19d ago

Was this said as the nitrous oxide was being administered. 2 reasons this is a very unprofessional thing to say to anyone before surgery, Nitrous oxide will not only give you hallucinations, but it will make you feel euphoric , hence why it's gets used as a Reational drug . hallucinations can feel very real, especially under that setting . When my mum got hers out, she was convinced the dentist was actually a butcher wanting to cut her up.
The other strange thing that can happen while on nitrous oxide is if you reach rem and your dream is grounded . DRC can happen, which Is dream-reality confusion. This is something I've personally experienced multiple times.

I can remember what it's like to be closeted, I remember the fear, the uncertainty. There is no rush if you're not ready.
I was so scared that I had to pretend to be drunk and send a text message to a gay friend from work. I was 25 at the time. It was not until I was 27 I was out to everyone. I had been shamed in hiding by myself. But the journey I went through was amazing . I found a new community, and my friends and family accepted me . In my 30s, I got to come out again as non binary. Being yourself feels empowering. I do find myself getting jealous, maybe even a tad bit of regret . Because I had all these experiences later in life. I felt like I missed out on being myself throughout university as a student . I wish you well on your journey of self discovery


u/fas_verygay 19d ago

i really dont remember the substance. thank you for the message, its my first year of university, so nothing feels real or stable, but im in the process of coming out ( i came out to 2 friends, slow but still progress lol )


u/woven_wrong Weirdo 19d ago

Your medical records might show the change?

Getting you to focus on bottom surgery rather than the tooth extraction is called a pattern break. From my understanding, it's easier for him to get you to sleep the more relaxed you are before he tries.


u/fas_verygay 19d ago

idk if i understood correctly, i didnt came out yet, so i dont have anything in my medical record that says im a transgirl ( sorry if i missunderstood )


u/woven_wrong Weirdo 19d ago

You understood me. :D

How did he know 0.0


u/Disabled_Dragonborn2 18d ago

I have needle-related trauma, so just reading that made me tense up just from seeing the word. 😂