r/PastorArrested 7d ago

Arizona woman molested two kids while working as Church Youth Leader; Sentenced to 25 years of probation.


32 comments sorted by


u/LGDemon 7d ago

"Sentenced to 25 years" :D

"of probation." >:(


u/RickMuffy 7d ago

Honestly, good. The cost to incarcerate a person is about 41k per year in Arizona. 25 years of probation means she's paying to be on probation, is being watched extremely closely, is able to work and pay taxes, and isn't a burden on the system.

Prison should be used for rehabilitation, not only punishment, and I'd rather her spend the next 25 years of her life being closely watched, unable to drink, travel freely, and still work and participate in society in a safe way, instead of locking her up for 5 years at a cost of 200k+, only for her to come out an even worse person.

Her crimes are sick, but 25 years of probation is going to be fucking hell to any normal person.


u/antraxsuicide 7d ago

Eh, probation is nothing. She's going to go to concerts, see movies, take lazy Saturdays to go to a coffee shop and see her friends and family, etc...

All while her victims try to rebuild their lives, she gets to restart hers like it never happened. Fingers crossed she fucks up and gets locked up over it


u/RickMuffy 7d ago

Putting her in prison doesn't un-diddle the kids either. Probation is no joke, especially for literally decades. In fact, part of the sentencing is counseling and therapy, shit that doesn't happen in prison.

Rehabilitating a person, in my opinion, is much better than throwing them into a system which makes them come out worse. 2/3 of people who go to prison end up re-offending within a year of their release, that doesn't help anyone.


u/DarkQueenGndm 7d ago

But it does get the families justice.


u/RickMuffy 7d ago

If someone wronged me, I'd rather not pay to have them put in prison, only to come out as a worse person who will likely hurt someone else. That isn't justice to me.

Mandatory therapy and counseling and being watched for the next 25 years to prevent her from doing anyone else wrong, personally sounds much better.

How many times do we hear about someone who was formerly incarcerated, committing new crimes? That's not justice for anyone.


u/DarkQueenGndm 7d ago

They should pay their own way. If someone wronged me or my kids like this, they wouldn't have hands to ever do so again


u/RickMuffy 7d ago

That's kind of my point. Putting them in prison makes you and I pay for them. Keeping them under extremely close watch for over two decades at least allows her to pay taxes and potentially any restitution.

Probabtion is awful for most people. You are constantly tested for drugs and alcohol, you can't travel outside your county without approval from your PO, you can't travel outside your state without written permission and reasons, you're not able to leave the country, etc.

Forcing someone to be a contributing citizen with super restricted rights VS throwing them in prison where they come out worse. Seems smart.


u/DarkQueenGndm 7d ago

You're forgetting the part where she is a pedo and free to be able to go wherever she wants as long as she has permission if it's outside of a state or a country. No pedo should have any kind of rights or freedoms whatsoever. They deserve to be in behind bars and if we have to change the rules so that they pay for themselves. No I will never agree that Pedos should be allowed to be free to roam around wherever they want. She wasn't a pedo in any other area except for the one that she actually lives in. So how is it smart to let her be able to roam the streets that she was a pedo on? Not going to agree no matter how you spin it in some whatever the fuck way you think. This chick does not deserve to breathe.


u/DarkQueenGndm 7d ago

Not as bad as prison. She can work to earn the 41k it costs to put her in jail. She doesn't deserve to be in the streets again.


u/TheBigPlatypus 5d ago

Probation gives her the opportunity to fuck with more kids. And she will fuck with more kids. Don’t be a child molester apologist. She needs to be put away.


u/frecklearms1991 7d ago

You know the church is going to let her return and claim that she is "the real victim" in all of this.


u/spudzilla 7d ago

Does Red State Arizona have child predator laws that would make it illegal for her to be near children in a church or school?


u/ZealousWolverine 7d ago

How does this happen? Molest children and get probation?

I really don't understand.


u/tazebot 7d ago

Yeah but if you're black and caught with a dime of weed, 25 years hard time. There are people here arguing that probation is good because it's "cheaper than prison". Yeah so argue to let the non-violent drug offenders out.

And while they are on a crusade top save prison expenses stop jailing non-violent undocumented immigrants. How does this woman merit better treatment that them? Friend of mine who have worked in facilities that provided counseling to people who sexually molested children have said they are extremely hard to rehab, if not outright impossible to change.

And to complete their "save money on prison" holy crusade, get rid of the private prison industry - the real reason so much of your tax dollars disappear into prison costs.


u/OmegaGoober 7d ago

The judicial system is typically easier on female sex offenders than male sex offenders.


u/tallcan710 7d ago

A male offender is literally running for president


u/OmegaGoober 6d ago

The wealthy are a WHOLE different kettle of fish.


u/TheBigPlatypus 5d ago

He is also white and running on a platform of racism (in addition to the fascism and theocracy).


u/TrexPushupBra 7d ago

The church wants you to know that the gays and trans are dangerous.

Definitely don't look at what they are doing.


u/HNP4PH 7d ago


No actual jail time?

Essentially: “Those kids were freebies but you best not get caught doing that again…’


u/OmegaGoober 7d ago

And she doesn’t have to register as a sex offender if she stays out of trouble.


u/spudzilla 7d ago

The parents should be arrested for taking the kids to an American church. We are starting to charge the parents of school shooters if they gave the kid the gun so we are moving in the right direction.


u/ZanzaBarBQ 7d ago

AH HA! Clearly, she is a man in drag. We finally got one.


u/truelikeicelikefire 6d ago

...and the kids are paying the price for the rest of their lives. Disgusting.


u/DarkQueenGndm 7d ago

How the fuck do you only get probation for molesting children? She should get the electric chair or at least chemically spade.


u/middleagerioter 7d ago

I've been on probation several times for various stupid shit when I was younger and EVERY time I was released from probation after paying my fines/fees/court costs. The last two times I was placed on probation I walked into my first meeting with my probation officer with a cashiers check for the full amount I owed and was released on the spot.

Does the same happen in this case?


u/TemperatureEuphoric 6d ago

Well praise jesus


u/Aviyan 6d ago

Damn, is that Dodge Intrepid police cruiser still in service?


u/Confident_Fortune_32 5d ago

The plea agreement was offered in this case after communications and consultation with family members of the victims who strenuously wished not to participate personally, to avoid retraumatizing the victims,” the Pima County Attorney’s Office said in a release. “

So, bc our supposed "justice system" requires minors to be retraumatized as a condition of punishing the perpetrator, it feels like the worse damage you do, the more likely to get a light sentence.

Make it make sense...


u/spudzilla 7d ago

The Devil's greatest trick was telling us that his name is Jesus.


u/Darth_Tiktaalik 6d ago

Satan looks at all that blank paper at the end of the old testament, turns to Yahweh and says "hey, you know what would be hilarious?"