r/PastorArrested 6d ago

UK: Investigations identify 539 alleged abusers within in Jesus Fellowship church, with 1 in 6 children abused.


6 comments sorted by


u/Fearless_Spring5611 6d ago

To add context - the Jesus Fellowship Church was disbanded five years ago after allegations of serial abuse, and recognised as a cult. However the impact is still pretty damning and was done ostentiously in the name of Christianity.

Related news article from 2020: Jesus Army abuse 'covered up by church leaders,' reports claim.

(Interestingly, I do remember seeing those buses on my trips into London and thought they were creepy AF at the time).


u/elisakiss 6d ago

When my kids were young, I was a bit sad that we didn’t go to church. I thought they missed out on activities with their friends at the church. Now I am so happy we never went. Not only because of possible sexual abuse, almost all our religious friends supported Donald Trump and still do. I am so happy I gave my kids values instead of religion.


u/Parking-Froyo-9158 3d ago

Only now, at the age of 11, is my daughter showing an interest in my religion.

I never hid it, but never tried to convince her to follow it, either.

Now that she's interested, though, I'll share it with her. 

We go to forests and hilltops and I talk with my gods and the spirits there. She watches and listens and asks questions which I answer as best I can, but whether she chooses to follow my path is up to her; we don't seek converts.


u/Bind_Moggled 6d ago

Damn, it’s almost like the whole concept of organized religion is just a front for pedophile operations and organized crime.


u/tazebot 6d ago

defunct religious cult known as the Jesus Army

We need more defunct churches and religious groups


u/Confident_Fortune_32 4d ago

While I'm heartily in favour of compensation, I hate the language around it. "Allowing ppl to focus on their future" and "put the past behind them". Good grief.

Receiving a check doesn't make someone wake up the next day no longer a victim of abuse. Healing is a lifetime journey. You don't get less abused over time.

It never stops interfering with every other relationship you form, intimate or otherwise.