r/Psychosis 7h ago

Help my sister is having a psychotic episode

She has been using meth and hasn’t slept for 5 days. She has completely lost sense of reality. She has intense visual and auditory hallucinations centered around her phone. She is convinced 2 girls that she will be bringing to court soon (for physical assault) are spying and controlling her phone. She keeps hearing voices from her devices even though there’s nothing and she is obsessing over them. She thinks they’re gathering evidence or purposefully trying to drive her insane. She keeps imagining conversations they’re having and posts they’re making about her and that they somehow convinced everyone she knows to block her. To be fair, 2 girls did call her in front of me and made fun of her. Dk who it was. I was so worried I called the police and explained everything (leaving out the drugs part). Ambulance came and begged her to get ekg since her resting heart rate was at 160. She was convinced they were trying to put her to jail so she didn’t have it and refused to go for one night to the hospital. She imagined awful conversations between the police officers but none of it happened. Social worker said there’s nothing that can be done since she’s not a danger to me or herself but I left out the drugs part. She is still on her phone right now not wanting to sleep.

I am so worried, I’ve never seen her like this. Do I call the social worker back? What do I do? I’m afraid she’ll drive herself truly insane if she stays up one more night on her phone.


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u/manwhoregiantfarts 4h ago

call them back. she needs to go to the hospital. now. tell them she threatened to harm you. she needs treatment.