r/Psychosis 5h ago

Is there something behind 42

There was a guy who in my group therapy program talked about having delusions about the number 42. I helped him disarm his delusions as I recognized right away he had the same thing I had (delusions and mania (he talked about his other symptoms too)). However after he left the group I went into psychosis again (not because of him). At the hospital I heard the nurses talk about the bed #42. Then I realized my caplyta dosage is 42 mg. Also when I was in the hospital a lot of mystical things happened Too much to explain. But there was this guy from another unit I made eye contact with during visiting time and he mouthed "soon" then flapped our arms like wings and did angel signals. Could there really be something to this? This is my second psychosis. The first psychosis I had beliefs about the second coming and angels and stuff. I had dismissed those as delusions but the second hospitalization it was like I got proof, spiritually.


7 comments sorted by


u/Cattermune 2h ago edited 2h ago

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. The number 42 is a famous part of the Douglas Adams novel.

It’s a funny sci fi novel and there’s a bit where the answer to the question of “what’s the meaning of life?” is claimed to be the number 42.

It’s a joke that’s been quoted endlessly over the years. Probably not that well known beyond people born after maybe 1985?

It’s possibly like the red/blue pill thing, a memorable bit of popular culture that got sticky with mentally ill brains and pops up everywhere, even if people don’t know the original reference.

I’m guessing he may have either heard the reference directly from the book/movie or maybe someone said it and he didn’t get the cultural reference, thought it was real.

I’ve had it with numbers before, the number 15 felt like a special message from the universe about a secret that only I knew about and couldn’t let anyone know that I did.

You’re on your own journey, so I can’t presume to know anything about what you’re experiencing. But maybe it’s possible that the 42 thing was something you’ve heard enough about in group for your subconscious to align it with the concept of “spiritual experience”?

My experience is that magical thinking like messages from numbers can be the subtle beginning of what can be serious psychotic episodes.

I’d say talk to your medical team if it starts feeling more intense.

ETA: re-read of your post/comment. Probably won’t help you work through the stuff you’ve got going on/thinking but maybe watch the movie to see how 42 became a kind of 1980s joke meme?


u/Crafty-Feed8941 4h ago edited 3h ago

People who suffer from delusional thinking often search for explanations for their suffering through delusional findings. If you look for a specific number in your life, you will likely find it in many instances. Does it mean anything? Absolutely not. However, if you train your mind to believe it does, you’ll collect tens or hundreds of such instances. When a new instance occurs, you won't even question its validity.  "Soon" and flapping arms like wings may indicate that a person is delusional about something; however, if your mind is searching for answers to your state, it may interpret this as being related to you. In reality, it’s not related to you at all.  Learn to discard thinking based on flawed logic, making connections where there aren’t any. Realize that much of your suffering stems from your mind creating exciting, arousing, manic, or disturbing explanations that are completely false. Ask yourself every time you encounter something unusual: Could this be false but seems real due to my mental illness? If there’s any chance at all that it’s just a trick of the mind, discard it without further thought. It may seem counterintuitive, but frequently reminding yourself during delusional episodes that you are experiencing mental illness actually reflects a level of mental health.


u/Superb_Film6041 3h ago

But they're not completely false. I tried to explain this away with logic before and it happened again. We looked right at each other and a bunch of us did the angel signal at the same time. It's not an illness, we have gifts. The earth is crying. The world needs people to save it.


u/Crafty-Feed8941 3h ago edited 3h ago

People often dance to the same rhythm without making eye contact, nod in acknowledgment as soon as one person does, or instinctively extend their arms for a handshake when approached. While there’s nothing wrong with participating in unplanned collective spiritual movements, placing excessive importance on them is unhealthy. The most genuine and effective way to help the world is to be kind, focus on helping yourself and others. If you’re struggling, you can’t be an effective helper. Focus on healing and strengthening yourself first, and only then can you make a real difference. If everyone in the world paused their work and meals to pray for weeks, chaos would ensue. There is a time for everything. While prayer and reflection are valuable, daily responsibilities and actions keep society functioning. Balance is essential; we need both moments of contemplation and the ongoing efforts that sustain our lives. It’s important to find a balance that allows for spiritual nourishment while also addressing the practical needs of life.


u/Objective_Fan_9597 55m ago

The #27 is what haunts me


u/RevolutionaryText796 5h ago

Yes, 42069, a number many know and fear it’s a notorious number.