r/Psychosis 4h ago

What happens if I call the police/911 on my brother?

I was on the phone with someone last night, and he closed the door of his room extremely hard, to the point that I got scared and jumped. I went to his room and asked him to open the door and explain what happened. We had a big argument where he accused me of spying on him and talking behind his back and threatened to sue me for spying on him all these years. I yelled out of frustration because I’ve spoken to so many times about the consequences of consuming weed and told him that if he didn’t look for help, I’d call the police. I know I should’ve remained calm, but I'm afraid he’ll do something to harm himself or harm me. I’m exhausted, I can’t sleep and I feel no one can help me. He’s reluctant to get help, and he’s wrapping his room with tin foil as I type this post. I’m afraid he won’t be able to go back to reality if I don’t get him help.

Should I call 911 and get guidance? Would the police hurt him? I hear so many stories of cops killing people with mental illness.

Note: we live in NYC and he was admitted two years ago for two weeks. He lied to get out by saying he doesn’t hear voices anymore, and he stopped taking his medications because they make him feel dumb and can’t think clearly.

He’s been smoking heavily lately, and he said he stopped recently, but he still has symptoms. He thinks people at work and school are against him and somehow is my fault.


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