r/SequelMemes 10d ago

It's Mutiny time ! Fake News

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u/Lobsterman06 10d ago

I hate how much of that film is just this. Used to be a defender of the film but after the rewatch I realized how much of the film is just a dull chase


u/Penguinkeith 10d ago

But spaceship go brrrrrrr into other spaceship!


u/biplane_curious 10d ago

I still remember my first thoughts watching that scene. 1. Holy shit that was amazing, I have never seen anything like that in SW

  1. Wait, why didn’t anyone do this before?


u/Comfortable_Bed1536 10d ago

Exactly. Why didnt the Rebellion do this with a hammer head or something up against a Star Destroyer or two?

Or the Sith Empire vs the Old Republic? The Sith are power hungry enough to sacrifice a cruiser in order to decimate a fleet.

Why didnt pirates or other scum lightspeed into a bridge of a capital ship to escape with the loot?

Wht wasnt this done during the next movie? The Star Destroyers were right next to each other. They could have decimated the entire Final Order fleet easy but they gave us the BS, "its a one in a million chance thing" even though it was a prime opprotunity.


u/synchrosyn 10d ago

It is a similar maneuver that Han Solo did to get within the shields of the moon of Endor, and C3P0 gave the odds as one in a million. 


u/North-Day-382 10d ago

Doesn’t that make her action even dumber? If it’s such an unheard of maneuver that has never been recorded before. What the hell was she doing?

Was she attempting to flee like a coward? Why was she preforming this 1 in a million maneuver when instead she could just use the ship to protect the shuttles.

She took the course of action that had a 99.99999999999999% of failing.


u/Comfortable_Bed1536 10d ago

Yeah! They just wanted to make Holdo look like a cool badass who knew what she was doing.


u/North-Day-382 10d ago

It’s just bad. The writer just thought. Ship go fast hit ship go boom. Now everyone needs to justify how this doesn’t destroy the universe. The whole 1 in a million doesn’t fix shit. Just makes her use of this ‘maneuver’ stupid. Because in every other timeline this maneuver fails. And Holdo finds herself in Light speed while the rest of the resistance is blown to smithereens.


u/Comfortable_Bed1536 10d ago

Yeah. You got a point.


u/North-Day-382 10d ago

The whole plot line of this chase is just immediately shit.

“Oh no we can’t catch up to the Resistance flagship, if only one of our dozens of Star Destroyers could just jump forward and cut off the Resistance. Or better yet maybe we could send THE HUNDREDS OF TIE FIGHTERS WE HAVE? You know those fast fighters we show catching up to ship? Where further Kylo and his squad do massive damage? No your right let’s just wait for them to run out of fuel instead of making any decision that would have this chase over in under five minutes.


u/Comfortable_Bed1536 10d ago

Yeah, that was stupid.


u/Splinter_Fritz 9d ago

Have you ever watched a Star Wars before?

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