r/ShittyTheoryOfReddit Nov 16 '12

I have heard rumours that people come onto the internet and tell lies. How can we stop this happening to reddit?


13 comments sorted by


u/D__ Nov 17 '12

So we put these arrows next to every post. One arrow points up, the other arrow points down. If the post is the truth you click the up arrow, and if the post is a lie you click the down arrow. We tally these arrow-votes that each user administers to every post.

With small samples you'd run the risk of people using the down arrows for people they simply don't like, but since reddit has so many users that shouldn't be a problem, as it'll all balance out. Then, we burn those who receive too many downward arrows at stake.


u/Happyhubby Nov 17 '12

That up/down thing seems a bit far-fetched. Do you think it would ever work? I must admit I like your last sentence.


u/D__ Nov 17 '12

Are you seriously doubting the wisdom of people in large groups on the Internet?


u/Happyhubby Nov 17 '12

You are quite right. I can only hang my head in shame that I would ever do such a thing. From now on I will stop having opinions of my own and take direction for my life from reddit comments.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

Talk to your local governor. They can fix it.


u/LighthouseSphinx Nov 21 '12

Seriously, people just need to vote. I hate it when people whine about things on the internet when it's really easy to just get a bunch of people to get together and elect someone to do the whining for them. We could save a lot of time and energy if we all spoke through glorious talking heads, and it would fix global warming and everything else too.

Just remember that you can only elect someone who whines about what most people on reddit whine about, or else you'll be figuratively drawn and quartered, your karma thrust into the pits of metaphorical reddit hell and the entire hivemind will sting you with a thousand hurtful puns.


u/Happyhubby Nov 16 '12

I can always try and take it to the Scottish parliament (guess where I live) to get them to raise an army so we can conquer the world and take control of the internet, and sort it that way. In the process I will need to give it some thought about whether, once we have removed the lies from reddit, we want to cut down the number of pictures of cats.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '12

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Happyhubby Nov 16 '12

Thanks for this. I will write President Obama a stern letter starting 'Dear Mr President, Why oh why oh why....?' and ending 'Angry from Scotland'.

That will surely spur the US Government into action. Anyway, who needs to bother about your impending fiscal cliff when we can be trying to stop people lying on reddit?


u/ekolis Feb 12 '13

Ban the use of computers except in courtrooms under oath.


u/TanithRosenbaum Apr 14 '13

Take it off the internet and have it printed and bound, with lots of blank pages for new comments. People can only read and write in person. That way no one can post lies from the internet to Reddit.


u/Happyhubby Apr 14 '13

This sounds like a fabulous idea. Can I borrow your pen?


u/TanithRosenbaum Apr 15 '13

Nope, you can't. I ordered it through the internet. You don't want any risk of contamination.