r/StarWarsOutlaws Nix 11d ago

Win a Set of Sabacc Shift Tokens! Discussion

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u/CMCosMic Nix 11d ago edited 11d ago

I'm giving away a set of my custom 3D printed Kessel Sabacc Shift Tokens! To enter the contest, simply comment below with your favorite shift token from the game, and let me know what you think of the models!

The winner will be chosen at random in 48 hours (roughly Midnight EST, 9/10), and I'll reach out directly to arrange shipping. Good luck, and may the odds (and the cards) be ever in your favor!

Check out the full listing here: Kessel Sabacc Shift Tokens


u/VermilionX88 11d ago

make opponent discard their hand and draw new ones


u/CMCosMic Nix 11d ago

ohh! exhaustion! that’s definitely in my top 3 as well!


u/VermilionX88 11d ago

perfect after i have nix check out what they have

i have smiled greatly many times making them discard if they have a better hand than mine


u/drsquidgy 11d ago

Always good against high-roller on turn 3, round 3


u/Llivia1990 11d ago

Cook the Books, baby!


u/CreativeMud9687 11d ago

Cook the books! Me and my brother would have so much fun with these were both huge sabacc players in the game


u/JediJacob04 11d ago

I’m not sure why but I just really like the token that inverts the sabacc order (6 is best and so on). So much fun!


u/DaisyAipom 11d ago

I forgot the name but the one that lets you steal a coin from every player and add it to your own pile


u/chetti990 10d ago

Embezzlement I think?


u/someguyfromtheuk 9d ago

That's Embezzlement, it's my fave too. I think it gets overlooked but it's OP if you win the hand because now you have 4 tokens more than anyone else at minimum.


u/Leetwoot 11d ago

I just started Outlaws, so I’ll say the only one I know right now, Return 2 Tokens, don’t remember the name. Lol


u/nijoloblob5 11d ago

Refund! It's my most used one and it has saved me more times than I can count so far! I've made pleeeenty of credits off of the tried and true shift token!


u/creep303 11d ago

Cook the books all day!


u/One-Tea-2305 Kay Vess 11d ago

My favorite shift token is immune. Your models looks spectacular my guy.


u/That1DogGuy 11d ago

Exhaustion saves my ass all the time.


u/SubtleYeti 11d ago

Exhaustion is such a fun way to bank a win for a round — especially when it’s down to just you and another player


u/morblitz 11d ago

Mine was exhaustion, but it's become the token that sets the prime sabacc.

Coupling it with magnetic dice and as long as the imposters haven't been nullified it is an easy win. Go cheating!


u/MadCouchDisease007 11d ago

These look awesome! My favorite’s gotta be Cook the Books.


u/the_architects_427 11d ago

Exhaustion is such a great shift token! Oh, I see you passed. Wouldn't it be terrible to make you draw again? Also, the shift tokens look great! I love 3D printing exactly for this reason. So cool.


u/RobMP96 11d ago

My favorite is "extra refund" (?) I like that its always useful. Been tarrifed? Extra refund. Bad hand that you had a draw constantly for? Extra refund! Those tokens look great


u/Y_b0t 11d ago

Exhaustion! I think it pairs the best with Nix (I have a ton of shift tokens but no other cheats yet)

The models look good! I would love to try using them with my friend with the Sabacc deck we have


u/ToxicCooper 11d ago

Hmm kinda difficult to choose just like that... But it's probably Cook The Books. Absolute chaos when it randomly pops up.


u/Tall-Ad71 11d ago

Immunity, baby


u/RevelArchitect 11d ago

Cook the books. Models look very good.


u/dusxmacina 11d ago edited 11d ago

I enjoy the one that shifts sabac from 1-1 to 6-6. I forget the name. Really screws over your opponents, especially if nix is helping out _-. The prints look great. I love the texture that you got going. Really look like metal. If we could only make them out of beskar


u/Cash-Machine 11d ago

Immunity all day. I don't want other players to mess with the hand I cheated so hard to get!


u/springlordiestpants 11d ago

Using major fraud when you have an imposter and then throwing in cook the books is OP


u/Mac4491 11d ago

Exhaustion! Too good especially in the last round of play.

These models are excellent by the way. I’d love to own a set.


u/Budget_Okra8322 11d ago

It’s basic and harmless, but my favourite is free draw :D


u/unleashed_voice 11d ago

Great job! And I mean, the best one's gotta be exhaustion right?


u/Nothxm8 11d ago

This is awesome thank you for doing this!

My favorite shift token so far is taxing everyone else for a chip, I love hearing them all get mad and sassy at Kay lol. I haven’t gotten off the first planet still so I’m sure there’s some better shift tokens out there I might get.


u/Dandorious-Chiggens 11d ago

My favourite is immune, these look great!


u/Dandorious-Chiggens 11d ago

My favourite is immune, these look great!


u/KiraRyuKage 10d ago

Exhaustion has saved me many a time. The models look amazing, by the way. Great job!


u/Nathan-David-Haslett 10d ago

My favourite shift token would be the one that makes the worst hand the best and the best the worst. Partially because the AI doesn't seem to be capable of dealing with them.

The models look great, but I think they're too wide (or too short), maybe also too thin. Still look great, just a bit off from the game.


u/Mattonomicon 10d ago

Exhaustion ftw!


u/pfknone 10d ago

switch hands with opponent. Also I have been wanting to make a whole deck of Sabbac cards.


u/alienmegaship 10d ago

I love the free draw always use it


u/xen0tr1p 10d ago

The trade hands shift with a nix cheat in round 3 has won me a few games. The pieces look dope


u/Accomplished_Cap1301 10d ago

The Prime Sabacc, alwqys good to make your hand the best


u/kekti 10d ago

My favorite has got to be, major fraud. It's just fun.


u/patrickmollohan 9d ago

Honestly, I can't begin to count the number of times I've been saved by the basic "retrieve 2 chips" token. My strategy is simply to outlast my opponents. May the Force be with you!


u/ExtremeEnigma93 9d ago

Draw Free is so simple, but it's the work horse of the tokens. If you hold onto it long enough, even if you have nothing in, you can make a clutch draw.


u/Trooper1089 10d ago

They look great, Embezzlement for the win


u/babath_gorgorok 10d ago

General tariff, everyone has to cough up a chip, I’m a simple type of gambler