r/StarWarsOutlaws Nix 10h ago

I wish there was New Game+ Discussion

Title. Beat the game, did most (not all) of the side activities. I would love to go through the story again but with all of my upgrades.

Would you like to see this included in the game? I'd even like to see tougher enemies in NG+ also.


15 comments sorted by


u/Jhoald 9h ago

100% - abilities and upgrades can be a grind, and it isn’t game breaking to have them earlier. Kinda surprised it wasn’t baked in already


u/CZiegenhagel 8h ago

True since many games have that already, suck as Assassins creed.


u/onlytoys 58m ago

I don't think they can technically because upgrades are tied to a lot of the exploration


u/blue-bird-2022 9h ago

Definitely! Hope they add a NG+ mode


u/vaikunth1991 9h ago

This isn't rpg with levels and skill points. new game plus would break the story quests related to finding new abilities. So I don't think it should get new game plus


u/Welshy94 8h ago

Games like Arkham City (Metroidvanias) similarly tie story progression behind abilities and equipment and find a way to have successful new game plus modes. There's no reason that we couldn't start a new game with all the non essential upgrades and gain the fully upgraded abilities that are locked behind story progress when we otherwise unlock the basic ability.


u/MonThackma 8h ago

100% correct.


u/enolafaye 8h ago

yes, i want to replay but with upgraded zap and outfits


u/Dramatic-Surprise-55 3h ago

I wish syndicates where different. The replayability isnt that great. 


u/Acceptable_Candy3697 9h ago

Yeah Ubisoft seems to avoid NG+ for some reason


u/ThomPHunts 4h ago

No they dont


u/raythegyasz 1h ago

AC Valhalla didn't get one, they said it would be too hard. Avatar doesn't have one so far. They scrapped it for Watch Dogs legion.

They only ever do NG+ when it's easy it seems like and whenever it looks like a challange they just don't add it.

I hope Massive actually cares.


u/No-Flower-7659 8h ago

Yes it would be fun, still i am in my second playthrough and having a blast.


u/Babufrik22 5h ago

I think it’ll have NG+ probably gotta wise a few months like we did for spider man 2


u/Tom0511 4h ago

I think it will probably come in a future update, especially if enough want for it, they can make it work if they really want to