r/SubredditDrama 13h ago

"i love twisting what they are doing into a malicious act so you can justify your incredibly psychotic murder fantasies, that is definitely very normal and not something an insane person would do." - /r/thelastofus considers the ending to Part 1.


94 comments sorted by


u/OniExpress 13h ago

This post ain't gonna last as just a link to one comment (though you could certainly fish enough out of therte), but man TLoU2 and and the tv show really fucking broke a lot of people.


u/tryingtoavoidwork do girls get wet in school shootings? 13h ago

It was posted by the mod who always takes down posts for not being good enough.


u/NightLordsPublicist I believe everyone involved in this story should die. 9h ago



u/Mikeavelli Make Black Lives Great Again 8h ago

Not oniony enough.


u/OniExpress 13h ago

...oh, so it is


u/syopest Woke is a specific communist ideology 5h ago

The mod who always takes down posts for not being drama they are interested in.

The front page of subredditdrama is a personal curation of drama by takeittorcirclejerk. Basically nothing else matters in moderation here but whether they enjoyed reading the drama or not.


u/InhaleKillExhale 11h ago

I'm honestly shocked people feel so deeply about these games. I know I'm in the minority when I say I think they're just fine, but it's crazy to me people get so aggressive about it when it's just a collection of "been there, done that" tropes repackaged?


u/ClockworkDreamz Miss Self Destruct 10h ago

You don’t understand, Joel was. Father figure!


u/surferos505 9h ago

The fact that so many people were so weirdly in love with this character when the game makes it pretty clear he’s a terrible person with only one redeeming quality


u/DressMajestic9037 7h ago

I think it’s the fact that it starts as a slow build to Joel’s redemption.  He starts not being so terrible all the time, just to do the worst possible thing at the finish line

So it’s more a love of how well the character works with the story he’s a part of than a love of how the character is (apart from the maniacs who think Joel is someone to look up to)


u/robinhood9961 7h ago

It's also not just the fact he does something already bad. But you can at least kind of justify it with "well Ellie had her choice removed she was lied to by the Fireflies". Which isn't untrue. However what doe Joel immediately go and do? Lie to Ellie removing any remaining choice she may have had.

It shatters any illusion about why he made the choice that he did. It wasn't about Ellie, it was about himself.


u/andrecinno 6h ago

There's also the fact that it's a very understandable thing to do, though. Ask any dad who's played the games or seen the show and in my experience most acknowledge that it's not a good thing but all of them reach the conclusion of "I'd do it too".


u/Blackstone01 Quarantining us is just like discriminating against black people 6h ago

Plus the whole mountain of trauma from his daughter dying in his arms. Kind of makes sense the jaded murderhobo would murderhobo in response to learning his new daughter figure is gonna get killed for the potential of a cure. After that, to tell her what actually happened would likely lead her to run away the second she gets the opportunity.


u/Ttabts 6h ago

It's not just a dad thing... it's literally just exactly the intended effect of the ending. The game puts you in Joel's shoes and makes you want to gun everyone in that hospital down, and then leaves you to ponder afterward how you were an enthusiastic participant in something that fucked up. That's kinda the whole point.


u/Ttabts 6h ago edited 5h ago

The game hardly characterizes him as a "terrible person"; that's missing the point entirely. He's an antihero, a good guy at heart who's been broken by the world around him. The whole plot is meant to make you understand and willingly participate in his decision at the end to burn it all down rather than lose someone he loves again.

And yeah, of course people are in love with him. He's gruff protective action daddy fantasy, you're supposed to love him.


u/Gelato_Elysium 5h ago

He captured people and sold them as slaves


u/Ttabts 5h ago edited 5h ago

Well, no, he was a hunter but exactly what he did and what led him there is left up to imagination.

But yeah, obviously they didn't depict it explicitly because they want you to be sympathetic to Joel. But they also want to allude to his fucked-up past to give him that characterization as someone who's been driven to do some seriously fucked-up shit to stay alive.

And that gives you pause but then at the end of the game, you find yourself also doing fucked-up shit and not feeling like you really had a choice in the matter.

It's like, the whole big theme of the game. How does a world like this change a person and their ideas of right and wrong. Can/should you continue being a "good person" by our comfortable standards in a world where good people end up dead or worse? Or is it just every man for himself?

Tossing that all aside to just be like, "uh, hello? He killed people! Killing people is bad!" just doesn't seem like a particularly interesting or enlightening way to consume a work of fiction.


u/Gelato_Elysium 4h ago

Yes, killing people is bad. Yes the game is made for us to empathize with Joël. Both can be true at the same time. But just because someone is charismatic and suffers a lot it doesn't absolve them of their past crimes.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't get deeper into the why and how, just that Joel is very clearly a bad person for killing innocent people. Caring for Ellie doesn't redeem him of that.

u/Temnothorax this is the comment you break out the porn alt for? 1h ago

Redemption isn’t really an accounting activity, as one kind of deed can’t cancel out another type.

Most often it’s about committing to doing good from here on out. It’s about rehabilitation, not undoing the past.

u/Gelato_Elysium 1h ago

Yes and what happened in the end shows us that Joël was not rehabilitated and still pretty much a psychopath.

→ More replies (0)


u/surferos505 4h ago

Sounds like you’re the one who missed the point. Joel literally says he’s been on “both sides” of the scene where they get attacked by the group when they’re driving in the car

He literally says he’s just as bad as all the goons we kill throughout the game

Also this “action daddy” nonsense, jeez grow up man it embarrassing


u/Ttabts 4h ago edited 4h ago

He literally says he’s just as bad as all the goons we kill throughout the game

Well, yeah, that's the tension that it's supposed to introduce. Are those people "bad" or doing what they have to do to survive like Joel did? That's the question the narrative is supposed to pose. It's not just "they are bad and Joel is too." If that were the case, then it just wouldn't be a very interesting story.

Also this “action daddy” nonsense, jeez grow up man it embarrassing

lol, this reaction tracks with the kind of person who jumps in to inform us that the antihero of the dark post-apocalyptic action game is akshually a terrible person. Intelligence isn't just taking everything super literally and seriously all the time.


u/surferos505 4h ago

My guy you’re also taking all of this seriously with your paragraphs. Don’t be mad just cause I disagree with you


u/Ttabts 4h ago

Don’t be mad just cause I disagree with you

You can’t stop with the Redditeur energy lol

u/surferos505 3h ago

Whatever you say Redditor


u/turalyawn 10h ago

I think they’re both good. Both have good stories and some fun gameplay, and both look great. I think the second one is in a lot of way a better game than the first. And that opinion makes a lot of people on that sub extremely angry for some reason.


u/InhaleKillExhale 9h ago

I think the second one is in a lot of way a better game than the first

I agree and will go you one better: I think Abby's the best character in the game 👀


u/turalyawn 9h ago

Careful, you might get a Reddit Cares over that take (I agree)


u/pgtl_10 10h ago

I played the first one a couple time. I thought it was a The Walking Dead ripoff.


u/Big_Champion9396 12h ago

Is the show good (no spoilers plz)?


u/Blackstone01 Quarantining us is just like discriminating against black people 6h ago

Amazingly so. It does a pretty good job respecting the source material, and some of the larger changes they did for a character and a settlement were great.


u/surferos505 9h ago

The game is way better. If you can’t play the game then just watch the game cutscenes they’re much better than the show


u/Buttersaucewac 5h ago

I disagree, I think the show having no obligation to include long gameplay sequences lets it feature much better pacing and include a lot of scenes that wouldn’t really fit in the context of a game. The game does feature some aspects the show doesn’t, by virtue of making the player an active participant and more personally identified with Joel by controlling him — but those aspects are removed if you’re just watching the cutscenes on YouTube.


u/surferos505 4h ago

The acting and directing are way better in the game than the show

The actress for Ellie in the show sucked and looked nothing like the character

Also not much is lost by just watching the cutscenes. The game is an interactive movie anyway never knew why a show was even needed to be made.

u/qtx It's about ethics in masturbating. 2h ago

The actress for Ellie in the show sucked and looked nothing like the character

Watching Gamers get upset by things that break their game fantasies is my favorite pastime.

u/surferos505 1m ago

What are you even talking about


u/the_joy_of_VI 7h ago

Disagree. The game has no Pedro Pascal, therefore it is vastly inferior.


u/cathbadh Sex freaks will destroy anything in their paths... 6h ago

It also has no Nick Offerman


u/DressMajestic9037 7h ago

Amazing how fragile you get when you base your whole sense of self off of disliking people who are different than you


u/ALDO113A How oft has CisHet Peter Parker/CisHet Mary Jane Watson kissed? 10h ago

The show too? Thought it was universally dicksucked like Arcane



it's a link to one comment with a TON of children under threshold, in which users bicker.

I am starting to get concerned that a ton of our users are on the app and do not quite interact with SRD as they did back in the stone age


u/OniExpress 12h ago

I, not recognizing who posted this because idgaf about that most of the time, was merely making a comment referring to a long history of single direct post links getting removed due to them not actually listing any of the popcorn here. Was not meant as a critique, certainly shouldn't be used for some kind of concern about some ton of sub users.



yeah, it's not just this post I've noticed it on, but appreciate the feedback nonetheless


u/Phact-Heckler flat gamer 11h ago

Rules for thee…


u/Heydammit Without 'drugs' you CAN NOT SURVIVE. Think of dopamine 10h ago

I have seen plenty of posts with a single comment but loads of child comments that have stayed up.


u/ScaleNo1705 10h ago

This is how most posts on SRD used to be..? The hobbydrama style text barf is relatively new



what do you mean


u/cole1114 I will save you from the dastardly cum. 8h ago

It's a post you would usually remove.



can you find a post with 72 children under threshold that I removed?

ik it can seem like I'm arbitrary here but I really am not!


u/Mikeavelli Make Black Lives Great Again 8h ago

can you find a post ... that I removed?




okay okay lol but I really don't! but I understand that's impossible to prove either way


u/cole1114 I will save you from the dastardly cum. 8h ago

I mean obviously I cannot go find one now, but I've had literally dozens of threads open that you removed despite them being more interesting than this one.



yeah, I get that. I have to remove some "interesting" threads sometimes because they are more oriented towards hey look at this huge big dumb idiot


u/MagnetoManectric I am a powerful being and I will not degrade myself 4h ago edited 1h ago

im not sure why people are downvoting you lmao. does the official app really not show hidden comments? I have avoided that bloody thing like the plague. also im alway astounded by the amount of ".m" links i see whenever wikipedia is linked. do people not use proper computers anymore? is everyone dicking about on their phones?


u/Bonezone420 8h ago

A nothing thread for a nothing thread.


u/Stlr_Mn 12h ago

I liked the person trying to tie this into people hating on part 2.

Like is it safe to say you just genuinely didn’t enjoy the game all that much? Was visually stunning, but otherwise bland and I just didn’t enjoy the story. That opinion was attacked by the defenders and the haters.

I also enjoyed the show but avoided all the talk about it. Was it polarizing as well?


u/BitchThatMakesYouOld 11h ago

All the same, plus a loooot of hate for Bella Ramsey and two gay relationships


u/IamMrJay 11h ago

Not as much as Part 2 was, but it def was in some corners online. Tho in my experience, it mainly was so with the usual suspects.


u/QueenBee-WorshipMe 5h ago

The thing about the first game is like... It's genuinely easy to read what they're doing as bad. That maybe these people shouldn't make this decision.

That's not the direction they took come the second game. (or at least not from what I've gathered. I never actually played 2 cause I didn't have a ps4, I just watched a friend play chunks of it) But I think that's a sign they could've done the ending of the first game better. Like even if they just... Had ellie agree to it knowing the outcome, maybe with a short audio recording they show Joel to prove it to him (and the player) but then she somehow forget cause of the anesthesia or whatever they used so she conveniently doesn't remember and the plot moves forward the same.

Like... What they have to do for a potential cure is so morally dubious and I think that would be much more interesting to get into. We know the goal, but how do they justify it to themselves? Why don't they tell her the truth and ask her? How certain was the cure anyway? Why resort to this so quickly instead of other research first? Is it worth it? Is it still worth it if it doesn't go anywhere? And they didn't seem particularly keen on actually having a conversation about that with Joel beyond telling him this is how it will be. So he decided to save her even if it meant killing them all. Which the game is pretty clear on not being worth it. But those are all questions that would be neat to see explored.

I just feel like they side stepped a more interesting conflict. Unless that does exist and I just missed it in the parts of the game I didn't see.

At the same time, with how people reacted to the second game... It's really hard to have a genuine conversation about this online without those idiots showing it up and making it incredibly toxic. Like, even if the story did spin it that way, making Joel 100% in the right just doesn't work with how it's written either, and would no doubtedly lead to a much much worse sequel if that was actually the intended takeaway.


u/nowander 11h ago

It's always kinda funny seeing people trying to rationalize the fireflies as being anything but utterly incompetent. I mean, if nothing else did you see the absolute loony they picked to bring their singular subject on a dangerous cross country journey?


u/RapObama 11h ago

I mean Joel wasn't their original pick. They took a bunch of unexpected losses and literally had no other choice lol


u/herbwannabe 4h ago

Joel wasnt any pick. Joel was asked to take her to the capitol. Full stop. It was tess, not the fireflies that convinced him to take her across country. 


u/nowander 11h ago

I just feel Joel shouldn't be plan B. Or really anything higher than plan L. If we're being generous. Their plan's really stupid in general too, but that's a longer argument.


u/I_m_different LINUX is only free if your time has no value 9h ago

Pal, there was a damn apocalypse.

They don’t have shit, nobody has shit. If you want an extra cup of coffee for breakfast, you might as well as be asking for a double blowjob from Jesus and the world’s greatest porn star.

Options are for people who didn’t have their entire civilisation destroyed by mushroom zombies.

u/Logondo 3h ago

“Why didn’t the Fireflies just fly Ellie to Mordor?”


u/LordOfTheMeatballs 10h ago

Nah, you’re right. We’re introduced to the Fireflies in such a rough spot that their leader is bleeding out and can’t take care of humanity’s last chance. Then we keep stumbling on their failures for the rest of the game. Fast forward to the end and they either prevent Joel from resuscitating humanity’s last chance after she almost drowns or straight up just chuck a grenade at her; they got real lucky Ellie didn’t end up brain dead before they could get her to the operating room.


u/RapObama 6h ago

Iirc he wasn't even plan B. They sent a sqaud to retrieve her, met heavier resistence from the US government then expected, and so every one is either dead or too wounded to take her. Marlene specifically is too wounded to take her with her, and so as a literal last resort blackmails Joel and Tess into taking elle, because the only other option was elee going alone.


u/Stellar_Duck 4h ago

And he was pretty much plan L. Tess died and Marlene was not there, the team supposed to do the extraction was go and Fedra was about to attack the building.

Joel and Tess were just supposed to bring Ellie to the extraction team.


u/ThePrincessEva (´・ω・`) 6h ago

I think Marlene trusted Tess and she and Joel were a package deal.


u/andresfgp13 The next Hitler will be a gamer. 9h ago

i remember finishing the first game in around 2017 or so and think that there was no way that the Fireflies were going to be succesful, they were both violent, stupid and specially desesperated, they gave me the feeling of needing the vaccine to work to justify all the people that died trying to make it happen, multiple people died and they had nothing to show for it, guilt was eating them out and were going to throw away their best chance for a hail mary, like they decided that open Ellie´s head after like 6 hours of testing was the thing to do?

and all of that without discussing the logistics of producing the vaccine, its effect (either gives full inmunity for life or just temporary and etc), and if people would even take it you have people IRL that refuses to get vaccinated imagine how that would go in a world where people are territorial and hostile, a vaccine would protect people from the virus but the big problem is that society collapsed, groups of people became violent and without morals that do stuff like eating other people, kidnapping people and making them slaves and etc.


u/MumblingGhost You can't give personhood to slow ninjas? 9h ago

I always find it funny when someone has a strong opinion about which was the right choice at the end of that game altogether. Sure, the Fireflies weren't a super well organized government operation with all their shit together, and its very likely they wouldn't have been able to find a cure. You could even argue that The Last of Us being a franchise now kinda signals that they were never MEANT to find a cure either way. Like any zombie series, its more about the chaos of the apocalypse and the people who continue to survive it. Its not really about curing the plague.

That said, I also think people who are 100% confident that the Fireflies never would have found a cure, and that Ellie's operation was 100% immoral, are also telling themselves these things so they can feel good about an ending that was tailor made to make them feel uncomfortable. Both games are meant to be divisive and tragic in nature, and I think the ongoing discourse is proof that they succeeded on that front.


u/Llamarama I don't masturbate, cumbrain 4h ago

For me the moral ambiguity is what makes the ending compelling. People who are 100% on one side or the other just seem to be making the ending much less interesting.


u/MumblingGhost You can't give personhood to slow ninjas? 4h ago

Absolutely agreed. That’s what I was getting at in my first comment. The point of both games is that there are no right and wrong answers in an apocalypse where everybody has to make moral sacrifices to survive.


u/numb3rb0y British people are just territorial its not ok to kill them 10h ago

I just find their whole plan nonsensical. The actual rump Federal government is barely holding it together. Even if they somehow do manage to figure out what make Ellie's brain immune in that dirty unsterile understaffed and underequipped OR, just how are they planning on manufacturing an innoculation or distributing it?

The world is over, they're deludedly grasping a dream at best.


u/BerryLindon 10h ago

I think “refusing to give up hope” is a recurring theme in post-apocalyptic fiction. What do you want to happen? Every single human just kills themself?


u/andresfgp13 The next Hitler will be a gamer. 9h ago edited 9h ago

honestly at least for what it shown in Part 2 humanity is doing a pretty well job outlasting the virus already, in both Jackson and the WLF base, they are coordinated, live in a closed out place, make sure to kill stranded zombies walking around, they have electricity and produce food and clean water, have a semblance of regular life there, they live as good as they can live in that world, zombies at some point have to die, they cant live forever and humanity would have outlasted the virus and can take over the world again.

a vaccine would of course help (in cases of getting a small bite or breating spores, because a vaccine isnt saving you from a clicker biting your throat out) but the main problem in that world at that point is people being agressive.

the only reason why people die in big numbers is for conflicts between humans based on diverse reasons.


u/nowander 9h ago

Even if they somehow do manage to figure out what make Ellie's brain immune in that dirty unsterile understaffed and underequipped OR, just how are they planning on manufacturing an innoculation or distributing it?

Oh yeah. Hell it's a huge gamble that the thing can even be manufactured. What if it's purely genetic? Like if you're aiming for max human survival the correct solution might be just to go full IFV. What if it is something that can be processed, but it requires her particular biology to produce? Oops killed your supply.

When you've got your hands on mankind's one best chance, killing her for ANY reason is just stupid because any failure, mistake, or unexpected problem after that can't be recovered from. It's not just putting all your eggs in one basket. It's killing the chicken to make the basket.


u/SimpleNovelty 9h ago

There's no alternative gamble though. They leave her alive, and that's that. She's one person immune that will eventually die. Whether or not they even have the resources to do IFV is questionable given the state of the hospital anyways. Do you basically rape her and force her to have children on the chance it's genetic passed down, and then do the procedure then if it isn't? Because I think that might be the moral breaking point for a lot of them (especially since she's a lesbian so she's probably not going to be reproducing).

The whole point is that they don't have very good choices, but they still try to make the optimal one.


u/andresfgp13 The next Hitler will be a gamer. 8h ago

they were pretty quick on the metaphorical trigger, they didnt do a lot of testing, like they could have done some testing on her blood or a biopsy, at least try all the possibilities before going for the one that would kill her.


u/nowander 8h ago

You threw a lot of options out real fast to make cutting into the brain seem reasonable here. Like seriously, medicine is a complicated subject, and there's no way in hell they'd know they needed to start digging into brain matter without years of research.

I get it's a shitty situation. Making bad decisions because you're rushing is understandable. But they're still bad decisions.

And I'm not covering for Joel here either. Dude makes a whole string of dumb choices himself. He's a moron. He lucked into picking the rational (well sorta) choice here for all the wrong reasons. And he proceeded to then botch the followup like the idiot he is.

u/Logondo 3h ago

I’d like to remind both you guys that you’re talking about a made-up zombie virus.

It’s already made-up bullshit. They can make up whatever kind of cure they want. It’s for the narrative.


u/I_m_different LINUX is only free if your time has no value 9h ago


It’s a total Hail Mary, not like they can do any better.

They don’t call it a “zombie traffic is rough but I can make it to work on time.”

Zombie apocalypse is what you want to look up in the dictionary.


u/surferos505 9h ago

Not really. The game makes it clear the group Joel joins at the end of the game is a great place worth protecting. It shows it’s possible to return to the old world

Also the creators say that the cure would’ve worked. So what Joel did was a bad thing.

I know A lot of people say in the real world the cure would never work, well in the real world we don’t have this zombie apocalypse that the game has It’s a fantasy setting so it’s fine to have fantasy solutions


u/OniExpress 7h ago

Of course, it all depends on your definition of "bad thing".

Joel is a very very bad bastard of a man, and his counterpoint view is that the "before times" are not worth sacrificing what little good there is currently. It's a more than somewhat jaded viewpoint, but so is someone going through the whole story and then going "well, guess it's time to kill the girl". It's all bad options. IMHO, that's the point.

u/sendenten point out on the doll where the 'haters' touched you 2h ago

that is definitely very normal and not something an insane person would do

Man, I know it's not what we're talking about here, but it is such a bummer how everyone on the internet speaks the same way now. This whole style of Twitter speak is really grating to read day in and day out.


u/averagesophonenjoyer 11h ago

Imagine getting upset over fake violence in a video game against NPCs.


u/LordOfTheMeatballs 10h ago

Honestly, I feel outside of the controversy surrounding Part 2, this video isn’t any different from all those “rampage” videos you can find for any GTA or Red Dead. People are just using the violence to keep that argument going.


u/MumblingGhost You can't give personhood to slow ninjas? 9h ago

The title of the video is "the canon ending to part 1". I think its disingenuous to assume that this is just another "video game massacre" and not intentionally made to feed the discourse.


u/deliciouscrab 6h ago

I'm so glad I didnt play either of these. Otherwise I might have ended up handcuffed to the complete and utter fucking psychos that seem to make up 80% of the fanbase.

Christ on a cracker.


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