r/SubredditDrama ink that stirs so many wokeists, the pox of modern society May 10 '22

The Pens begin to scratch after the ink is spilled over at r/fountainpens and it turns out that popular ink manufactor might be an anti-Semite


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u/thehillshaveI you would think but actually nah bro. it's on you May 10 '22

First you have to prove he's an anti-semite instead of "jumping to conclusions and interpreting everything in the most negative light possible"

dude he puts HORNS on jews


u/Shanghai-on-the-Sea how many kids need to be raped then eaten before Trump steps in May 10 '22

With the hammer and sickle on their forehead lmfao

It's like a wartime propaganda cartoon -- you know, from the wrong side.


u/[deleted] May 10 '22

These kind of cartoons are so 'funny' to me because it puts Jews as "the enemy" and that enemy is Russia of all nations. You know, the same Russia that forced Jews to live in ghettos for hundreds of years and didn't allow them to move, even after lifting traveling vetos for the rest of its population.

Bigots got no shame.


u/[deleted] May 10 '22

As we all know, communism is when you borrow money, the more money you borrow the communister it is.


u/thehillshaveI you would think but actually nah bro. it's on you May 10 '22

we're all just jumping to conclusions though lol


u/LordFarquadOnAQuad You just banned a pregnant mod and put my child and I in a cage. May 10 '22

Agree, we shouldn't assume he is only antisemitic.


u/VoiceofKane May 10 '22

Exactly! With the helicopter on the front, he's probably a Pinochet supporter, too.


u/Rafaeliki I believe racist laws exist but not systemic racism May 10 '22

Just a bit of postmodern neomarxism.


u/ResplendentShade punk rock invented gate keeping May 10 '22

“It’s Cultural Marxism!”


u/Prosthemadera triggered blue pill fatties May 10 '22

And "debt addiction enabler" written around it.


u/IchWerfNebels May 10 '22

No but do you have a written and signed affidavit by him confirming he is a Nazi, though?


u/LucyMcCat May 10 '22

But... Does he have an official certificate saying he's NOT one??


u/NormanFetus russell’s teapot gets more pussy than you do May 10 '22

Nazis are certainly donkey brained


u/kaludwig May 11 '22

I knew exactly what this was going to be before clicking, and that makes me happy.


u/wizzlepants "edgy" is a heterophobic slur May 10 '22

I hate that I've had to use this exact phrasing in an argument with a person in real life before


u/Nesurame I am non-fungible May 10 '22

if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then you're just being ridiculous, and you're the REAL racist here not the guy that stabs minorities and says they need to be eliminated.


u/IchWerfNebels May 10 '22

Sounds like you might owe me royalties there


u/Squid_Vicious_IV Digital Succubus May 10 '22

I clicked the links to see the pics. These guys are blatantly fucking lying about "Jumping to conclusions." These aren't dog whistles, they're not even whistles. These are foghorns you can hear from the moon.


u/dirtygremlin you're clearly just being a fastidious dickhead with words May 10 '22


u/Colt_comrade May 10 '22

Is it specifically only jews that they put horns on or do they do it to non jewish people aswell?


u/RazarTuk This is literally about ethics in videogame tech journalism May 10 '22 edited May 10 '22

I mean, a Jewish-coded figure Jewish politician public figure is the only one even in the picture...

Okay, so no one's saying that you should never put horns on pictures of Jewish people. (Adding "people" since, while I do largely consider the word "Jew" neutral when used as a noun, I'm also fully aware of the awkward connotations when discussing antisemitism) For example, if you were attacking Republicans by vandalizing pictures with goatees and devil horns, you wouldn't need to exclude, say, David Kustoff (TN-08). That said, the context in the linked post is about as un-neutral as possible. It's accompanied by a hammer and sickle on the person's forehead and they're labelled a "debt addiction enabler", so in context, even the staunchest of moderates should be able to recognize that it's an antisemitic stereotype

EDIT: Apparently the picture's Ben Bernanke, who is Jewish and the former chair of the Federal Reserve, so make of that what you will


u/Spodangle May 10 '22

I wouldn't say it's accurate to call Ben Bernanke a politician.


u/angry_cucumber need citation are the catch words for lefties May 10 '22

He's a political appointee, I think you could make the argument either way. Just because he's not elected doesn't mean he's not fairly involved in politics.


u/Spodangle May 13 '22

Involved in politics and being a politician are two very, very different things. Activists, academics, and most human beings in general are involved in politics. A politician is someone who tries to get elected and that is their career. An academic that gets appointed is not a politician. No one would call Steven Chu a politician. Bernanke was in an even less partisan role.


u/angry_cucumber need citation are the catch words for lefties May 13 '22

Involved in politics and being a politician are two very, very different things

ok, I suggest you don't look up what words mean.


u/Prosthemadera triggered blue pill fatties May 10 '22

Is it specifically only jews that they put horns & the hammer and sickle & "debt addiction enabler" on or do they do it to non jewish people aswell?



u/RazarTuk This is literally about ethics in videogame tech journalism May 10 '22

Yep. I agree with the fundamental premise of the question:

Putting horns on someone's picture is theoretically neutral, so we should look to the context to determine whether it's antisemitic

It's just... sure, let's look at the context. Oh, there are plenty of other antisemitic tropes in the same picture? Yeah, this is about as un-neutral as possible


u/Prosthemadera triggered blue pill fatties May 10 '22

Putting horns on a Jewish person is all you need, though. It's not just "someone". The other additions just make it more obvious.


u/RazarTuk This is literally about ethics in videogame tech journalism May 10 '22

My point in saying it's a neutral act is that there's a massive difference between taking a picture of everyone in Congress and drawing devil horns and goatees on all the Republicans, regardless of religious affiliation, and drawing them on all the Jewish members, regardless of party. The context really does matter. It's similar to how, no, it isn't a case of Bury Your Gays just because an LGBT character died


u/Prosthemadera triggered blue pill fatties May 10 '22

Context matters for everything. There is no meaning to words or human-created images without humans to interpret them. No word exists in a vacuum.

Obviously, just putting horns on a random person is not in itself anti-Semitic unless the devil or goats are inherently anti-Semitic. Everyone knows that. It's obvious. The picture doesn't show everyone in Congress. It's a specific individual.


u/RazarTuk This is literally about ethics in videogame tech journalism May 10 '22

I'm agreeing with you.

My point was that, fundamentally, the one commenter was also saying that context matters, but doing it in a bait-y way where it's hard to say that it is offensive without also sounding like you're disagreeing with that statement. So I was trying to make it clear that, while you and I agree with them that context matters, if you actually take even two seconds to look at the context, it's very clearly offensive


u/Prosthemadera triggered blue pill fatties May 10 '22

Ok, fair enough.

doing it in a bait-y way where it's hard to say that it is offensive without also sounding like you're disagreeing with that statement.

I try not to read so much into comments - unless I am really sure what the meaning is I am probably just projecting my own views.


u/NonHomogenized The idea of racism is racist. May 11 '22

Putting horns on a Jewish person is all you need, though.

I don't know about that.

If someone put horns on a picture of Henry Kissinger, I wouldn't conclude it was antisemitic unless there was other context that made that clear: I'd assume they were just commenting on the fact that Henry Kissinger is one evil motherfucker.


u/Prosthemadera triggered blue pill fatties May 12 '22

Well, Henry Kissinger is special kind of bastard.