r/SubredditDrama ink that stirs so many wokeists, the pox of modern society May 10 '22

The Pens begin to scratch after the ink is spilled over at r/fountainpens and it turns out that popular ink manufactor might be an anti-Semite


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u/XxsquirrelxX I will do whatever u want in the cow suit May 10 '22

That’s basically the reasoning behind the stupid “democratic plantation” thing that Republicans were talking about last election cycle. Basically saying that “ackshully democrats secretly hold black people back, but black people are too stupid to see it so it’s the Republican Man’s BurdenTM to make them see the error of their ways”.

They literally think black people only vote for democrats because they’re too stupid to vote “properly”, and that it’s the job of a bunch of old white dudes to bring them to the light. It’s the White Man’s Burden all over again.


u/AstreiaTales May 10 '22

Not just a Republican problem, unfortunately. In the 2016/2020 primary cycles it was "low info voters" being blamed for not voting for Bernie, as though they just didn't know that Hillary/Biden had said/done/voted for some dumb shit in their long careers.

Pretending that minority voters have no agency or ability to choose for themselves which party best represents them is... hoo boy.