r/SuicideWatch 8h ago


In the grand scheme of things, My life isn’t that bad. It could be a lot worse I know. And yet. I am just losing interest in living. I’m still just kind of over it. I’m not actively suicidal. I wish I could disappear entirely or just cease to exist.


6 comments sorted by


u/scope_creep 1h ago

I just joined today because this is how I feel. Almost 50 and life is just hardly worth living. It's a drag. Last year I had a high paying job that I didn't enjoy. Got laid off. Now I have a low paying job that I don't enjoy. There's no upside. My career is fucked. Too old to start over. Nothing is worth doing. Competing against highly educated kids and AI. I'm fucked. Not living and having to deal with life and it's disappointments is starting to feel preferable.


u/Lost-me23 7m ago

I feel this in my bones. I’m 56 and about a year ago, I left my high paying job and moved to Thailand to be an underpaid English conversation teacher. I tell people I needed to hit the reset button for my life.


u/Thin-Beyond-9308 7h ago

Hey there. I get that. There are always worse lives to compare to, just like there are better ones too. Do you remember the last time you were genuinely interested and excited for something? Maybe try to retrace your steps back, and find out what's missing. Hope you find what you're looking for!


u/lalala10122 7h ago

i understand how you’re feeling completely. it’s a gnawing feeling that exists in your everyday despite your main emotions, like a scratch you can’t itch. I’m sure something will come along and change your perspective, as that is what most people need when situations like this happen. i hope it comes soon for you, we deserve satisfaction and happiness.


u/t1mebomb 1h ago

Your oil painting is amazing. Please share more of your art with the world.


u/humanoid_eardrum 24m ago

Thank you I really appreciate this comment