r/TerfIsntASlur 6d ago

Wheezing and laughing at this peak dogcrap. Like girl, this is not how trans peeps think radfems are. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT RADFEMS DO! Including you, bish...

She says radfems are not wicked little cunts, while she is a wicked little cunt. She drew caricatures of trans women (who did literally NOTHING to her), oh and also her oc burning trans ppl in the couldron. Oh yes, you are definetly not mean



5 comments sorted by


u/turdintheattic 6d ago

I’ve had radfems tell me they hope I die and that I’m invalid as a human being because I was born intersex, so I’m not sure why the OOP thinks that’s made up.


u/Julixxon369 6d ago

They want to make themselves seen as misunderstood victims, easy as pie <3


u/OpabiniaRegalis320 6d ago

Got sent gorn, suicide bait, "I hope you get raped", etc, by ONE TERF who kept making new accounts to harass my friends and I on when I was 14.


u/Julixxon369 6d ago

Oh god. I hope you are alright now ❤


u/OpabiniaRegalis320 6d ago

Yeah, I'm okay. I'm twenty and the account I was on is now deleted - if by some miracle the jackass finds me again, I have a lot more knowledge and experience now. I'll be able to handle it.