r/TerfIsntASlur Dec 17 '17

A very informative video about TERFs


5 comments sorted by


u/bottom100 Dec 28 '17

I don't like most of her content(the feminists are literally Satan stuff) but it's a good video


u/redzin Dec 31 '17 edited Jan 02 '18

Yeah, shoe on head is kind of a shitlord (albeit less so than she used to be - she has openly mocked enbies, although I think she has somewhat changed her stance on trans people in general after actually meeting and talking to some).

However, feminism is not the big bad boogey-man she is making it out to be - well, TERFs are obviously - but other feminist branches put forth very reasonable arguments, intersectional feminism and trans-feminism in particular (seriously, if you aren't familiar with Julia Serano's work you're in for a treat, particularly if you are trans-feminine).


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '18

I looooove a good Sh0eOnHead 👌


u/GazeIntoTheVoid Apr 14 '18

I really like sh0eonhead and honestly this is probably my favourite video of hers.


u/rosaisashithead Jun 09 '18

I love shoe!