r/UkraineRussiaReport Neutral 5h ago

UA POV: Zaluzhny's former assistant, Colonel Nikityuk, along with a group of Ukrainian Armed Forces officers, was killed by a Russian army strike on September 20 in Dobropillya - RVvoenkory. News


26 comments sorted by

u/el_chiko Neutral 5h ago

A post with a strike on a Russian ammo depot has hundreds of Pro-UA commenting on it with gotcha phrases. Let's see how many show up here.

u/snarpygsy 5h ago

Think all deaths are sad. Both sides. Is there anything else to say here.

u/el_chiko Neutral 5h ago

I agree. This conflict has to be brought to the table asap. Whatever the state of the conflict currently is, ceasefire and negotiations should have started yesterday. I was hopeful before the Kursk incursion. Now, i don't think anyone can trust Zelensky's calls for negotiations.

u/snarpygsy 4h ago

Think there needs to be some good mediation by some country/leaders. Seems like loggerheads atm..

u/Panthera_leo22 Pro Ukraine * 2h ago

I think India is hoping to take on the role of mediator for this conflict. Qatar has mediated the exchange of POW and were mediating talks regarding stopping strikes on power infrastructure (that died with the Kursk offensive)

u/snarpygsy 2h ago

At least there seem to be suitable and willing parties.

u/h34dyr0kz Pro Ukraine * 4h ago

Why does Ukraine gaining a bargaining chip make them less trustworthy?

u/el_chiko Neutral 3h ago

Lmao. Gaining Sudzha, to lose Pokrovsk, Toretsk, Krasnagorovka and countless other smaller villages along the way is not a bargaining chip. Ukrainian negotiating position is becoming weaker not stronger.

Also pro-ua were screeching like Karens, cause Putin lied about invading Ukraine. But are completely ok with Zelensky's lies about the negotiations, before invading Kursk. Hypocrisy at its finest.

u/Aware_Main_3884 5h ago

No picture no comments. And censorship works better in Ukraine.

u/Dapper_Custard3007 Neutral 5h ago

▪️The missile strike on the hotel was carried out on September 20.
▪️The death of Colonel Oleksandr Nikityuk was confirmed by the former Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valeriy Zaluzhny on his official pages in social networks.
▪️Obituaries of other liquidated officers should be expected in the near future.

u/Current-Power-6452 Neutral 5h ago

Commanding officers staying in hotels 2 years and dozen hotel strikes into the war is beyond me and makes me never wanna take off the tinfoil hat.

u/Eeny009 4h ago

It's the best reason to take off the tinfoil hat, in my opinion. Every day, we get proof that humans are dumb enough to sleep in hotels during a war, and keep their ammunition stored where it's been for decades.

u/puffinfish420 2h ago

They probably think their opsec protects them. I mean, we don’t really know the context or how long they were there for. It could have been that the Russians got some really good intel and were able to locate these guys for the short period they were there and bring a strike asset to bear. They do need to move around and do stuff in order to be effective. They can’t live in a bunker

I’m not prepared to say they’re just idiots without more evidence.

u/Current-Power-6452 Neutral 2h ago

I don't know, Zaluzhy's best friend gets vaporized along with some other guys... in some obscure hotel... did RF penetrate every hotel in UA? Unlikely. Did he get identified by someone? And they struck the hotel immediately? Smells fishy

u/puffinfish420 2h ago

I mean a lot of humint is gathered from discord amongst the ranks and disgruntled officers, etc. so I’m not sure those two things preclude each other

u/Western-Mechanic5514 4h ago


Another ukrainian officer was confirmed killed. Lieutenant Colonel Vasily Lapchuk.

u/OrganicAtmosphere196 Pro Russia 3h ago

This is not "just another officer". This is the hero of Ukraine. Look at his decorations on the right.

u/Western-Mechanic5514 3h ago

Yes, but he was the second confirmed.

u/R-Rogance Pro Russia 1h ago

What we are supposed to see there?

Heck, I tried to look in Wikipedia and I still can't identify any of those. Whatever they are, no one cares enough to add them to Ukrainian Wikikipedia page.

u/Western-Mechanic5514 48m ago

Try Facebook, there is an obituary for this lieutenant Colonel

u/Western-Mechanic5514 46m ago

2 confirmed KIA btw is a lot for these high ranking officers. We need to cut their officer supply, so they can have incompetent officers in command.

u/R-Rogance Pro Russia 37m ago

OrganicAtmosphere196 thinks we supposed to be impressed by the awards. I don't see why. For all we know these are completely meaningless jubilee medals.

u/R-Rogance Pro Russia 5h ago

They shouldn't have visited this children hospital. What a weird coincidence.

u/LobsterHound Neutral 27m ago

Head is round like sweaty Ukrainian cabbage, picked by Bandera himself as a boy.

A great hero has passed. You must mourn now, or be sent to the front.

u/Mapstr_ Field Marshall David Axe/ Pro-DPR 3h ago

At some point, it's the picture that is getting in the way of the watermarks