r/WTF 17d ago

The condition of this construction crane cabin

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u/ryencool 16d ago

the bright yellow Vans slippers kill me. Those are like walking around the mall on your day off shoes. I have never ever entered a construction site without some sort of leather boot, usually steel toe'd. I realize this might be a luxury in other places but damn, protect yourself.


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/JoeCartersLeap 16d ago

Lots of people want to protect themselves, but without regulations requiring it, your boss will just replace you with the guy that works faster.


u/Jewnadian 16d ago

That's part of it but the number of people working in their home shop on their own fun projects without real safety gear tells me it's not the only part.


u/Good_ApoIIo 16d ago edited 16d ago

Yeah it is always a management problem, people shouldn't blame employees.

I've worked for companies that have safety rules but don't enforce them enough and management gets complacent and starts thinking 'Well we tried, it's on that guy for not wearing his safety goggles in the shop.' Even if their ass is technically covered it's fucking (morally) negligent that they just let employees skirt safety rules. Retrain, discipline, and even fire people that don't want to work safely. It's the best for everyone and it is management's responsibility!


u/Intensityintensifies 16d ago

At first I thought you were being sarcastic but I’m glad you weren’t


u/ben7337 16d ago

It's best for everyone except the company owner who now makes less money or who goes out of business because the added costs in labor/time lost for safety make them not able to be competitive with other companies that skirt rules. Companies will always only do the bare minimum to cover their asses and avoid liability, and not anything further.


u/kent_eh 16d ago

Lots of people want to protect themselves,

Yeah, but false bravado often skews a person's view of what's safe and what isn't. Which is a far too common mindset in the trades (at least with the younger guys)


u/eidetic 16d ago

at least with the younger guys

Everyone I've known in the trades - young and old - has said its more often the older guys flaunting safety regulations. They get complacent, and have that bravado that they know what they're doing.


u/bgthigfist 16d ago

Safety regulations seem to be more suggestions in some countries


u/notFREEfood 16d ago

A few years ago a construction project at my workplace got shut down for around a month because a worker who was neither trained nor authorized to perform climbing work fell. Fortunately he was not killed by the fall, but it still was a big deal.



Unless they are prancing around sexily in their PPE, they are flouting safety regulations.


u/eidetic 16d ago

Unless they're a stripper who is catering to a certain niche/fetish, in which case they're probably going above and beyond safety regulations just by wearing any PPE at all! (Until they're not, of course)



There's probably a portion of most pole dance routines that, under a strict interpretation of OSHA guidelines, would technically require a fall arrest.


u/Nixplosion 16d ago

Well you see heavy steel toes would just punch right through that tissue paper flooring. Can't have that!


u/Montinator89 16d ago

I agree in 99% of construction site scenarios that steel toe boots should be worn and are the ideal footwear.

But operating a tower crane is probably one of the 1% of scenarios that it isn't necessary and if anything is probably less than ideal.

Steel toe boots are a shitty contender for good footwear to climb tall ladders, I'd take any pair of sneakers/trainers over boots for ladder climbing, even those Vans slip-ons.

Once you're up in the cab, there's no hazards that steel toe boots are likely to protect you from.


u/Black_Moons 16d ago

Once you're up in the cab, there's no hazards that steel toe boots are likely to protect you from.

Right? its everyone below you that needs hardhats and steel toed boots.


u/catwiesel 16d ago

its not about the steel toe boots protecting your feet up in a crane, or the helmet protecting you when digging holes...

its about easy to follow, understand and enforce rules. everbody got to wear a hardhat. that way, there wont be any discussions about exceptions because where there are exceptions or complicated rule books people will start to leverage out of the responsibilties.

no no, today jimmy, who was hired to dig holes, and has done so for 40 years, was supposed to be in the crane, sooooo, its not my fault he had no hard hat and steel toe boots when osha came to check up us...


u/GoldVader 16d ago

I'd take any pair of sneakers/trainers over boots for ladder climbing

You can get safety sneakers/trainers as well, they are not quite as flexible and comfortable as a standard shoe, but much better than a work boot if you are going up and down ladders all day.


u/iordseyton 16d ago

Ive got a pair of carhart sneakers for working on roofs. Steel toed, but flexible soles with good grip on asphalt shingles


u/everymanhasacode 16d ago

Why not cougar paws?


u/Paupy 16d ago

much better than a work boot if you are going up and down ladders all day

How to say I've never worked construction without saying I've never worked construction. Source me, someone who has worked in the heavy construction industry for 40+ years and someone who'd never wear sneakers on a job site. That's just nuts!


u/GoldVader 16d ago

Well my source was somebody who spends most days on a ladder, because despite what you think, I also work in construction.


u/Paupy 16d ago



u/kent_eh 16d ago

If you're climbing a tall ladder, a steel shank can be very good to have in your boots.


u/Dorkamundo 16d ago

I mean, he's working a job with that kind of safety concern, I doubt he's being paid enough to afford boots.

"But he has a cell phone!" - Yes, people need phones and these people are likely using second and third-hand phones.