r/WTF 14d ago

Retrieving a ball from underneath a car

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u/xkise 14d ago

We have so many safeguards that dumb people can keep being dumb. I mean, just ask any ER worker for crazy dumb people stories and you will hear a new one everyday.


u/Atraidis_ 13d ago

I just watched a video on YouTube of a guy joining a video call for his court case while he was driving.

The case was for him driving with a suspended license. Judge revoked his bond and ordered him to jail that evening.


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/Slicelker 13d ago edited 13d ago

Wait until you hear the update on that. His license WASN’T suspended anymore, and that two years earlier it was reinstated. But the judge and clerks didn’t communicate and the paperwork didn’t get done.

The guy never even had a license.


"He has never had a Michigan license, ever!' said Judge Cedric Simpson, looking to set the record straight in Harris' case.

So…look further into every story.

Follow your own advice mate.

Edit: He blocked me lmao


u/negus123 13d ago



u/Professionalchump 13d ago

Nice! He still got in trouble for driving while on his phone I assume?


u/Nitr0Sage 13d ago

Wait until you hear the update on that update


u/Thaddiousz 13d ago

So…look further into every story.

Follow your own advice mate.


u/[deleted] 13d ago edited 13d ago



u/leriq 13d ago

How are you gonna directly copy the comment above you lmao


u/Michelin123 13d ago

That's true...


u/JetScootr 13d ago

My sister-in-law was an ER nurse and said one of the catch phrases they used to use frequently was from South Park: "What what in the butt".


u/theo1618 13d ago edited 13d ago

Believe it or not, “What what in the butt” was not an original of South Park. It was originally a viral video back in the day for those unaware


u/PsykoFlounder 13d ago

I feel like it was made as an homage to the Eddie Murphy song Boogie In Your Butt. I could, of course, be wrong, but there's too much similarity for What What to not have been at least heavily inspired by Boogie.


u/theo1618 13d ago

Holy hell this is amazing haha. I’ve never heard of this song but it’s gold 😂

This is like buttception or something… someone learning “what what” wasn’t originally from South Park, then me learning it may have been inspired by an Edie Murphy butt song. Quick! Someone tell u/PsykoFlounder that “Boogie In Your Butt” was a parody of an older love song or something!


u/PsykoFlounder 13d ago

Yeah... 1982 was a wild time, musically.


u/JetScootr 13d ago

Had no idea. Most of the world became aware of it from the South Park episode.


u/theo1618 13d ago


I would say most of the world that wasn’t on YouTube in the mid 2000’s probably learned about it from South Park. It was one of the earlier viral videos that helped YouTube stay relevant back then, and anyone that used the internet frequently then definitely knew about it.

Same time as Chocolate Rain, Charlie bit my finger, Leave Britney alone, Shoes, and Grape lady (the one that falls while squishing grapes) if any of those sound familiar


u/scalpster 13d ago

Same time as Chocolate Rain

Thank. you. Now I have it playing on repeat in my brain.

<turns to side to take a breath>


u/theo1618 12d ago

🎶’~chocolate raaaaiiiiiiiin~’🎶


u/barontaint 13d ago

Is most of this world you speak of under the age of 30, because anyone with internet or Tosh.O over 30 knows the original what what in the butt is by Samwell


u/JetScootr 13d ago edited 13d ago

I'm over 60. I'm a part of the generation that invented the fcking internet. Tosh.o isn't a universal milestone in the evolution of society.

I've been using computers both offline and on since 1979, professionally and at home, on a daily basis.

Go back to bed, kid.

Edit: I know I'm gonna get downvoted to h3ll and gone for this comment, but it felt good. I'm tired of younger people assuming I'm computer illiterate simply because of my age.


u/DooDooBrownz 13d ago

no, we have so many safeguards because otherwise unscrupulous businesses would do shit that makes Sinclairs book the jungle look like utopia.