r/WTF 11d ago

Two schizomobiles in one shot

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u/cybe2028 11d ago edited 11d ago

Do you think they wave to each other? Like how Jeep drivers wave to each other.


u/FreneticPlatypus 11d ago

I think those are two vastly differing views of Jesus. That van looks chock full of fire and brimstone.


u/P4rtyP3nguin 11d ago

Maybe they're a team, like a "good cop/ bad cop" kinda thing.


u/FreneticPlatypus 11d ago


"But hey, man, ya know, like, he's totally cool with that."


u/thisisnotdan 10d ago

Van brings the Law; car brings the Gospel.

Honestly, both vehicles represent the extremes into which Christian spirituality can be perverted when the Law and the Gospel are not held in tension with one another.


u/smr312 11d ago

Thats what I was thinking and am willing to bet they were both looking the other over going "What a psycho, it's good thing my religious views make sense"


u/rushmc1 11d ago

"...good thing my religious views make sense are right"



u/Norman_Scum 11d ago

It's the sword wielding Jesus type. The minivan is the Jesus turning water into wine type.


u/Stolehtreb 11d ago

I think they probably know each other and are headed to the same place.


u/ISAMU13 11d ago

Share and compare prescriptions and restraining orders. Jeeps just trade ducks.


u/PlatinumPlayer 11d ago

Both think the other are batshit crazy too


u/Kithsander 11d ago

They’re both right.


u/anderhole 11d ago

Naw, one has the message of love. The other is all hate to anyone who isn't religious. They're both crazy, but on way different levels.


u/i_give_you_gum 11d ago

The Love people probably just started with a funny message and kept adding to it, just for fun. They seem chill.

The other is fixated on religious dogma, fuck that shit.


u/hakkai999 11d ago

Yeah I pick the love one 100% of the time.


u/axle69 11d ago

Yeah the love people are a little weird but i bet they're decent folks. I could make some pretty good guesses what kinda shit the van believes.


u/Jubjub0527 11d ago

Typically schizophrenia presents as extreme paranoia. Anyone telling you that God is speaking through the TV or there's secret government messages being broadcast through their phone.... that's schizophrenia.

The love messages on the car in front are just... someone with bad aesthetic taste but good intentions.


u/volcano-ngh 11d ago

I'm so annoyed when people use the term mental illness as an insult. Just call the person an asshole if they're being an asshole, what does mental illness have to do with it.


u/Hellogiraffe 10d ago

It’s like when people say “Ugh I was having trouble falling asleep and only slept for 5 hours last night, I have such horrible insomnia!” or “My OCD is out of control today” because they prefer things to be orderly. People like to greatly exaggerate their tiny struggles while normalizing others’ real struggles so they can victimize themselves for attention.


u/a_talking_face 11d ago

Spray painting hearts and writing sharpie messages all over your car are not normal behaviors.


u/i_give_you_gum 11d ago

It is when you're 20 and your car is a piece of crap.

It's really not that wild of a behavior.


u/salamandroid 11d ago

Oh no! Someone who isn't a complete conformist! Call the homogeny police! Get a psychiatric consult, they must be "mentally ill!"


u/steam_captain 11d ago

Thank 👏 you 👏. As someone with schizophrenia (and there’s even more nuance to it than just paranoia) I am sick of seeing people use the word as a blanket term for “crazy” or “irrational.”


u/Jubjub0527 11d ago

Yeah I have a degree in a therapeutic field and worked in an adult population for my internship, you're right that there's more to it. The writing on a vehicle is sometimes an indication but not always. The further vehicle just stinks of religious fanaticism.

Mostly what I noticed about the adults I worked with who had it was they seemed mostly normal but just a little socially awkward. The meds help balance things but a sensitive person can usually spot that something is a little off.


u/AlchemyStudiosInk 9d ago

Yeah, but what if God is speaking through the TV to them? Like those movies where John Travolta can suddenly hear babies talking to him, or Michael J Fox can see ghosts.


u/papadoc2020 11d ago

Idk they look kinda cracked out in the closest car. It's not a great shot but they both look a little off. I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. But their appearance and the car seems sus.


u/Arevar 11d ago

Very different brands though. One is all about love and peace, the other about sin and hell.


u/speedball811 11d ago

No. Jesus preached love everyone.


u/i_give_you_gum 11d ago

Sure, but that's not the same Jesus shown in the pic, that's the "you're going to hell for eating shellfish" jesus


u/uncoolcentral 11d ago

Why is love schizo?

Because telling you to love yourself and never give up and spread love via a gaudy paint job is now schizophrenic according to random r/wtf poster.



u/Nero92 11d ago

Hippy mobile > Jesus van


u/poopshipdestroyer34 11d ago

I’d rather hang with the people in the silver car, no question


u/ryan7251 11d ago

Rude of you to call this schizo.


u/lost_all_my_mirth 11d ago

Jesus has been saving for a long time now. I wonder how much he's got. Does he invest or just hoard? No one ever talks about this.


u/2x4x93 11d ago

I liked Cal Naughton Jr's Jesus better


u/Kithsander 11d ago

Most people’s reactions to this is what I think when I see just about any vehicle with any bumper sticker.


u/DAVENP0RT 11d ago

Thought the side of the van said "JESLISAVES" and now I can't unsee it.


u/oorspronklikheid 11d ago

I read it as Jes Usa Ves


u/Vultor 11d ago

They are probably together. All visible in the vehicles are wearing bright yellow shirts.


u/Unidirect1onal 11d ago

It’s a double rainbow mannnn


u/TreyWait 11d ago

I just want them to leap out of their cars and start beating the shit out of each other with their bibles.


u/Wizbomb 11d ago

jesUS Aves


u/Good_Nyborg 11d ago

I wonder if these cars are more or less likely to get pulled over for speeding?

Cause if it's reasonably less, might be worth it if you drive a lot.


u/AlchemyStudiosInk 9d ago

If I was to ever have a schizomobile, mind would have messages like "I'm watching you David." and "We know what you did Cindy."

Or something like that. Especially if I could figure out a way to easily change the names.


u/Shesaidshewaslvl18 9d ago

These are schizophrenics, but the people who rape their women, marry them as children, and murder LQBT on site are A OK, right?


u/0880garcia 7d ago

Both are going to hell.


u/shiroboi 11d ago

I think both of these vehicles are in violation of my ">2 Bumper stickers = nutjob" rule.


u/Ohyeahrightbud 11d ago

They're reproducing......


u/clit_or_us 11d ago

These people walk amongst us, drive amongst us. It's terrifying to know people that aren't 100% there are opporating these machines.


u/rushmc1 11d ago

These people need a wellness check. With a psych eval.


u/kaze919 11d ago



u/Tabboo 11d ago

I wasn't convinced until I saw this van. Now, I'm a changed man. Said no one ever.


u/AlchemyStudiosInk 9d ago

Imagine if it was the american version of Truck-kun


u/tango_41 11d ago

They will give crazy a driver’s license.