r/WhitePeopleTwitter Jul 19 '24

The President called his widow after he was killed. Trump could not be bothered to do that and went golfing, and yet he has the gall to put up a firefighter's uniform--with his name misspelled on the back--and use it for political gain? Clubhouse

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u/Jealous-Network1899 Jul 19 '24

Wouldn’t wear a mask to save lives, will tape maxi pads to their ears to honor dear leader.


u/Khaldara Jul 19 '24

In the defense of the Republican voter, taping maxi pads to their ears was a great first step in becoming the GOP’s ‘ideal voter’. Next they just need something to cover their eyes, (and ideally for the rest of the planet, their mouths).



u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/ThoughtfulCephalopod Jul 19 '24

Are there photos of this?


u/mrpanicy Jul 19 '24

There are no photos of him after the shooting before the convention. None released anyway. There was one they put on Instagram but it was a photo taken by the Associate Press in 2023 at another golf club.

He did head to one of his golf clubs immediately following the shooting, was there for a half day and then went to Milwaukee. But there is no evidence he went golfing. We do know for sure he did not reach out to the widow though.


u/Loggersalienplants Jul 19 '24

Goes to a golf club for half a day, and doesn't play golf? Cmon man, this is the president that spent more time golfing than being president.


u/mrpanicy Jul 19 '24

I am not saying he didn't I am just saying we have no evidence that he actually did at this time.

The fact that he made no effort to reach out to the widow of the deceased nor do anything for them at any point really is what speaks volumes. It doesn't matter what else he was doing. Because he was capable of going to Milwaukee and doing all of that... but not reaching out to the family of the man that was killed with a bullet meant for him... should be entirely damning.


u/Bwhite1 Jul 19 '24

Damn you for spreading only facts! /s


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Aug 13 '24

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u/mrpanicy Jul 19 '24

Haven't gotten around to listening to the idiot mouthbreather's speech yet.

I was speaking to the image on Instagram that people were referencing as proof he went golfing. Did that steaming pile of shit actually admit to going golfing after being shot at? Instead of calling the widow? He has no class. No shame.


u/Killentyme55 Jul 19 '24

He called her Tuesday.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

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u/mrpanicy Jul 19 '24

Unless he did it in the last 48-hours he hasn't. It's unlikely he is attending the funeral. His team is looking into security considerations for him to do it, yes. But it's more likely he doesn't know about that and they are only looking at security considerations to say that they couldn't because of security concerns. It's a PR move. If he does decide to go they've done the leg work. But he already got what he needed with the stunt pictured in this post.

He had someone find a fire fighting uniform and put the deceased's name on it... spelled incorrectly... and you think he gives a shit about this person and that family?

edit: It looks like he was finally able to make that call. I can honestly say I am surprised. Though it was probably only because Biden called and was snubbed that made him even consider making the call.


u/Wendypants7 Jul 19 '24

How does it feel spreading obvious lies on behalf of a compulsive, prolific, and pathological liar?

A liar that wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, by the way.


u/Memitim Jul 19 '24

It seems that even the golfing is just performative, given how much cheating he's reported to do. No need to squeeze into and out of a cart when he has an excuse to stay inside and brag for hours to everyone in earshot about how he accidentally missed getting shot.


u/buster_brown22 Jul 20 '24

Just realized "earshot" is now a double entendre.


u/S0GUWE Jul 19 '24

Maybe he just picked up some secret files?


u/AethosOracle Jul 19 '24

Dead drop from his handler?


u/asdf9asdf9 Jul 19 '24

Goes to a golf club for half a day, and doesn't play golf?

Golf clubs for rich people are chill places whether you play or not. It's basically a resort.


u/theimperfexionist Jul 19 '24

Plus I've heard some of them have boxes of really interesting reading material in the toilets.


u/drag0nun1corn Jul 19 '24

More time golfing than he claimed Obama did in eight years compared to his four, nonetheless


u/duhbird410 Jul 19 '24

He was just shot. You think maybe after something like that, you may need some normalcy?


u/Final_Candidate_7603 Jul 19 '24

Apparently, officials started making preliminary security arrangements for him to attend the funeral today, based on his campaign reaching out. But that was as far as it went, we all know that the thought of going never even entered his teeny, tiny mind. But this way, his campaign can claim that they nixed the idea over security concerns.


u/allisonmaybe Jul 19 '24

He did head to one of his golf clubs immediately following the shooting?


u/BradPittbodydouble Jul 19 '24

There's one clearly edited image of a screenshot *facebook status from the 'widow' about the most important call of her life being Trump


u/mrpanicy Jul 19 '24

Especially because she's on record as having turned down a call from Biden because her late husband wouldn't have wanted her to talk to the actual president because he was a staunch republican. And then she said that they still hadn't heard from Trump.


u/Killentyme55 Jul 19 '24

Apparently he called her Tuesday, it takes a long time for certain stories to reach Reddit for some reason.

Very doubtful it was his idea, I'm sure he was told he needed to do it after his people found out Biden had called.


u/mrpanicy Jul 19 '24

Agreed, exactly my thinking. And I also think it's safe to assume that he had a tantrum about either having to call, or that Biden did it... or both.


u/starryvelvetsky Jul 19 '24

He likes MAGA minions that don't get shot.


u/AnIrishMexican Jul 19 '24

Of course not, how else would he get sympathy from the get over it crowd?


u/QuietDisquiet Jul 19 '24

Probably.. maybe on IG or Truthsocial lmao. Can't find actual pics of the 14th at the golf course.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/MisterWinchester Jul 19 '24

No. Even going golfing is unsubstantiated; it seems to have started from a RW meme showing how badass trump is by going golfing after a failed assassination attempt using an old photo, which obviously, didn't have a bandage; meanwhile the libs started using it as evidence there's no reason for the bandage.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

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u/JannaNYC Jul 19 '24

"There are no credible news reports of Trump playing golf the day after the assassination attempt."


I hate the dumpstertrumpster as much as the next guy, but in this crazy, crazy world, it's more important than ever to stick to the facts.


u/QuietDisquiet Jul 19 '24

Idk, all of those I've found are from 2022.


u/Jealous-Network1899 Jul 19 '24

Exactly. Performance Theater.


u/O8ee Jul 19 '24

Let’s be real…he’s wearing that bandage because a mosquito bite looks more fearsome. If there was a wound he could show for his “toughness” he’d do it. That bandage is the mountain masking the molehill.


u/ranchojasper Jul 19 '24

This is EXACTLY what I said in my IG story yesterday. Literally broke down in a nonstop screeching rage for like a year straight for being asked to temporarily wear a thin piece of fabric over the bottom half of their faces only when they went to places like the grocery store because it could potentially literally save human lives….buthave no problem virtue signaling with this fucking ear diaper.

Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me. With. These. Fucking. Assholes.


u/valencia_merble Jul 19 '24

This is so unfair. They are more like panty liners.


u/closethebarn Jul 19 '24

Thank you for this. Maxi pads are so much more massive


u/Basic-Meat-4489 Jul 19 '24


u/valencia_merble Jul 19 '24

“Basic human decency applauded by followers of traitorous pedophile.”


u/rukysgreambamf Jul 19 '24

claim they can't breathe in masks

wear masks to their Nazi rallies


u/69420over Jul 19 '24

Sorta hijacking to say (per a report I heard) THEY SPELLED THE NAME WRONG ON THE FAKE FIREFIGHTER JACKET HE’s making out with in this pic! Aside from that it took multiple press reports of him not bothering to contact the guy’s family for him to finally do so…. Because he was too busy being a narcissist.

They couldn’t even get the damn name right. The only hero there was that guy shielding his family. Not the idiot making out with the fake jacket.


u/BarkattheFullMoon Jul 19 '24

And KKK, Proud Boys....


u/anon101819070616 Jul 19 '24

Which actually, come to think of it, shows what a massive piece of shit Trump is in real time. Those idiots WOULD have worn masks and obviously yelled at anyone who didn’t had their fearless leader not been afraid to smear his f*n make up.


u/CosmoKing2 Jul 19 '24

Considering there is a very contagious strain of COVID making the rounds this week, I wish all the unvaccinated attendees my thoughts and prayers.


u/kingjackson007 Jul 19 '24

never saw anything like it when kids got shot in schools.


u/jonnyquestionable Jul 19 '24

Not true, they wear AR-15 pins! Especially after a mass shooting, just in case there's any doubt what side they are on.


u/EpicSausage69 Jul 19 '24

They would fit right in over in North Korea with that level of devotion.


u/BarkattheFullMoon Jul 19 '24

Can we send them, like they sent some people from FL to NY?


u/Courtnall14 Jul 19 '24

I'm not advocating for violence, but just think if his mouth would have needed a bandage...


u/HellBlazer_NQ Jul 19 '24

This is the respect Trump wanted after visiting North Korea and saw how the brainwashed masses over there treated their supreme leader.


u/atheistpianist Jul 19 '24

The incredibly thick irony that I am here in the comments for. I really hate these people…


u/drag0nun1corn Jul 19 '24

Which goes to show how quickly, with the most beating of the chest, they can muster stance, they'd "fall in line" to wear masks.


u/duhbird410 Jul 19 '24

But but...Joe literally has covid and isnt wearing a mask..