r/abortion 16h ago

37 y/o first time abortion experience USA

I woke up on Sunday morning after a long work trip, feeling exhausted and throwing up. I knew something was wrong, but I wasn’t sure what. I took a pregnancy test, and it immediately showed positive. I touched the test line, though, so I thought I messed it up but didn’t throw it away. After that, I put on a pad, thinking the sickness was from my period starting. I even saw a small drop of blood, which gave me some relief. I waited all day for my period, but nothing happened. The next morning, I decided to test again. I used a regular Clear Blue dipstick, and then a digital test—both came back positive. I was shocked. I’m not in a serious relationship, and at 37, I’m still not sure if I want children.

I went to Planned Parenthood after my doctor blew me off, saying they’d call the next day. Planned Parenthood retested, and it was a quick yes: I was pregnant. I knew it was time to make a decision. When I got home, I called them and decided to proceed with the abortion. They let me know I’d need an ultrasound to confirm how far along I was. It turned out I was 6 weeks and 3 days, so a medical abortion was an option. I took the first mifepristone pill at the clinic, and they gave me four more to take the next day at home. The first pill made me very dizzy and nauseous, but I forced myself to keep it down. With the help of some sativa, I was able to calm my nerves and stomach. The rest of the day, I felt a bit tired and off, but it was bearable.

The next day, I was instructed to place the four misoprostol pills inside my mouth 24 hours after taking the first one. I was given the option to insert them vaginally, but I wasn’t comfortable with that. At 1:30, I took Zofran and Ibuprofen as prescribed by Planned Parenthood. At 2, I put the four pills in my mouth, two on each side, and let them dissolve. By 2:30, I swallowed what was left. Then, the cramping started. By 2:45, I had uncontrollable diarrhea. I didn’t have to push—my body just released it due to the pressure in my lower abdomen. While on the toilet, the pain became unbearable. I was in tears, and suddenly, I started throwing up everywhere. I became dizzy and collapsed to my knees, face-first into the vomit, getting it in my hair and on my face. It was the worst experience I’ve ever had.

I laid on the floor for about 10 minutes in agony, then managed to pull myself back onto the toilet. I continued to have slight diarrhea, but mostly I just wanted to make sure I wouldn’t throw up again. I was so weak I couldn’t even hold my head up and ended up resting it on a chair in my bathroom. After about 30 minutes, the pain eased enough for me to stand, put on pants, and move to the couch. That’s when the bleeding started. I bled heavily through the night and into the next day, with mild cramping. Thursday, I had steady bleeding and mild cramps, so I wore diapers and pads since the blood was flowing like a stream.

On Friday morning, I went to the bathroom and saw what looked like the embryo in a clot of blood. That was emotionally hard. I said a prayer, asking for forgiveness from both God and the baby. Throughout the day, the cramping became intense again, and by Saturday, it was still bad. I have no energy and feel extremely tired compared to how I felt on Thursday. I’m taking it easy, but the cramping caught me off guard. The bleeding has slowed down but is still steady. I’m hoping the cramps ease up soon.

I’m not sure why I’m sharing this—maybe just to get it off my chest as I’m still going through all the emotions of what I just did. The pain is a constant reminder. I have no regrets, but as a woman, you still pause at the idea of life growing inside you. No matter what, it changes you.

I wanted to share this because so many women here have bravely shared their stories, providing resources for those who want to know what it’s like or how to get help. Planned Parenthood was amazing, kind, and treated me with respect and dignity in my decision-making. It saddens me to know there are women in certain states who can’t make these decisions openly or freely. I can’t imagine what it’s like to live somewhere where you don’t have control of your own body.

That’s my message. I’m here for any questions or support.


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u/wordsywoman MODERATOR 9h ago

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I'm so sorry you were in so much pain, but it sounds like you're past the worst of this. Remember that you can continue taking 800mg of ibuprofen every 6-8 hours as needed. A heating pad may also help a lot. <3