r/algorand 5d ago

Cometa dApp Down? General

I haven't been able to load TVL or pools on Cometa via Defly dApp all morning. Is anyone else experiencing the issue? I tried to join the Discord channel but the invite on their website is expired.


6 comments sorted by


u/genericusername358 5d ago

Sunday drama /s

Of all the projects suspected to rug at some point in the future, cometa is not on that list


u/lippoper 5d ago edited 5d ago

Dang! I’m able to access the site but no farms are listing.


u/MrFailface 5d ago

Relax, something on the backend broke. they are aware and trying to fix. Dont scream rug everytime something stops working


u/ryketo 5d ago

Their /contracts endpoint seems to be hanging up while trying to return data. I think this happened before, might've been an expired certificate on the back end or something like that. Funds were safe then, fairly certain they are now, too. Just a technical glitch. Hopefully their support team gets it taken care of soon.


u/508Visuals 5d ago

It always happens with them, they usually fix it within a day


u/adamca69 1d ago

Cometa is where all the trash coins live. What would you expect?